Saturday, November 5, 2016

[Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen] Legacy: Truthbringers

Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum

           Lost Legacy: Truthbringers

The following is a older custom Legacy for the Character Light played by David Ledbetter.  The Attainments have not been converted to Mage 2.0 yet.

Version: ST Approved, last revision 27-Apr-14
Author: David Ledbetter – Player of the character Light and lead Legacy designer for this product, who’s tenacity made this concept the best fleshed out Custom Legacy in the venue.
Co-Author: Jerad Sayler – Storyteller of Mage II: The Dethroned Queen and player of the character Casstiel, who may have gained grey hairs going through version control and endless questions.
Collaborator: Mathew Hagen – Assistant Storyteller and player of the character Seraph, who spent countless hours polishing mechanics and concepts.
Collaborator: Korri Smith – Assistant Storyteller and player of the character Witness, who kept us from breaking the venue and solidified Attainments and concepts.

“I see you...  I judge you and mark you Nefrandi.  I name thee Accursed, Scelestus!"

"I draw on my own inner fire, the spark that makes me a human and a mage. I set it ablaze with my soul. And I channel it into the things face. Celestial Fire.  It screams. I wreath my body in it, forcing more and more of my will into the fire which burns inside of me and everything around it.  Pure, blue white fuel less Aethereal fire. It burns white around me and into the tar creature made from insane math and hate. Where before the entity was sticking to me it is now trying to escape. I hold fast and pour on more heat. I push all my will into it and the shadow me burns as I push as much Mana as I can into it. This Labyrinth is within and without me, it is the seat of my magic, my center, and my will.  The creature does not grow stronger off any residual paradox here, for I draw on what is me and burn it away from me.  I feel my tower, I feel the scourging fires of supernal purity running through and around me, drawing down the Iron Gauntlet.  I scour myself pure, lighting all the dark corners of me and banishing all the shadows there. It withers and I feel the mind that was it, me, and my bizarre mentor die.  My vision falls back and looks at the high vibrating ceiling. I black out in the fire, gazing at the lights from above and smiling.  Black tar dissolves in the fire I lie in. I feel all my inner lies die. I feel the Abyss gone from me." -Light 2006 A.D.

It is clear to the Diamond Orders that there is absolute Supernal truth and there is the Lie. Between the two is the gap of the Abyss, eagerly sucking away at both sides, oozing into the cracks of reality. Previously, Awakened and humanity had little in way of fighting back Abyssal incursions directly, the anti-beings define themselves as loosely in the sheen of the Lie as they can manage to define their forms... until an accident. A newly Awakened mind was infected by abyssal thoughts. His shadowname was Light for he saw the purity of the Supernal clearly upon his awakening through the scourging fires of Pandemonium.

Lights, awakening had been particularly unique (if there is such a thing as a ‘normal’ Awakening).  During his journey through Pandemonium he reached the tower and saw his version of God.  He also recounted the memories of many past lives as an angel, a sub-soul, a being from the Time Before, and an agent of the truth through the cycles of reincarnation.  Souls were meant to be perfected and made more divine through this cycle and his strong beliefs flavored what followed with dire context after his infection.  (Purchasing the Ancient Echoes Merit is strongly justified for any member of the Legacy). 

The Abyssal thought form incursion that plagued him still exists in the world and is called The Nemesis Continuum (See more in Intruders: Encounters with the Abyss mage rulebook).  It is an Abyssal meme that forces those who read it to spread the false proofs which slowly erode and negate reality while defiling and debasing its victim’s mind and soul.  Eventually the separation between the Lie and Abyss becomes thin in an area spent sharing, studying, or creating the meme and other stronger Manifestations follow.  Victims continue to go mad and suicide as they leak information they cannot contain.

Light, the Warlock, did contain it.  He contained the infectious compelling just long enough to find a Goetic master of the Adamantine Arrow named Daedalus.  Daedalus helped Light manifest the infection into a separate being, a Tulpa of sorts. Armed with his new mentor’s assistance, Light fought his dark twin in a location prepared to augment physical reality with a Temenic pocket realm.  This overlap of the real and the dreaming helped better separate the Abyssally tainted knowledge from the rest of his mind and giving it a form to be battled.  Light used Celestial fire to destroy the Geotic reflection and in so doing he burned the Abyss out of himself, becoming one of the first and few to survive exposure to the Continuum.

Without fully realizing it, the struggle to destroy the Abyss’s hold on his mind he also modified his soul.  The soul has many anchors to a living person and one of those anchors is the mind, the part that carries on after death with the quintessential life experience.  When he burned the Nemesis data out of his head he also rarefied some part of his soul forever.  Aided by Daedalus’s training in the magical forges he tended, Light finished his transformation and became the first of the Truthbringers.

The Truthbringer Legacy is the Supernal truth of purification homed in Awakened Amnion, made manifest in the Fallen realm.  They are fighters against the Abyss and its agents and bloodhounds of its taint.  They fight incursions directly and either die in the attempt or further purify their purpose.

