Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
Charter of the Consilium of the
Cerulean Peace
Written and designed by Lucas Powell

We the full body
of the Pentacle form in accordance with the will of the Oracles to battle
Quiescence and the corruption of Enlightenment brought about by the
mechanization of those calling themselves the Seers of the Throne, all servants
of the Exarchs, the Abyss and all who utilize the power of the Abyss and walk
the Left-Handed Paths. We stand as a full united body to bring about the
Imperium Mysterorium and bring all of mankind into their rightful inheritance
as an Awakened People.
We of the
Consilium of the Cerulean Peace form this Ruling Council and this enumerated
body of law to preserve ourselves and maintain ourselves free from the Tyranny
of the Seers and the Madness of the Abyss, in order to form a more perfect
system of adjudication in matters both public and private. In the interest of a just and wise society do
we form this Consilium.
Oath of the Consilium of the
Cerulean Peace
“I, known as
[S.N.] among the Awakened, solemnly pledge my service to the greater good of
the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace, to honor and defend the Consilium in its
times of need, to honor the leadership of the Ruling Council and the Hierarch,
to abide by the decisions of the Ruling Council and the Hierarch, and to oppose
those in Leadership should they seek to rule or act against the precepts of
Wisdom, to battle Quiescence and the Lie in my fields of expertise, to actively
work against the mechanization of Seers of the Throne and the brutality of the
Scelesti and to seek to bring about the Awakened Nation.”
The Ruling Council:
There shall be a
seat upon the Ruling Council for each Councilor from a Recognized Cabal and the
Hierarch. The seats shall be held by members of the Pentacle.
- The Hierarch shall assume the position through the acquiescence of all members of the Ruling Council and shall only be removed from office by the rite of the Duel Arcane or by a decision of retirement.
- The Hierarch shall consult the Ruling Council in all matters relating to the interpretation or adjudication of the Charter of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
- The Hierarch shall be responsible for setting the dates of meetings for the Ruling Council at appropriate Celestial junctions.
- The Hierarch shall lead all meetings of the Ruling Council.
- Each Founding Cabal shall, in its own manner, appoint or elect a Councilor to the Ruling Council. The Councilor shall serve at the whim of their respective Cabal.
- In session, each Councilor of a Founding Cabal shall each be allotted equal respect.
- Each recognized Cabal shall, in its own manner appoint or elect a Councilor to the Ruling Council. The Councilor shall serve at the whim of their respective Cabal.
- In session, each Council of a Recognized Cabal shall be allotted equal respect but lesser respect than a Councilor of a Founding Cabal.
Ancillary Positions:
- The Provost shall act as the voice the Ruling Council and shall act as ambassador to any other Consilium to which the Ruling Council wishes to send a representative.
- It shall be the duty of the Provost to tend to the needs of any newly Awakened or recognized visitor.
- The Seneschal shall be empowered to fulfill the directives and wishes of the Ruling Council. They shall enforce the edicts of the Ruling Council.
- Should a dispute arise between warring parties, the Seneschal shall seek to resolve that dispute before Nemesis is declared.
- The Seneschal shall be empowered to summon or acquire any evidence needed by the Tribunal when sitting in judgment for breaches of the Lex Magica.
- The Interfector shall be any member of the Guardians of the Veil who wishes to utilize the powers of this position while displaying the appropriate symbol of office.
- The Interfector shall investigate any breach of the Lex Magica by any Awakened not recognized by the Consilium.
- Liegemen shall be any who have proven themselves to have served the better interests of the Consilium over a length of time to the satisfaction of the Ruling Council.
- Liegemen shall serve upon the Tribunal when selected to do so.
- Liegemen shall assist the Seneschal or Provost as directed by either members of the Ruling Council or by the Seneschal or Provost if such assistance is within their fields of expertise.
Directed Protocols
Protocols of Reciprocation:
As it should be,
all those who grant support to aid the whole of the Body of the Consilium of
the Cerulean Peace shall in due turn expect to receive such a similar support
from the whole of the Body of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
As it should be,
all that have a duty or action performed on their behalf by any officer of the
Consilium of the Cerulean Peace, whether invited or uninvited but duly required
shall be indebted to an equal or lesser favor as determined by the Ruling
Council to be put to use for the greater Body of the Consilium of the Cerulean
As it should be,
all that have a duty or action performed on their behalf by any who are
Recognized by the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace, whether invited or uninvited
but duly required shall be indebted to an equal or lesser favor to be used at
the discretion of the debtor.
