Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage: Infinite Macabre
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition & nWoD - Mirrors: Infinite Macabre
Storytellers: Jerad Sayler, Korri Smith & Mathew Hagan
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition & nWoD - Mirrors: Infinite Macabre
Storytellers: Jerad Sayler, Korri Smith & Mathew Hagan
Mage: Infinite Macabre - Starships
Tilts, Hard Points & Enigma Devices
Spaceship Tilts:
The following are Tilts that can be inflicted on
spacecraft. Tilts are inflicted
obtaining Exceptional successes on offensive action, inflicting damage on
targeting parts of an enemy ship (and taking targeting penalties), failing or
dramatically failing crew actions and inflicting damage at or in excess of the
ship’s Chassis. The Tilts are grouped by severity. A good rule of thumb is that the first Tilt
inflicted on a Spacecraft in a given scene, the next Tilt inflicted is of
progressively worse. Feel free to craft
your own Tilts as they make sense for the situation. P.S. Many of these Tilts can be induced by
successful Cyber Attacks.
Category 1: Minor (Usually last a round and then recover without much response required)
- Mechanical Stress – the spacecraft takes a point of additional Superficial Damage
- Jostled – the crew is momentarily unable to shift positions or move about the ship (Immobilized Tilt). Usually this lasts a turn.
- Weakened Shields – any shield on the ship have been hit hard and their effective Ballistic Armor rating is reduced by 1. The shields recover in a round as long as they are not hit. This Tilt can be stacked.
- Knocked Off Course – the pilot has lost temporary control off the ship and must make a piloting check on their turn to regain control of the ship rather than other actions. Gunnery rolls take a -2 penalty.
- Tailspin – the ship is knocked into a violent spin, placing the Stunned Tilt on all crew for a round. Usually this Tilt is the result of an explosion or the pilot failing a Spin or High Speed Turn Maneuver.
- Module Overloaded – a Module has been hit or disrupted in some way and is unable to function for a round.
Category 2: Significant (Usually require an Instant action on the part of the Crew to bring back up)
- Shields Failing – the ship’s shields are going to fail for one round unless a point of Power is expended to recharge them
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Superficial Damage |
- Navicomputer Failure – the ship cannot go FTL or similar high-speed egress measures until an Instant Action roll is made to restore it (usually by the Damage Control team).
- Power Fluxuations – the ship cannot expend points of Power until an Instant Action roll is made to restore it (usually by the Damage Control team).
- Power Loss – The ship loses a point of Power due to a hit to its Engines or the employment of energy draining attacks.
- Module Disabled – A module has been knocked offline until an Instant Action roll is made to restore it (usually by the Damage Control team). In some cases a point of Power can bring it back online.
- Propulsion Damaged – Thrust and Maneuverability are reduced by 1, Defense is reduced by 2 until an Instant Action roll is made to restore it (usually by the Damage Control team
- Major System Failure – An Attribute (Engines, Propulsion, Sensors, or Systems) or derived Attribute is completely offline, affecting applicable rolls and even preventing certain crew actions from being taken. This lasts until an Instant Action roll is made to restore it (usually by the Damage Control team. Sometimes a point of Power can be expended to bring it back online.
Category 3: Major (Usually last a scene require manual repair in the form of extended actions to recover. After combat these become Conditions).
- Shields Overload – The ship’s shields completely and unexpectantly fail and remain down for the rest of the scene until 2 Power is expended to restore them fully.
- Low Power – The ship has expended all its reserves of energy (points of Power) and all non-vital systems are such off. These usually include all listed under the Default Advantages list: Inertial Dampening, Life Support, Repulsors, Communications, and Force Field. Additionally, the Sensor and System Attributes go into low-power mode and only operate if controlled manually. Modules can still be operated directly by Crew and Attributes can be sacrificed to bring a Default Advantage back online.
- Propulsion Failure – The ship’s engines are online but Propulsion has failed. The ship’s Thrust is reduced to 0 and the craft continues on its present course unless acted upon by an outside force. The ship can still pivot on its axes.
- Shields Down – Shields are completely disabled until repaired.
- Major System Disabled – Sensors, System, Engine or Propulsion are knocked offline, reducing certain advantages and preventing certain actions all together. Unlike other conditions of this type, damage control can bring the system back online with a turn-based extended action equal to the point value of the ship Attribute.
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Major System Disabled |
- Hull Breach – a hole has been punched through the ship, exposing the interior to vacuum. Crew closest to the breach must roll Strength + Athletics (beating the damage inflicted by whatever breached the hull) to avoid being sucked out if they aren’t strapped into a crew position. Exposure to the void or atmospheres of strange planets can inflict environmental tilts and commonly require the crew to hold their breath if they aren’t in a helmeted space suit. The ship’s onboard force field will repressurize breach after one round has passed, if it is still functioning. Alternatively action by the Damage Control team can quickly throw a patch on the hole and atmosphere is restored in the number of rounds equal to the ship’s Chassis. In capital ships these breaches are more localized but in smaller craft it’s common for the entire ship to instantly depressurize.