Parentage: Obrimos or Mastigos. 
The Prime and Forces combination is a potent one against the war against the rift, making the Obrimos ideal candidates for this Legacy.  They have seen the pure light of the Golden Key and understand how to shine and burn away corruption. Warlocks are also ideal because of their affinity with the scouring fires of Pandemonium.  Their ability to confront their inner demons makes them well suited to walk this difficult path.  Truthbringers are lights which shine in the darkness and this Legacy calls down and imposes Supernal truth into the Fallen world.  As such the Space Arcanum has become ideal for spreading the Legacy’s Attainment effects to a larger area, extending the light which shines and is not overcome.

Nickname: Torchbearer, Bastion, Hypocrite (Derogatory, Vulgar)

Order Reception:
Adamantine Arrow: If the Arrow could have a Bastion in every squad they would.  But only a select few know this Legacy even exists.  As such, there is always a shortage of Torchbearers until the Legacy can grow further. Light’s teacher and recruiter Daedalus has been very select in reaching out to trusted soldiers in order to verify what Light has accomplished.  Any Legacy which involves Abyssal infection or power over the Quiescence is under enormous scrutiny.  Light needs to be carefully evaluated by open minded Arrows to ensure this Legacy is not somehow misunderstood and marked as Left-Handed.  Light joined the Adamantine Arrow in 2006 but his abilities have been seen by few.  You never know who you can trust.  He generally works better alone, able to hide from the Acursed and specializes in Abyssal incursions.  Any opportunity he can to destroy traces of the Nemesis Continuum will become top priority.  Daedalus remains a direct handler for Light who has now gained the rank of initiated Talon in the Order.  

Silver Ladder:  While the Legacy remains unknown to the Thearchs they would most likely view the Lightbringers as either charlatans or venerated assets depending on how they are presented.  Torchbearers may expect be stuck in a role of mentor or teacher in order to capitalize on their understanding and Attainments.

Guardians of the Veil: Always one to look a gift-horse in the mouth, the Guardians will be the hardest to convince that the Legacy is not Left-Handed in some way due to its powers over the Abyss.  No legacy has existed that so specifically annihilates and identifies those two dabble in the anti-truth and that makes this order Suspicious.  Once authenticated it is likely the order will demand that Light takes on as many students as possible to spread the tiny flickering candle into a forest fire.  This may be seen as a sign of the coming Heiromagus in some way.

Mysterium: As will all unique wonders, Mystagogues would be eager to study Light and his unique form of soul alteration.

Free Council: On the whole, Libertines will most likely be the most neutral in their response towards this new legacy.  Those who hunt the Abyss carry on a critical function in society, but it is a role best used in the Adamantine Arrow or the Guardians of the Veil.

Seers of the Throne: Abyssal magic is a tool to those of the Iron Pyramid.  One, they suspect, may have been created by the Exarchs themselves.  Many members of the various Ministries dabble in Befouling magic or create Demenses which capitalize on the Lie and cause all spells cast within their fields become Vulgar, letting the Lie fight against the Pentacle’s efforts directly.  Light and his students will most likely ping on a Seer as an initiate Scelestus and may destroy that mage stealthily and quickly.  Seers may see agents vanishing off the grid.  If the knowledge of what the Legacy represents reaches the Tetrach level, that Archmage will most likely take steps to snuff out the light forever.

Banishers: Each small group or solo Banisher will receive a Bastion differently if it goes beyond the first conflict.  Something in the blind fanaticism of Truthbringers against “evil mages” resonates with the Banishers.  But the Truthbringers are a beacon of everything they hate and direct conflict is all but inevitable regardless if the Banisher even knows how to touch the Abyss.

Scelesti: Most Scelesti are in isolated pockets in the “wilderness” between Praxis.  Any organized cult or global conspiracy (Such as the remaining members of the order of Judas) may begin to spread rumors of a mage-assassin taking out their numbers focused on an area of sporadically across the United States as Light and any apprentices are tasked by the Arrow. It goes without saying that the Truthbringers and the Acursed are aberrant to each other.  Both represent the antithesis of the other and the Torchbearer’s ability to sniff out and discover Abyssal taint almost instantly makes them extremely deadly to those of the dark.  Those of the truth in the war of the rift were made to hunt and kill agents of the Lie.  This also goes for any of the Mad who freely release paradoxes in their destructive wake.

Light dresses in business casual or very serviceable clothing, depending on the task at hand.  It follows that most trained Truthbringers will carry on this extremely practical mindset (shared by the Adamantine Arrow) combined with the pride of the Warlocks and Obrimos to shine in very practical and high-quality wear and accessories.

As their currently is only the Founder, light, as the sole creator and heir to the Legacy.  Any new students and organization will follow a very insular and small Master/Apprentice relationship.  As their numbers grow they will most likely break into independent actors, able to decentralize control and execution of their sole objective: to destroy and suppress the Abyss and act against the Lie in order to bring the Supernal light into the world.  This organization will most likely be flavored with the military structures for Light’s experience as a Talon in the Arrow as well as a US Marine and US Army weapon’s contractor.

Suggested Oblations
Oblations for the Truthbringers fall into two categories which focus around scourging (Mastigos flavored), cleansing (Obrimos flavored), Geotic demons (Mastigos flavor combined with how the Legacy was formed) and transhuman calculations (result of the Founder surviving the Nemesis Continuum). 
Scourging & Geotics– These Oblations focus on turning the light inwards through meditation, travelling through one’s Onerios and reliving mistakes, combating one’s inner demons through the use of Astral travel or Geotic magic, and reinforcing one’s purpose through self-inflicted punishment.  This could also be done with another mage who consents to the inner journey and could also be handled in Dreams instead of all the way in the Astral.