Protocols of Solidarity:
As it should be,
all those who petition the Ruling Council in need of the services of the whole
of the Body of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace, who have been duly
recognized by the Lex Magica or the Ruling Council, shall acquire the necessary
support as decided by the Ruling Council.
As it should be,
those who stand beyond the whole of the Body of the Consilium of the Cerulean
Peace, and is not duly recognized by the Lex Magica of the Consilium of the
Cerulean Peace, shall not be entitled to the support of the whole of the Body
of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace, and shall not be able to seek redress
for grievances against any Recognized member of the Consilium of the Cerulean
Great Rights
As it should be,
the Great Rights shall be held and enforced on any land held by the Consilium
of the Cerulean Peace which is not recognized to be a part of the holdings of
any recognized Cabal or individual.
Right of Crossing:
- Let no borders stop an Awakened with a clear heart.
- The Crossing Awakened shall not utilize any magic or power to violate the Lex Magica of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace, nor shall they utilize any magical Praxes that possesses the possibility to reveal the Mysteries to any sleepers.
- The Crossing Awakened shall not linger more than a single day without proper notification to the Ruling Council or its chosen representative.
- All weapons shall remained sheathed and hidden for the duration of the crossing.
- The interstate highways shall be considered safe passage through Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
Right of Emeritus:
- Those who are recognized as members in Good Standing of the Pentacle or the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace that have earned respect shall be treated with due respect.
- Respect shall be given through word and deed and shall be judged through a direct and substantial benefit to the whole of the Body of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
- Respect shall be paid in deference to the words of the Respected member of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace,
- Should a Respected Member require something done, it is expected that those of lesser standing be given to offer assistance.
Right of Hospitality:
- Those who request hospitality shall be granted it.
- The hospitality granted by the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace shall not exceed three phases of the Moon.
- Hospitality shall only be granted to those who are spiritually undamaged.
- Hospitality shall only be granted to those who are of sound mind.
Right of Nemesis:
- When vengeance is declared, let none stand in its way.
- Vengeance must be declared publicly with a minimum of one member of the Ruling Council witnessing such a declaration.
- Any Recognized Awakened may invoke the Duel Arcane against any other Awakened and may set the terms of loss or victory with the confirmation of those terms by the Seneschal who shall ensure the terms or equitable given the circumstances individual to such a declaration.
- The Recognized Awakened thusly challenged may set the terms of the Duel with the confirmation of the terms by the Seneschal.
- The Duel shall take place after the moon has shifted three phases.
- The challenged Awakened may concede during this time.
- No Awakened shall interfere with a Declared Feud unless should a feud become a direct threat to their person, their Demesnes, or any recognized Sleeper under their care.
Right of Sanctuary:
- Protect your home and let no action cause it harm.
- The violation of any resource utilized to directly support the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace or its recognized holdings shall constitute a breach of the Right of Sanctuary.
Right of Intervention:
The Ruling Council and any of its representatives shall have the right to intervene in any circumstance relating to:- The relationships between members of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace that interfere with the Duties of those Recognized by the Consilium
- The Protectorate of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace
- Violations of the Protocols of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace
- Exercises against the Addenda of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace
- Interruptions or failures to act according to the Interdictions of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace,
- Infractions of the Precepts of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace
The Ruling Council or any of its representatives shall have the right to intervene in any circumstance in which there be suspicion of Diabolism or Soul Trafficking.
Right of the Hierarch:
Right of the Ruling Council:
Right of the Interfector:
Right of the Seneschal:
Right of the Provost:
Right of the Liegeman:
Right of Justice:
Right of Petition:
Lesser Analogues
All Recognized Cabals and Mages shall contribute to the
creation and maintenance of Balboa Park when called upon by the Ruling Council
not to exceed the means an individual Mage or Cabal. (1914)
Right of the Hierarch:
- The Hierarch shall appoint a Seneschal.