Category 4: Catastrophic (Last until the ship is repaired in a space dock. Slow manual repairs can be made to patch holes and limp the craft to a safe port of call)
- Major Hull Breach – The ship violently depressurizes for the number of rounds equal to its Chassis (unless it’s a capital ship then only large localized area is compromised. Once the breach is closed the atmosphere restores in the number of rounds equal to the ship’s Chassis. Crew closest to the breach must roll Strength + Athletics (beating the damage inflicted by whatever breached the hull) to avoid being sucked out if they aren’t strapped into a crew position. The damage inflicted on the ship can also be rolled to inflict flat Lethal damage on crew nearest the breach. Exposure to the void or atmospheres of strange planets can inflict environmental tilts and commonly require the crew to hold their breath if they aren’t in a helmeted space suit. If a Major Hull Breach occurs in a substantial atmosphere the ship also takes the Knocked off Course and Destabilized Tilt.
- Destabilized – The ship is in major distress and is vulnerable to attack. Inflicting Tilts only require 3 successes instead of the usual five. Effective Chassis is reduced by 2 for the purposes of overcoming that value to Inflict Tilts.
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Internal Explosion |
- Internal Explosion – Something inside the ship has exploded, inflicting further damage to the ship and usually doing much more damage to the crew. Refer to the explosives table and design something appropriate, the ship should take an additional point of Structural damage if this happens.
- Disabled – The ship has taken its Hull Integrity in Structural damage and is incapable of taking any Maneuvers.
Category 5: Fatal
- Breaking Up – The ship is blowing apart. In one round the ship with be Destroyed and anyone should abandoned ship.
- Destroyed – The ship completely breaks apart. There are no survivors. This may look like a anything from a car crash to an impressive ball of fire.
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Augmented Engines |
Common Ship Hard Points (Chassis 1-4):
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Cannons: Mass Drivers |
Platforms (Cannons & Turrets)
Directed Energy
Kinetics Weapons – don’t use capacitance
Particle Beams
Quantum Disruption
Warfare Arrays – heavily improved using cyber operations Protocols
Cyber Defense Module
Cyber Attack Module
Sensor Disruptors
Communication Jammers
Launchers – limited ammo, blast radius, recoup at docks. Some have availability requirements. Improved by Targeting Protocols.
Rockets – unguided
Missiles - guided
Torpedoes – anti-capital ship
Launchers – can be automated using Protocols
Space Probes
Point Defense Drones
Repair Drones
Attack Drone Swarms
ISR Drones
Construction Drones
Salvage/Harvester Drones
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Shield Generator |
Generators – provide ballistic armor, can provide special shielding with
special generators
Reinforcements – Add Armor, Hull Integrity and you can have special
additional protections
Chaff & Flares
Electronic Targeting Disruption
Countermeasures for specific weapon types
Grappling arms – and grappling rules
Cutting tools
Welding torch
Harvester tools
Tractor Beams
Arrays – improved simultaneous connections, coordination efforts, range and
Maneuvering Jets
Afterburners – burn extra Capacitance or Power
Directional Engine nozzles
Boosters – fall off when expended
Break Thrusters
Arrays – Improve telemetry, defeat stealth tech, special detections, expand
sensor ranges
Pods –
add to the Hull of the ship, adds mass to the ship
Escape Pods – vary but the number of people that
can fit in each and what the pod can do and what survival equipment is
included. Takes a full turn to get into
one and launch.
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Pods |
Ejection Modules – Same as Escape pods, jettisons
the bridge or cockpit
Cargo Pods
Passenger Pods
Shuttle airlocks
Utility Pods
Fuel Pods
Ammunition Pods
Medical Pods
– heavily interact with Protocols, allowing more Protocols in many cases
Codebreaker Mainframe
System Cores
Neural Networks – AIs and VIs
Stealth Packages
– Most give more capacitance or store Power points
Fuel Cells
Emergency integrity shields
Emergency Ship Attributes
Auxiliary Power Modules
Uninterrupted power supplies
Enigma Devices
Sympathy Relay (Space •••)
By attuning the device to a particular sympathetic thread,
it is possible to travel instantaneously to the target destination.
Shadowgate (Spirit •••)
When activated this device temporarily lowers the Gauntlet
surrounding the vessel, allowing it to cross in and out of the Shadow.
Twilight Cloak (Death •••)
This Death-attuned upgrade allows the ship to temporarily
become nigh-invulnerable and invisible by shifting it into the Twilight.
Starshield (Forces ••)
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Shadow Drive |
When active, the Starshield renders the Starship immune to
the extreme gravitational and electromagnetic forces of celestial bodies up to, but not including, black holes and supernovae.
Deflector Field (Forces •••)
Each activation of this device completely deflects one attack made on the ship.
Deflector Field (Forces •••)
Each activation of this device completely deflects one attack made on the ship.
Supernal Shields (Prime ••)
An active Supernal Shields adds to the ship’s Withstand
against any mystic effect.
Multi-dimensional Plating (Prime •••)
When active, Multi-dimensional Plating causes the ship to
become solid to all localized entities, spirit, ghost or otherwise.
Universal Cloaking (Mind •••)
The Universal Cloaking device allows the ship to appear to
be whatever make, model or design the pilot desires.
V.I. Cortex (Mind •••••)
The V.I. System grants the Starship a level of sentience and
Self-Repairing Systems (Matter •••)
When activated, this device restores some of the ship’s
Probability Matrix (Fate)
Each use of this device allows for the rote action on one
mundane piloting roll, or the rerolling of a failed roll.
Omega 13 (Time •••)
Activation of the Omega 13 allows the ship to travel
backwards in time a few moments.
Bio-integration (Life)
The ship is, quite simply, alive. In the manner of trees and
other plants, it can be healed and manipulated with the Life Arcana.
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