Cleansing – These Oblations focus on expounding Supernal truths in the Fallen World.  Oblations may include purifying the Resonance in locations (with help of Space magic and Prime) to include Leylines, Nodes, Hallows, sites of Desecration, Abyssal Anomalies or localized Paradox.  They may also include tending or creating symbols of the Supernal that won’t interfere with the Lie directly.  This could be accomplished by creating areas in which the Supernal is more plausible with magic or boosting Hallows.  Destroying Abyssal effigies, items, or places also fulfills the role of a cleansing Oblation.

Transhuman Calculations – As a result of surviving the Abyssal Meme, Light found himself with a fair amount of obsessive compulsion to create or solve complex problems.  This problem was further compounded by Supreme Mental Augmentation spells and splitting the mind into many independent processes.  As a result, Oblations which focus on solving or creating complex puzzles or riddles, creating, solving, or correcting extremely complex mathematics to include quantum physics, multi-dimensional trigonometry, or advanced calculus, and the creation of Supernal proofs (which show how magic can work within the Fallen World) are all common Oblations.

Legacy Oblation Roll: Attribute + Skill + Gnosis + Bonuses = Mana obtained (Max = Gnosis).  Action: Extended 1 hour and can be done once per day.

Concepts: One against the Darkness, Abyssal hunter, Geotic scourge, corrupted Nefrandi, religious zealot, abyssal Mathematician, champion of the Supernal, secret agent, assassin, clean-up manager.

The initial way of becoming a Truthbringer was accidental. By putting their abilities together Light and Daedalus found a way to remove a virulent mental infection and separate it both spiritually and physically from the mind of the victim.

In order to teach others and induce the same soul modification in others Daedalus and Light created a Perfected metal core with their combined alchemical smithery.  Into the core they poured the same spells that Daedalus used for the separation of the Geotic Tulpa, part physical, part inner Astral space.

What else was placed inside the core is a secret left for debate.  Some may speculate that they conducted an Abyssal summoning (see Summoners mage rulebook) and pulled a similar Abyssal incursion as the Nemesis Continuum and placed it into the core, marking Daedalus as a foe of the Legacy (none have been given a chance to verify this).  Others might have said they used the pages with the Continuum that Light found to bond the Abyssal aspect into this hunk of Supernal materials.  More Naïve mages who wish to join the Legacy say that the induction core is the result of the special Geotic spells contacting that part of a mage’s soul that still has a tiny bit of Quiessence and bringing it forward.  Either way, this part of becoming a Truthbringer is shrouded in mystery and if discovered may mark the Legacy as Left-Handed or even Abyssal.

((ST Warning: The induction process is extremely dangerous and may result in death, soul loss, and possession by an Abyssal entity! This is a Level 4 (High chance of failure) warning for extremely powerful characters, Level 5 (Almost no chance of survival) for new or veteran characters…))

The perfected induction core works like a powerful immunization shot.  Once an initiate has reach a state of understanding in his Gnosis and Arcana and has been ritually prepared by their teacher, the metal core is driven through the mages heart For health reasons it would be best to have someone with Life magic present for these proceedings to keep the initiative from dying of his wounds.  For the second step the initiate must be able to summon Holy Fire (Forces 3 + Prime 3).

Note on Holy Fire (Prime 3 + Forces 3)
The creation of Holy Fire is a closely guarded secret among those who discovered it.  To the Truthbringers it is the first and best solution for dealing with Abyssal beings that manifest in a way that they can simply be burned away.  Celestial fire is effective at burning away Abyssal taint but Holy fire adds a great deal of added bonuses.  By combining magically generated mundane fire with Celestial fire a Mage can create Holy Fire.  It creates a burning pure white light that acts as a Bane to nearly all Abyssal spirits.  The fire is considered Blessed and does aggravated damage and can hurt incorporeal creatures as well as beings in the Twilight or Shadow state if they can reasonably be perceived and targeted.  Creating Holy fire is an improvised or super rare Rote spell that requires 2 Mana (for the combination and base cost) and 1 willpower point to generate it.  Not to be confused with Hellfire or the Pyros of the Principle…

While the heart struggles to beat, the spiritual center of a mage’s soul is assaulted by the Abyssal Geotic demon inside themselves and tainted by the core.  The mind is also assaulted by the insane logic which they must correct.  The mage is afflicted with memories of past lives (as per Ancient Echoes Merit).  If the mage succeeds against the spiritual assault they call forth Celestial or Holy Fire and bring it into their bodies.  This divine scourging inflicts burns and drives the Abyssal aspect out of the mage, retreating back into the core.  In the process they modify their soul and obtain the Legacy.

Failure in this trial could have dire consequences.  Light did the impossible, a fluke or loophole in the rules of the soul and the nature of the Abyssal incursion.  Where he came out a beacon of the truth, others may fail and become irrevocably damaged.