- The Hierarch shall have the right to involve the Ruling Council in any affair which threatens to destabilize the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
- The Hierarch shall have the right to claim emergency powers to effectively prevent an incursion from clear and present enemies of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
Right of the Ruling Council:
- The Ruling Council shall appoint a Provost.
- The Ruling Council shall have the authority to recognize any Awakened or Cabal seeking permanent or temporary residence in the territories of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
- The Ruling Council shall by unanimous selection choose to elevate a recognized Awaken to the status of Liegeman.
- The Ruling Council shall amend the Charter of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace with a unanimous decision.
- The Ruling Council shall amend the Interdictions, Addenda, or any of the Lesser Analogues at the discretion of the Hierarch.
Right of the Interfector:
- The Interfector shall have the right to investigate any claimed or actual Breach of the Lex Magica.
- The Interfector shall not be empowered to mete out any punishment for such breaches unless such an individual is not recognized by the Consilium.
- The Interfector shall have the right to mete out any fitting punishment for those who are conclusively and undoubtedly Timori, Scelesti, Reaper, or any other who actively spread the power of the Abyss.
- The Interfector may breach sanctums and territories that are not recognized by the Ruling Council.
Right of the Seneschal:
- The Seneschal shall have the right to investigate any claimed or actual breach of the Lex Magic.
- The Seneschal shall carry out the punishments proscribed by a Tribunal should they be within their personal capability.
- The Seneschal shall have the power to breach the recognized Sanctums and Territories that are recognized by the Ruling Council in pursuit of their duties.
- The Seneschal shall have the power to investigate any Breach of the Lex Magica up to three steps away from the center or cause.
Right of the Provost:
- The Provost has the exclusive Right to speak on behalf of the Ruling Council and the Hierarch.
- The Provost may act in accordance with the Ruling Council and Hierarch to create agreements with neighboring concilii or any other body recognized by the Lex Magica.
Right of the Liegeman:
- The Liegeman shall be given recognition of Emeritus over those who are recognized by the Ruling Council.
- The Liegeman shall have the right to access the resources of the Consilium over those who are recognized.
Right of Justice:
All manners of
decisions in regards to potential violations of the Lex Magica shall be
overseen by a Tribunal. The decision of the Tribunal shall be final in all
decisions regarding the violations of the Lex Magica and any appropriate
punishments as decided by the Tribunal.
All Recognized
by the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace who are aware of the Mysteries shall
have the right to be tried before a Tribunal for any claimed or actual breach
of the Lex Magica.
The Tribunal
shall not sit to try any Recognized by the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace in
regards to breaches of the Charter of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
The Tribunal
shall consider all possible evidence up to three degrees from the center.
The Tribunal
shall consider the written testimony of all member of the Ruling Council and
any and all witnesses.
The Tribunal
shall not hear testimony.
Should a
judgment of Spiritual Scourging or Spiritual Oblivion be sought the Hierarch
must resign their post, and the other two members of the Tribunal may never sit
on another Tribunal and shall be barred from claiming the position of Hierarch.
The decisions of
the Tribunal shall be logged within the Lex Magica of the Consilium of the
Cerulean Peace.
The Tribunal
shall always consist of the Hierarch, the Councilor of the Silver Ladder or the
duly appointed representative of the Silver Ladder, and any Liegeman of the
Consilium chosen by lot, who shall not be the accused.
Each Councilor
shall offer to the Tribunal a written statement of opinion regarding the breach
of the Lex Magica.
The Tribunal
shall not refuse the written opinion of any Liegeman who wishes to submit an
opinion to the Tribunal.
All other
methods and rules regarding the nature of the proceedings shall be at the sole
discretion of each Tribunal.
Only a unanimous
vote of the Ruling Council shall overturn the decision of the Tribunal and such
a vote may only be called when it is the determination of the Tribunal that
justice be meted through the usage of Spiritual Scourging or Spiritual
The Lex Magica
recognizes the Tetragrammaton as the standard by which all judgments shall be
handed down upon parties guilty of crimes against the Pentacle, the Imperium
Mysterorium, or anybody or individual recognized by the Charter of the
Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
- Minor Reprimand: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt.
