Friday, November 18, 2016

[Mage: The Awakening 2nd Ed] San Diego Political Structure

Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum

Concilium of the Cerulean Peace:
      Political Structure Overview
                                  Written and designed by Lucas Powell

 Hierach Avenzor
Hierarch: Avenzoar, Obrimos of the Silver Ladder

1. Dr. Hermes Grant (Chair of Asymptote)
2. Errol (Chair of the Justiciars)
3. Astra Berosus (Chair of the Fama Fraternitatas)
4. k47h4r05 (Chair of Edge)
5. Saul (Chair of the Scions of the Temple)
6. Sheila (Chair of Parabola)

Seneschal Starfall
Seneschal: Starfall                                                                                                                                                      
Provost: Barzai

Interfector: Unknown (generally assumed to be Morael)

Liegemen & Liegewomen:
1. Avenzoar of the Fama Fraternitatas
2. Astras Berosus of the Fama Fraternitatas
3. Chorus of the Fama Fraternitatas
4. Dio of the Fama Fraternitatas 
5. k47h4r05 of Edge 
Provost Barzao
6. Saul of the Scions of the Temple
7. Sheila of Parabola
8. Michael of Parabola
9. Abraham of Parabola
10. Barzai 
11. Dr. Hermes Grant
12. Aldus Garamond of the Incunabulum
13. Stavros 
14. Clara Breed of the Incunabulum

Recognized Mages: 
1. Christian Manso (Mysterium Moros Archivist)
2. Miccahuatzin (Silver Ladder Thyrsus Neo-Nahual Priest)
3. Velnias the Shepherd (Guardian of the Veil Mastigos)
4. The White Lady (Guardian of the Veil)
5. Barzai (Mastigos Mysterium)
6. Laevus (Acanthus Apostate)
7. Virgil (Obrimos Thrice-Great Silver Ladder)
8. Don Alfonso (Thrysus Hijo de la Santisima Muerte)
9. Gregory Ironhorse (Thrysus Neocologist Apostate)
10. The Bookman (Obrimos Free Council)
11. Dōmr Blæwaz (Acanthus Stormbringer)
12. Ritter (Obrimos Silver Ladder)

Recognized Cabals:
1. Asymptote
2. Justicars
3. Fama Fraternitatas
4. Edge
5. Scions of the Temple
6. Parabola

Unrecognized Cabals:
1. Incunabulum
2. The Faculty: Pentacle Academy
3. Venator Omnia
3. Northgate
4. Pomegranate
5. Boot

Recognized CabalsThere are more Cabals than are recognized in San Diego. Recognition is a big deal, a Cabal has to gain enough clout and power to warrant recognition. Simply having a Charter and a claim to territory in San Diego is not enough. Performing favors is not enough, the Cabal must differentiate itself in a way to warrant the Recognized Cabals to view them as indispensable to the survival of the Cerulean Peace.

A group of gamblers and rouges, as well as some new blood from the Pentacle Academy Faculty.  Asymptote defies the odds of fate and chance on a regular basis and uses Techne to study the nature of probability and chaos theory. They tend to hang around the Indian Casinos and study the fickle nature of fate and greed but are equally comfortable in a lab.

Dr. Hermes GrantMastigos Dreamspeaker, Free Council. The newest member of Asymptote, Dr. Grant is originally from the concilium of the Five Peaks (Denver) and moved this child psychiatry/physiology to San Diego.  He teaches Astral Realm courses at the Pentacle Academy at UCSD and treats mage and supernatural patients.

Tom Templeton - Acanthus, Fortune Dealer, Free Council.  Teaches at the Pentacle Academy.

Dr. Evelyn Winter – Moros, Free Council, Medical field focus, especially forensic examiner and teacher at the Pentacle Academy.

Dr. Jon Smith – Free Council, Mastigos, Threnodist, teaches theoretics and R&D, engineering, experimental physics, some computing, contacts to Edge, Pentacle Academy Professor.


Probably the most outwardly feared Cabal of the Cerulean Peace, the Justiciars are the face of the Guardians of the Veil. They have a cut throat and strict reputation one lacking in concepts of mercy and forgiveness, as a group. Individually people tend to view the individuals of the Cabal in disparate lights. While universally their leader, Morael is reviled as a monster representing the worst aspects of the Guardians, Errol their most public member is well liked for having a level head and an unparalleled level of foresight and wisdom that few others match.

The White Lady - Unknown ((Midnight's Key)) Guardian of the Veil.  Almost nothing is known about the White Lady, save that she is the leader of the Guardians of the Veil and she is almost never seen.