Failed initiates will have to be dealt with, destroyed with Holy fire before they can be loosed on the world.  Any escapes may draw unwanted Order or local Concillium attention.  Initiation may cause Integrity checks for those involved depending on the results.  Shove a core into someone’s heart and deliberately infecting someone with the Abyss may very well be breaking points.  Burning your friend’s body to death because their soul got gobbled by the Mollusk god of the infinite mirrors is definitely a breaking point.
Spreading the light to other’s souls is the part of the Legacy that is dark and gritty.  These practices are very Left-Handed.  Sometimes in order to fight the Abyss and make the world a better place you have to get your hands dirty.

Is there a way to do this without the stabby?  Perhaps a symbolic impalement with the core can get the same effect.  Another thing to experiment with and may require a Space master to co-locate the core into the heart in a way so that it does not cause damage.

Surviving a metal core to the heart, the scouring supernal fire, and the black demon within is a herculean task.  This method has never been tested... it may be a good way to judge captured Scelesti but if they succeed you now have unfortunate members.

Mechanics of Induction: (Draft)

The Staking:  
Strength + Weaponry– 3 Targeting – 1 Improvised Weapon = Damage + 0L Core (+Stamina w/ Mallet) Action: Instant, rolled until the core is placed into the heart. (A willpower point adds +3 to this roll)
1.       Exceptional Success: Target takes five Lethal Damage and Bleeding Condition in a single blow.  Not having to do multiple strikes that waste precious blood and time is its own reward.
2.       Success: Character makes progress towards staking the Target and must accumulate a total of five successes.  The target cannot begin the next part in the ritual until the core is in place and starts the Bleeding Condition (1 bashing per round) after getting three Lethal damage.
3.       Failure: Character fails to stab his friend in the right place.  The next attempt is at a cumulative -1 until they succeed do to shaky hands and flinching (-5 Max).  The target takes one Lethal damage anyway.
4.       Dramatic Failure: The character fails to stab his target anywhere near the heart and inflicts a Wound Tilt to the torso and three Lethal damage.  There is a  30% chance the perfected core breaks open…

Shoving the core through a mage’s heart without a mallet in requires a Strength + Weaponry – 1 Improved Weaponry -3 for targeting the heart.  Since the target is not resisting the staker may take their time and apply a +3 to the aiming.  The core has a base damage modifier of +0L.  The staker must succeed on an Exceptional success to successfully drive the core through the heart.  The initiate must take at least five Lethal damage to get the core into the heart and the initiate gains the Bleeding Condition which inflicts 1 Bashing damage per round.  If the striker needs to push or reposition the core further they must roll Strength + Stamina with a cumulative -1 penalty and make up the difference in successes, doing more damage to the initiate. Adding a Mallet to the equation allows this stabbing roll to add up to the staker’s dots in Stamina to the damage modifier of the core in order to get the core in position faster.  The staker must “call” how many dots of stamina he is adding to the damage before the roll is made.  Other rules in the God-Machine Chronicle book for pulling one’s punches may also be applied.

A Mage able to cast Life 3 “Healing Heart” can heal the body of the initiate but the flesh will heal around the core and the heart will distort around the foreign body.  The target will still have the Bleeding condition until the core is removed due to internal tearing and bleeding as the heart struggles to beat around the object.  Other more advanced patternings may be applied to these proceedings to reduce the risk to the initiative and boosting Stamina is recommended.  When the core it taken out it automatically does three more Lethal damage, (meaning a Mage with less than Nine Health Dots will instantly fall unconscious and start bleeding out from the attempt assuming they take no damage from Bleeding or the scouring fire.  While Life spells are encouraged, Light and Daedalus think that enhancing the Mind for what follows is “cheating” and may prevent the desperation needed to alter the soul.

Roll for Consciousness:  
Stamina – Wound Penalties;  Action: Instant, rolled after each turn of the trial once the core is in the heart. (Spending a willpower point adds a +2 to this roll, All-out-attack cannot be used to boost the attempt.  Magic could assist this process)
1.       Exceptional Success: The character does not have to roll to stay conscious the rest of the trial
2.       Success: The character retains focus and stays conscious despite having a core in his heart for another turn.  He will roll for consciousness at the end of his next turn.
3.       Failure: The Character falls unconscious and fails the rest of the trial.  If the core is removed and the character receives magical healing and mental treatment they will survive with a permanent Condition (typically Bedlam, Branding, or other Abyssal Consumption)
1.       Dramatic Failure: The Character falls unconscious and their soul may be consumed by the Abyssal Geotic demon.  Character becomes infected by The Nemesis Continuum or the Character becomes a Qlipoth.  Success on a single die grants the former.
Each roll made to overcome the Geotic invader takes a very short amount of time (one turn or 3 seconds).  Time flows slow in Astral space and the fight that seems to take forever as the heart’s blood pours out seems to last for hours.  After each of these specialized Willpower checks the staked Mage must roll Stamina penalized by any wound penalties to stay conscious.  If the Mage loses consciousness any observers must move quickly to save him from his wounds.  If the core is removed quickly enough the Mage may get by with a permanent Abyssal Brand, Bedlam, or Consumption and may never be able to attempt the trial again.  If the core was not removed quickly enough the Character becomes a Qlipoth and their soul is lost to the Abyss forever.