- Major Reprimand: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and may limit any recognized member of the Tribunal from assisting the Guilty Party for a set period of time.
- Payment of Debt: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and may force upon the Guilty Party a favor to be owed to any party the Tribunal deems appropriate.
- Minor Penance: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and may force the Guilty party to perform a service for the Body of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
- Major Penance: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and the Guilty Party must perform a risky or dangerous act for the benefit of the Body of the Five Peaks Consilium.
- Severe Reprimand: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and forbids any recognized Awakened from assisting the Guilty Party.
- Incarceration: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and confines the Guilty Party for a proscribed period of time.
- Banishment: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and the Guilty Party may never return to the territories constituting the protectorate of the Five Peaks Consilium.
- Spiritual Scourging: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and the Guilty Party is incarcerated however their soul is severed from them and kept secret and safe until their incarceration has been completed.
- Spiritual Oblivion: The Tribunal makes an official declaration of Guilt and then destroys the Guilty Party's soul.
Right of Petition:
All recognized
by the Lex Magica of the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace shall be able to
petition the Ruling Council for the redress of any grievance.
Lesser Analogues

REPEALED 1992 Should
any Cabal have a member of a Mongoloid race they shall forfeit their
Recognition under the Cerulean Peace. (1914)
Mongoloid shall sit on the Ruling Council. (1914)
person of Mongoloid heritage shall forfeit all Artifacts, Imbued Items, and
Hallows to the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace. (1938)
mixed race persons, Mexicans, Mongoloids, and Negroes, are no longer Recognized
under the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace and all Artifacts, Imbued Items, and
Hallows shall immediately be forfeited to the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace.
All Mage’s shall tip no less than 10% at the Stingaree.
No Mage shall conduct business with prostitutes bearing a
Butterfly Pendant. (1943)
Mage’s are hereby forbidden from consuming the flesh of
humans. (1943)
two Awakened engaging in sexual congress outside of the bonds of marriage or
with a member of the same sex shall be stripped of their Recognition and
banished from the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace. (1945)
The Ruling Council alone has authority to the use of the
Hallow atop the Tower of Man. (1914)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace repeals the Interdiction
stating: Should any Cabal have a member of a Mongoloid race they shall forfeit
their Recognition under the Cerulean Peace. (1992)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace repeals the Interdiction
stating: No Mongoloid shall sit on the Ruling Council. (1992)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace repeals the Interdiction
stating: Any person of Mongoloid heritage shall forfeit all Artifacts, Imbued
Items, and Hallows to the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace. (1992)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace repeals the Interdiction
stating: All mixed race persons, Mexicans, Mongoloids, and Negroes, are no
longer Recognized under the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace and all Artifacts,
Imbued Items, and Hallows shall immediately be forfeited to the Consilium of
the Cerulean Peace. (1992)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace shall not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, religion, age or national origin in any of its
activities or operations. (1992)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace shall not discriminate
on the basis of gender, gender expression, sex, or marital status in any of its
activities or operations (2013)
The Consilium of the Cerulean Peace repeals the Interdiction
stating: Any two mages engaging in sexual congress outside of the bonds of
marriage or with a member of the same sex shall be stripped of their
Recognition and banished from the Consilium of the Cerulean Peace. (2013)
No Duel Arcane
may be fought to the Death without permission from the Ruling Council. (1938)
Status in the San Diego Concilium
O – Unrecognized Mage (Took the Oath)
o 3 or 4 favors
o Get very little help.
o Expected to complete a task if tasked by a Respected member
OO – Recognized Mage (Citizen)
o Required to be a Councilor for a Cabal
OOO – Liegeperson
o Respected in the city, if they ask for something you have to help them
o Has access to concilium resources
OOOO+ - Political Positions
Status in the San Diego Concilium
O – Unrecognized Mage (Took the Oath)
o 3 or 4 favors
o Get very little help.
o Expected to complete a task if tasked by a Respected member
OO – Recognized Mage (Citizen)
o Required to be a Councilor for a Cabal
OOO – Liegeperson
o Respected in the city, if they ask for something you have to help them
o Has access to concilium resources
OOOO+ - Political Positions
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