Morael - Moros Thread Cutter, Guardian of the Veil.  Almost universally reviled and hated is Morael, a self-appointed Angel of Death. When someone gets their hands dirty it’s him who carries out the orders.  Widely suspected to be the sole Interfector.  He appears as an older gray haired man with a cold look stare and a perpetual squint in his left eye.

Errol - Acanthus 11th Question, Guardian of the Veil.  Emissary for the Guardians.  Friendly, as far as Guardians go. When he investigates he is always genuinely interested in the Truth, no matter what it reveals. Where Morael ends conflicts, it is Errol who uncovers them. He has a swashbuckling flair to him.  Man in his mid-twenties, with dark hair and unkempt beard. One eye is brown, the other blue, and he bears a number of piercings on his face.

Mr. Mann - Mastigos Subtle One, Guardian of the Veil. An enigma, as there seem to be many Mr. Manns and no one can accurately describe him or her. If someone pesters a member of the Justiciars too much they tell them to go find Mr. Mann and pester him. To date no one has found Mr. Mann after that request. It is assumed that he is a consummate spy for the Justiciars.

Agent Simmons
Special Agent Jonathan Simmons - Mastigos Unknown (Fang of Mara), Guardian of the Veil.  Young and ambitious interrogator and investigator which sometimes fills the role of Interfector. Johnathan maintains his connections with the FBI and government agents to preserve the veil.  He doggedly pursues violators and rabidly hates Stavros but keeps his tongue at all times.  He is a shoot first, shoot second, and then interrogate the corpse kind of guy.  Lately he has been pulled into Cultor duties and security around the UCSD.

Fama Fraternitatas

The Fama Fraterinitatis is the most important Cabal within the Consilium and the most powerful, both politically and mystically. They ensure that the threats present in both LA and Tijuana never spill into San Diego and have preserved it from the “Broken Tower Curse”. They are universally respected as some of the most powerful Magi, not just in the United States but the entirety of the world.

Avenzoar - Obrimos Steward of the Celestial Orrery, Silver Ladder. A paragon of Mage society Avenzoar stands above everyone in his Wisdom and power, one of the most powerful Mages on the world, and it is believed by some that he is the chosen mouth piece of the Oracle Aeon and as such a rumored Archmaster. His temperance and even handedness are somewhat legendary. He is old, in his early seventies by outward appearance, but he has a youthful and forceful personality.
Astras Berosus, Councilor 

Astras Berosus - Obrimos Thrice-Great, Silver Ladder. Astras is always found in Avenzoar' company. A younger woman, no more than thirty with brilliant red hair and a fair complexion she has as great a command of the occult mysteries in theory. Avenzoar seems to be grooming her as his replacement. Since the battle of the El Cortez it has also come out that Astras was Stavros’ apprentice.

Chorus - Obrimos Tamer of Fire, Silver Ladder. Ever vigilant is Chorus, Lictor of the Silver Ladder. He is not known for his subtle magic and has frequently crossed the Guardians; has fought several Duel Arcanes against Morael and always emerged victorious. He is the guardian of the Fama and dutiful soldier.
Chorus, Lictor

Starfall - Obrimos Perfected Adept, Adamantine Arrow. Starfall is quiet and normally keeps to herself. Although she is billed as the Fama’s muscle, she’s  never be seen actively engaging in combat.

Dio - Acanthus, Silver Ladder.  Dio is somewhat out of place among the Fama, being the only non-Obrimos in the group.  He however, serves a function that the others seem consciously blind to, the conscience and a check against Hubris.  It also doesn’t hurt that he is a renowned Factotum.


k47h4r05, Councilor

Their acceptance as members of the Council was a surprise to most. This Cabal is the youngest in the Consilium, and their acceptance ruffled more than a few feathers in more well established Cabals that still have yet to be recognized by Avenzoar and the Consilium. It is primarily made up of Free Councilors who focus on the bleeding edge of technological innovation and the elevation of human innovation as true magic. Most wouldn’t recognize this from the outside by Edge is also a Wisdom Cabal. They seek moral enlightenment by engaging with technology and fostering philanthropy and altruism.

k47h4r05 - Acanthus, Free Council. Councilor of the Edge is a surprise when most meet him. He wears a business suit and seems to have an eye for money. Very little else is known about him.


gn0stik0s - Mastigos, Free Council. A Net Neutrality activist and a major supporter of the Pirate Party, gn0stik0s is somewhat infamous among the hacker community, and she’s a wanted criminal.

10g05 - Obrimos Transhuman Engineer, Free Council. Much like gn0stik0s, l0g05 is also somewhat famous in the right circles performing feats of security that seem to baffle the mind. He is highly active at WikiLeaks and WikiPedia.