Overcoming the Demon: 
Resolve + Composure + Gnosis +- (Integrity Check Modifier) – Abyssal Corruption (-1-5 Max) – Wound Penalties; Action: Instant, rolled every turn after core is in place until success. (This roll cannot be boosted by spending Willpower points)
2.       Exceptional Success: The character makes a great amount of progress towards their goal of obtaining successes equal to the character’s willpower dots.  Add +3 to further rolls unless the character fails a roll.  Also add one automatic success to any successful rolls (until a failure) including this one (6 successes).  The automatic successes may be accumulative if multiple Exceptional successes occur.
3.       Success: Character makes progress in overcoming the Abyss within and without by obtaining their goal of obtaining successes equal to the character’s willpower dots.
4.       Failure: Further rolls are at a cumulative -1 penalty until a success is obtained (-5 max) The Character makes no progress and continues to take Bleeding and Stamina checks…
5.       Dramatic Failure: The character fails the trail and the demon intrudes into their mind, body and soul.  Character becomes infected by The Nemesis Continuum or the Character becomes a Qlipoth.  Success on a single die grants the former.
The initiate Mage focuses his will against the invading Abyssal presence.  As the initiate suffers the Bleeding Condition and possible Wound penalties he is assaulted by the Tulpa of the false knowledge within the core.  He must succeed at rolling Resolve + Composure + Gnosis + modifier based on his Integrity (+2 - -2) penalized by a penalty created by the Storyteller and based on how many times the Mage has dabbled in the Abyss and how long ago these sins occurred (maximum -5) and further penalized by any wound penalties.
Those who have already obtained an Abyssal Legacy ( Shedu or Autark) (-8) will never succeed these rolls and always die or become Qlipoths (see Left-Handed Path mage rulebook) and those who Befoul (The Rabashakim) (-4) their magic or have signed onto an Abyssal reflection of a Watchtower (Nasami) (-6) (See Tome of the Mysteries mage rule book) are at a very high risk of failure. 
The rolls against the Geotic invader are cumulative and the Mage must succeed at obtaining successes equal to his willpower dots.  Then they proceed to the final step.

The Scouring & Rarefying Fire:
The same time the change is occurring a new type of task must be done (while still rolling Stamina each round)).  With the Abyssal Logic at bay the mage must now burn taint out of their bodies, minds, and souls forever, allowing them to become a beacon of Supernal light.  Succeeding will drive the presence back into the core along with whatever Abyssal touch they had within them.
The mage must ritually burn themselves with Celestial Fire (Prime 3) or Holy Fire (Prime 4 + Forces 4), bringing the fire into their bodies and souls.  These rolls may be improvised spellcasting or Rotes.  For the sake of simplicity we will show a roll with improvised magic.
1.       Celestial fire: Gnosis + Prime (+2 High Speech) (+3 Willpower) – Stamina (-1-3 Description/Fire) (-2 willpower)  = Successes + Base Damage of Prime Arcana – Soaking Mage Armors.  If the mage knows Prime 3 this damage is automatically Bashing, Prime 4 Lethal, Prime 5 Aggravated.  This damage cannot be avoided if the task is to be complete.  The mage needs to self-inflict three damage to succeed in the scouring.
2.       Holy fire: Gnosis + Highest Prime/Forces  (+2 High Speech) (+3 Willpower) – Stamina (-1-3 Description/Fire) (-2 willpower)  = Successes + Base Damage of Prime Arcana – Soaking Mage Armors.  This damage Aggravated and cannot be avoided.  With Holy fire the mage only needs to land a single point of damage to succeed in the scouring.
3.       If the Mage has ever Befouled their magic (Rabashakim) they automatically take 1 extra Aggravated damage from these attempts.  Signed onto an Abyssal Watchtower (Nasami) they take 2 Aggravated damage automatically with every burning. 

Gaining the Legacy:  
Then the Mage spends a permanent willpower dot (8 Experience Points) to forth the change in his soul.  If the character is not in the right mind frame or does not spend the cost or exertion of will they may come out of the trial unchanged.  Healing is allowed through the process.  The process is complete after the character has removed the core and taken an Integrity check. 

If the Mage is the Founder (Light) they must pay 8 experience points for each new Attainment and must be at one higher Gnosis then required for the Founder’s students.

Note: So once again, at a minimum the perfect and lucky Mage takes 5 Lethal damage for the heart stabbing, 2 bashing for the turns to succeed and 1-3 Lethal damage for the last bit.  If he received healing he takes 3 Lethal to remove the core.  He receives 1 Lethal to pull it out if he never received healing.

Removing the Core: 
Strength + Stamina (+3 willpower point) – Wound Penalties = 1-3 successes/Lethal taken to remove.  Action: Instant.  This can be done in teamwork rolls and it does not have to be the mage who performed the trial.
1.       Exceptional Success: Target has the core removed very carefully in a way that it avoids all damage from the removal.  Bleeding Condition still continues until the wound is healed up.
2.       Success: The character makes progress in removing the core.  1 success is needed to remove an unhealed core, causing 1 Lethal damage.  3 successes are needed to remove a core that magic has caused the flesh to heal around and causes 3 Lethal damage when removed.
3.       Failure: The character does not make progress towards removing the core.

Breaking Points & Integrity: 
Resolve + Composure +- (Integrity Check Modifier) – How bad it was (-1-5 Max) – Wound Penalties; Action: Instant, rolled at the end of the trial regardless of success or failure. (This roll cannot be boosted by spending Willpower points)  Participants in the trial may have to make their own breaking points depending on how things go.  The results follow the traditional Integrity check rules and Derangements are highly encouraged.

More Badness: There are dark tales of those who failed at similar trials and lost the ability to understand the Supernal truth.  They became the Mad, plagued by Tulpas.  Or they lost their souls, loosed Abyssal Manifestations, got possessed, became Qlipoth, or received a dark shadow reflection, Geotic demon, or evil doppelganger… the possibly when you play with the Abyss are endless.  This is a great opportunity for story, possibly introducing other Abyssal incursions from the rule books.

Primary Arcanum: Prime.  Secondary: Space

Each Attainment allows the Legacy holder to improve himself as a conduit for Aethereal energy which is the antithesis of the Abyss. The attainments allow the supernal to tap into the Truthbringer. By forging his soul further the Truthbringer becomes more of the supernal and less of the lie.

The Attainments: (DRAFT ONLY, these use the old system...)

Lightbringer’s Perception based effects:  Some applications of Prime and the Death Arcana allow the ability for Mages and other beings to mask and suppress their Resonance and aura, hiding the damage and tumors on their souls.  Mages of this Legacy do not have to DETECT their taint with his First Attainment to affect them with his other abilities.  He merely needs to have them within his vision or periphery.  Rather than assigning a range (say Gnosisx10 yard radius) it is better that when a holder of this Legacy and user of its Attainments has a being in front of its light (shining upon them as if from their nimbus or eyes, invisible though..) they are weakened by it.  This can include very long ranges and even Sympathetic Scrying. But if these attainments are active a being in hiding may notice the sap on its power or discomfort from the light and try to triangulate where the pain is coming from.  Ambush could be a possibility if they can hide their condition long enough to figure out where this magical effect is coming from and then get close enough.

First Attainment: “Light in dark places” (Advanced Abyssal Sight)
Requirements: (Gnosis 3 (4), Prime 3, Mind 2, Death 1)
Cost: None, Passive and considered always on.
Effect: The Abyss has been burned free of you, for the first time the world is clear. While you are free of the taint, it is most everywhere you look.  This Attainment is a new form of specialized mage sight based on Supernal Vision (Knowing/Unveiling).  The Mage has a persistent magical effect that does not count against spell tolerance but cannot turn it off.  This new sight only provides information dealing with the Abyss and nothing else.  It allows a Mage to see any abyssal influences, such as creatures, possessions, portals, spirits, and taint. The mage can see where Abyssal magic was cast, if another Mage is tainted or addicted to the Abyss, and can event detect paradox pooled in an area, backlash on a person, and any other result so vulgar magic. Many of these effects are very subtle and require scrutiny to uncover.
Reflexive Attainment Roll: Composure + Occult to detect Abyssal taint in an area.  1 success will show you any obvious or overt Abyssal Resonance such as Abyssal spirits lurking in Twilight or a full blown Anomaly.   More successes will allow you to ping on much more subtle traces of the anti-reality.
Instant Scrutiny Roll: Intelligence + Occult + 1 Abyss Sight = successes allow the Mage to further dig into the layers of Abyssal resonance and further understand people, creatures, and phenomena.  As with all scrutiny, supernatural beings will feel it and will roll perception to notice.  Mundane people will notice you staring intently as you focus.  Scrutiny is intrusive, the equivalent of rubbing your nose in something.
But you don’t go crazy!  The light shined and the darkness did not overcome it.  This Attainment might not seem like much.  Other mages have the means to create a spell which allows them to study the taint of the Abyss.  But the light shining in the Truthbringer’s soul creates a protective filter for that observation.  Where other mages will become infected or go mad from scrutinizing Abyssal Resonance after a time, the Bastion is able to understand and know the ways of the Abyss in such a way that they are shielded from the insanity.  This perhaps is a product of overcoming the Abyssal meme.  This shielding is not full proof however, and it only works for aspects of the sight and scrutiny.  Against telepathically connecting your mind to an Abyssal being it offers no protection.

Optional Additional Effect: “Darkness cannot bear the light” (Defense Boost)
Requirements: (Space 2)
Cost: 1 Mana to activate, lasts a scene
Effect: The Abyss has been burned free of you.  As you become more of the truth, the Abyss can no longer track your movements with accuracy. You gain an effect similar to Space 2 “Untouchable” which adds points of Defense equal to your dots in Space that is always on where Abyssal creatures (Scelesti, acamoth, gulmoth, etc.) are concerned.  It does not count against spell tolerance and this stacks with other armors, including the spell version of Untouchable.
Untainted beings do not notice the distortions in the Mage’s pattern and have no trouble hitting him without the Defense bonus.