C3RNNVN05 - Thrysus, Free Council. A modern primitive C3RNNVN05 seeks to blend ancient shamanic understandings with modern sensibilities and especially with the digital age. He has a very strong relationship with the Heirs of Silicon, the spirit court of technology and innovation.

Scions of the Temple


Untrustworthy, despicable – the sobriquet of this Cabal. The Scions of the Temple are Goetic Mages one and all, they are lorded over by two powerful Mastigos and beneath them are their students and then a large cult of Sleeper and Sleeperwalker initiates. They tend to be insular and more focused on their own studies, but when their studies take a turn for the worst, they are the first to punish their own claiming supremacy of their Cabal over the laws of the Consilium.

Saul - Mastigos Clavicularius, Silver Ladder. Saul represents the Cabal on the Council. He is aloof and condescending. He is a man with silver lining his temples but is incredibly self-possessed and doesn't exude an aura of approachability. In fact, he deigns to talk to few Awakened. He is acts as a personal councilor to Stavros, doing his best to keep the aging Magister intact.

Judas - Mastigos Bene Ashmedai, Silver Ladder. Saul's counterpart handles the day to day affairs of their cults and secret organizations. Saul and Judas do not get along. The rare times they appear in public together they always seem to be engaging in petty bickering and boastful condensing. It boggles the mind that the two can even tolerate being in the same cabal together.

Brutus - Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. The enforcer of the Scions of the Temple. He tends to eschew the more mystical practices of the Cabal and focuses on the more martial applications of Goetic Theurgy.

Averroes - Mastigos, Mysterium. Shamanic approach to Goetic Theurgy. Friends with Dr. Hermes Grant.

Faust - Mastigos, Free Council.  Recent graduate of the Pentacle Academy.


Sheila, Councilor

Parabola is a somewhat famous Cabal of their Ruin Raiding behaviors in reclaiming Atlantean and other ancient artifacts of interests to Mages. With the end of Baby Mage Night at Twiggs they have focused more on becoming a Fostering Cabal.

Sheila - Acanthus, Mysterium. Fandom: Doctor Who. Sheila has bright red hair and a flair for wearing Police Box blue in her clothing. She is happy and outgoing and really pleasant to be around. She is the Councilor for Parabola.

Abraham - Thyrsus, Adamantine Arrow. Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Abraham is a nerdy black guy and a bit on the chubby side. He smiles rarely but is pleasant enough.

Michael - Obrimos, Mysterium. Fandom: Star Wars. Michael was once the Councilor for Parabola, until the Battle of the El Cortez. He has since faded into the background of the Cabal’s affairs. He is a large man, with a personality to match.

Midas, Owner of epic mustache
Midas - Moros, Silver Ladder. Fandom: Quentin Taratino Films. Midas bankrolls Parabola. He is pretty much all business.  

Slice - Mastigos Reality Stalker Mysterium. Fandom: WoW.   Slice is a hacker supreme. And thankfully to his proficiency with Mind and Space he never has to stop playing his favorite video games. He typically smells of popcorn and funyuns. Is fun to be around and killer at miniature golf if he can be pried away from his computer.

Fulgore - Obrimos, Mysterium, Fandom: X-Files  The newest member of Parabola, Fulgore was a young mage who's Cabal used to consist of the legendary Donato, Agent Simmons, and Nox, responsible for taking out the World Enders at the Battle of the El Cortez.  He teaches Thaumatology courses at the Pentacle Academy at UCSD.

Unrecognized Cabals

Booklovers and pedagogues all. They maintain the New Central Library and have chartered their own Public School that utilizes the 7th and 8th floors of the building.
Clara Breed

Clara Breed - Acanthus, Free Council

Aldus Garamond - Moros, Mysterium. Paleographer

The Bookman - Obrimos, Free Council

Gregory Ironhorse - Thyrsus Apostate

Dōmr Blæwaz - Acanthus Stormbringer Apostate.  Necromancer, paleographer. Nordic magic.

Tutor – Mastigos - Psychonaut, Mysterium.  After her graduation in 2017 from the Pentacle Academy, Tutor keeps close ties to school and continues to teach and tutor students as part-time faculty. She is joined Incunabulum (unrecognized) to learn and teach with the chief Bibliophiles of the concilium.

The Faculty: Pentacle Academy
consists of the professors of the UCSD Pentacle Academy

Professor Fineas Tidwell – Fineas is an Obrimos in the Silver Ladder and he is part of the Celestial Masters Legacy.  He teaches metaphysics, quantum mechanics, forces, kinetics and plutonic theory and also teaches astronomy, astrophysics, physics and other topics as a normal professor at UCSD.