Second Attainment: “Rebuke the Darkness” (Debuff)
Requirements: (Gnosis 5 (6), Prime 4)
Roll: Wits + Composure – multiple targeting penalties = to spot and keep eyes on them.
Cost: 1 Willpower point per scene
As the Supernal fire grows inside the darkness draws back in fear. The light within becomes a radiance that lights the world around you. Anything touched by the Abyss shrinks in your presence.
While the source of the light is not obvious, any abyssal touched being in perception range of the Mage (works the magical perception, not mundane i.e. video camera/ telescope) takes the Mage’s dots in Prime Arcanum in negative modifiers for every action it takes. (I.E. prime 4 adds a -4 modifier to all rolls that being makes. While this does not stack for multiple Truthbringers, it does take the highest prime in the area for it.
This combined with the first attainment makes the Truthbringers extremely good at destroying Abyssal entities and Tainted Mages.  Abyssal mages cannot dispel this effect and cannot perceive it.
  This effect only affects the tainted, regular mages typically don’t notice without specific subtle scrutiny (Scrutiny Successes = Gnosis to detect)  Abyssally tainted beings also have a hard time spotting where this effect is coming from and the Truthbringer and suffer the same penalty to detect.  Scrutiny requires an action turn, taking up precious time in combat.

Optional Additional Effect: “No Respite for the Wicked” (Space Ban)
Requirements: (Space 3)
Cost: One Mana per Scene added to the main Attainment cost.
Roll: Wits + Composure – multiple targeting penalties = to spot and keep eyes on them.
The perception area of the Bastion becomes spacially fixed to any with the Abyssal Taint. These acts as the Space 2 spell “Space Ban” and the Space 3 effect “Ward.”  Any entities attempting to use Space magic, Numina, or Influences to effect the spacial landscape (including themselves) must overcome the Bastions dots in the Space Arcanum in order to succeed as if they were overcoming a Space Ban.  This effect does not deplete unless specifically targeted by spells that can work against the non-spell magical effect.
  This effect only affects the tainted, regular mages typically don’t notice without specific subtle scrutiny (Scrutiny Successes = Gnosis to detect)  Abyssally tainted beings also have a hard time spotting where this effect is coming from and the Truthbringer and suffer the same penalty to detect.  Scrutiny requires an action turn, taking up precious time in combat.

Third Attainment: “Shine Down” (Reversed Paradox)
Requirements: (Gnosis 7 (8), Prime 5)
Roll: Wits + Composure – multiple targeting penalties = to spot and keep eyes on them.
Cost: 1 Mana & 1 Willpower Point per Scene
You have become a true exemplar of the supernal in the fallen world. The inner fire you have been cultivating has grown to the point where the abyss’s exemplars feel the touch of the supernal on their works. By being within perception range of the Mage (works the magical perception, not mundane i.e. video camera/ telescope) any abyssal touched entity feels a form of “Supernal Paradigm” acting as paradox on their works. Any Abyssal touched Magic or (Spirits use rank as their base “Paradox” pool) numen used in your presence is vulgar. Each Awakened around you adds to this, acting as a sleeper witness (+2 to Supernal Paradigm +2 Max), compounding their error.

New System: Supernal Paradigm:
LightBringers pull down the Supernal truth which acts against the Abyss.  For this mechanic simply have any spells or magical abilities used by Abyssally Tainted creatures become “Vulgar.”  The base pool for Supernal Paradigm (Reverse Paradox) starts with the first being to use a magical ability and starts with their Gnosis or Rank to determine the starting pool. They can soak the backlash as Resisted Bashing Damage or let the Paradox occur.  It pools in an area like regular Paradox, canceling it out.

But it’s not a Paradox, it’s a Truth released into reality.  Havocs, Brandings, Bedlams, Anomalies, and Manifestations are all reversed to exemplify Supernal truths.  An Anomaly may cause Celestial fires to start in the area.  A Manifestation may summon an Seraphim or Cherubim from the Aether (see Summoners mage rulebook) or whatever beings from what everr Path they are.  These creatures attack the Abyss.  Any non-tainted mages add +2 to the Supernal Paradigm being enforced in the area.  It pools like regular paradox. 
If there is already Paradox in the area the Paradigm first must cancel it out by tainted beings using powers.  Then the Paradigm mounts, canceling out all Paradox in the area which the Legacy member can maintain visual on the targets.  This creates a tug of war effect between untainted Mages using actual Vulgar magic and Tainted beings adding to the Supernal Paradigm instead.  The pooled Paradigm dissipates at the end of the scene like regular Paradox.

Regular mages will notice this effect... and it’s pretty spectacular on a mystical level, the mage’s Nimbus glows like the sun under Mage Sights only.

Optional Additional Effect: “Light Dispels the Darkness” (Paradox Reduction)
Requirements: (Space 4)
Cost: 1 Mana per Scene added to the regular Attainment cost.
You subtract your dot in the Space Arcanum from the Pooled Paradox currently in the area of an area you perceive. This affects all vulgar castings, but cannot bring the paradox below a chance die.  It definitely helps bring the Paradox pool down so that Supernal Paradigm can build up! 
Strategically you would want to wait until the Paradox builds slightly so you can cancel it down.  If you do it in an area with no paradox pooled up then the effect is completely wasted.

Wait a Minute! Who Are the Tainted?
We have used a lot of terms for those beings who are Abyssal or have been touched deeply by the Abyss but there can be plenty of wiggle-room.  So which nasty things are affected by the Attainments of the Lightbringers?  It could be the difference between life and death.  With his Abyssal sight, usually a Bastion is able to tell who is Tainted enough to be affected by his abilities.  This is a highly-specific combat Legacy that loses all of its effectiveness again non-tainted targets. The Tainted may not be “bad” people, just got into a bad situation.  Further scrutiny slowly reveals the nature of their crime in a non-specific categorical manner.  It’s up to the Bastion to decide who is guilty and who can be saved.  The Tainted can use their abilities and make others tainted with active effects. 

The nature of the  Attainments are pretty much black and white.  It either works on them or it doesn’t.  But still, this Legacy is new and there may be much that we still do not know about it.  What happens when a Truthbringer starts working against the truth or is damaged by deep Tainted affects?  Could they lose their powers or are they immune?  For the Truthbringers usually if the Legacy holder takes a direct willful action to become tainted or is defined by the darkness they face makes all the difference regarding how the light shining down could be twisted into something awful.  The Torchbearers are not immune to taint of the Abyss and are in the front line of dealing with its incursion.  There may be casualties of this war.

Below is a quick list of Tainted that may or may not be affected by the Legacy’s Attainments:
1.      Affected & Detected “The Tainted”
a.       Abyssal Creatures
                                                              i.      Imps
                                                            ii.      Gulmoth
                                                          iii.      Acamoth
                                                          iv.      Qlipoth
                                                            v.      Abyssal Incursions
                                                          vi.      Beings of the Gate
                                                        vii.      Annunaki (Greater Abyssal Gods) – May be able to ignore…
b.      Scelesti
                                                              i.      The heirs of Kith
                                                            ii.      Rabashakim (Befoulers of magic) – Unless renounced for a year and a day
                                                          iii.      Nasami (Path Sinners) – unless renounced forever and now clean
                                                          iv.      Shedim (Shedu) (Orthodox  Scelesti Legacies)
                                                            v.      Autraks (Sole Unique Legacies)
                                                          vi.      Baalim (The Scelesti Masters)
                                                        vii.      Aswadim (Scelesti Archmasters)
c.       Abyssal Spirits, Ghosts, or other incorporeal forms Manifest, in Twilight, or Shadow.
d.      Spells that are Abyssally influenced and or may have run amock
e.       Abyssal Spirits, Ghosts, or other incorporeal forms riding on a person, the Urged, the Possessed, or the Ridden.
f.        Geotic demons of abyssal taint, Abyssal knowledge such as the Nemesis Continuum,  Abyssal memes, etc.
g.       Any open Abyssal entity that is manifested in a way that can be seen or felt
h.      Any Abyssally tainted location
i.        A Mage who has summoned an Abyssal entity or Manifestation by Paradox within a year and a day but accident or design
j.        Any mage that has an active Manifestation still going on
k.      Any mage with an active Abyssal effect on them, regardless of desire.  This can quickly turn friends into foes but usually does not affect other Bastions.
l.        Any mage who has an active Branding or Bedlam
m.    Any mage with ongoing Abyssal sickness or consumption
n.      Any mage who has traveled to the In-Between within a year and a day
o.      Any mage that has created an Abyssally tainted soul stone
p.      Any mage that has used an Abyssally tainted weapon within a year and a day
q.      Any mage who has made any kind of a bargain with an Abyssal entity within a year and a day or is still ongoing
r.        Any mage who has had an Acamoth ride his soul into the Abyss within a year and a day
s.       Any Sleeper or Sleepwalker under an active Abyssal ability or effect
2.      Detected but not Affected “The Touched”
a.       Any Mage who has created a full blow Paradox within a week is detected but not affected
b.      Any level of Paradox pooled in an area can be detected easily, if it dissipated after a week it is hard to tell how high it got
c.       Any Mage who suffers from unhealed Backlash from paradox, can still tell for a week
d.      Any Anomaly that occurred can be detected if it occurred in the last year and a day
e.       Any mage who has had a Bedlam or Branding within a year and a day
f.        Any mage that suffers from allergic reactions to the Abyss
g.       Any mage that has touched an Abyssal object
h.      Any mage who has had an Abyssal entity contact them in their Dreams or Onerious (Acamoth)
i.        Any mage who suffers from soul damage or Integrity loss caused by an Abyssal event is on the thin line…

*Remember, this list in not all inclusive and at the end of the day it is up to the Storyteller to make the call between whether or not the combatants are affected by the Legacy’s powers.

Idea: Heretical offshoot that twist the Legacy towards the Abyss.  The scorching unfiltered light of the Supernal could be used to strength the Lie and the Abyss instead of fighting it.  Corruption and oily burning rays… "Deus Sol Invictus!"

What happened to Light: In 2013, Light descended into an old Scelesti lab in the sub-basement of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  In an act of horrible betrayal, the Guardians and Arrows on location filled the passage with concrete and trapped Light down in the lab.  For two years Light grappled with an Abyssal infection of the Nemesis Continium and eventually succummed to madness.  Before his death he recorded his Legacy in a Daimonoptikon that was recovered by the Sacred Realms Cabal in 2016.

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