Dr. Anton Adamantine Arrow, Thyrsus, Orphans of Proteus, School Nurse and healer, MD, teaches at the Pentacle Academy and also serves as the chief healer for the local Adamantine Arrow.

Henry “Hank” Johnson – Obrimos, Originally from Los Angeles, Hank is one of the only mages to survive the fall of LA.  He has a TV show called Nomad, world traveler, Archeologist for the Mysterium.

Aerous – Mysterium, Combat Archeology Instructor, Working on his Doctorate in Archeology. Aerios - Looks a bit like Dresden, including the duster.  Young and idealistic, former aquitioner and dungeon delver looking to train the next generation.  Uses a staff and charms, Obrimos with lots of Arcana.  Jack of all trades, master of none.  

Agent Orange - Guardian of the Veil, Moros, uses lots of Death, Life and Matter.  Handles security for the Pentacle Academy.

Overwatch - Guardian of the Veil, Acanthus sniper.  Handles security for the Pentacle Academy

Caissa - Thyrsus, Shaman, Child of Proteus.  Handles the spiritual landscape of the Academy and the UCSD.

Venator Omnia

A recent cluster of graduates from the USCD Pentacle Academy, the Venator Omnia are a very new Cabal in San Diego (starting in 2016).  This group of strangers grew close over their time at a school which preaches unity among the five Orders brought them together.  Universal seekers of knowledge and wisdom, they are young group of mages who are attempting to establish themselves in San Diego.  Patron deity Hermes.

37 - Obrimos, Neophyte of the Guardians of the Veil

Bryon Bai-Pan Yu - Thyrsus, Neokoros of the Mysterium,

Kell - Acanthus, Free Council, Dreamspeaker Legacy

Mac - Obrimos, Talon of the Adamantine Arrow, Perfected Adept Legacy

Swansong - Mastigos, Famulus of the Guardians of the Veil, Reality Stalkers Legacy

Artificer – Mastigos, Mysterium.

Mages bound by a common Mexican Ancestry, mostly Americanized and second or later generation. A majority of them are Free Council, they do have a Silver Ladder Member.

Slavic Necromancers. Mostly Mysterium.

Papa Crossroads - Moros Voodoo Hougan who combines darkness and spirits.  Urban Shaman with mastery over both Spirit and Death.

Bishop – Moros, Necromancer, Mysterium, Bokor.  After his graduation in 2017 from the Pentacle Academy, Bishop joined Pomegranate to continue his studies into Necromancy and the search for his missing father.

The Browncoats
The Browncoats are a student Cabal previously known as The TriForce Cabal when they graduated from the Pentacle Academy in 2017 that began to seek recognition in the San Diego.  While their Sanctum exists in Los Angeles, they are considered part of the San Diego Concilium.  Built around the ideas born from the Legend of Zelda video game series, it focuses on the core principles of Wisdom, Power and Courage.  They tend to gravitate to solving problems and trying to be a good person in a Fallen World, a losing side perhaps... but the right side.

Chimera - Mastigos - Pshychonaut, Fang of Mara (OOC), Guardian of the Veil,  Aspect of Courage

Jack Bismuth - Obrimos, Mysterium, Y Ddraig Aruthrol (The Dragon Tremendos), Aspect of Power

Reaper - Obrimos - Theurgist, Free Council, Transhuman Engineer, Aspect of Wisdom

Ritter - Obrimos - Theurgist, Silver Ladder, Sage of Light

White supremacist Mages laying claim to Fallbrook. Took the name of the Confederate Cabal. Caligula “Let them hate as long as they fear.” Motto of White Aryan Resistance. Very active in the Banisher War, very angry about Edge’s recognition. Feel slighted.

Boot is the legacy of the Copperhead Cabal who established a White Aryan Resistance front in Fallbrook, even though they lost control of it. During the 1980s when Tom Metzger was the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan a lot of young disenfranchised white men flocked to Fallbrook to join WAR. Some of those were mages and it didn’t take too long for Fallbrook, and later Santee, to earn reputations as a haven for White Supremacists. That reputation drew Awakened who also help the same political beliefs. Nearby Consiliums along the West Coast when confronted with a Skinhead Awakening tend to now just ship them to San Diego.

Most of Boot are either Adamantine Arrow or Silver Ladder, although they don’t really interface with the majority of their Orders. They tend not to play well with others.

Stavros tended to use them as shock troops against Seers and Banishers. Boot calls Avenzoar “Hierarch Faggot."

The Lamb – Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow.  While the Lamb wanted to join Scions of the Temple after his graduation from the Pentacle Academy 2017 but they have no interest in him right now.  He joined Boot to fight enemies of the Lie and prove himself to the Scions at a later time, a Cabal much more up his alley.

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