Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
What is a Boon?
At its simplest, a boon is an IOU between two mages. However, unlike most IOUs, a boon isn’t about money. It’s the answer to “what do you offer to someone who already has everything?” Many mages are wealthy, having had magical means to acquire and accumulate fortune and luxury. Others simply have no need or desire for such things. The end result is that ofttimes, if a debt is owed or if one hopes to garner someone’s assistance, the offer of monetary compensation and remuneration (be it cash or goods) is not acceptable or not appealing. Thus, a boon doesn’t deal in such things; instead, it deals in favors.
The Measure of a Boon
Not all boons are created equal, and it’s important to understand the differences so that you don’t accidentally have your character under- or over-compensate when offering a boon to another Kindred (doing so purposefully is, of course, another matter). Boons exchanged between Cabals or between individuals work the same way.
The Boon System:
Favor trading among the Awakened
Awakened society is a Byzantine knot of favors owed, loyalties sworn, debts repaid, and promises broken. The process of establishing a prestation debt is simple: a mage or cabal either asks another of her kind for assistance in a matter, in return for a favor of some sort at a later date, or a mage assists another in a time of misfortune — with the understanding that the favor will be repaid later.
Debts among the Awakened rarely take specific shape. Few mages request a detailed service - rather, debts are vague and amorphous, assumed to fall into a category the favor-granting mage considers her expertise, or something that puts the indebted mage at a greater but delayed disadvantage. The wisest among the Awakened keep very close records of favors owed, and take great care not to mire themselves in more debts than they can afford to satisfy at any given time.
Prestation debts continue to circulate through the ranks of the enlightened. As banks trade assets, boons move constantly among mages, being retrieved, dangled, held in promissory escrow, and otherwise shunted around so that it becomes dizzying to keep track of who owes what to whom.
Among the more formal Orders (such as the Silver Ladder), prestation debts can be called in at literally any time, so it’s wise policy to make sure that one has the capacity to honor a boon, regardless of circumstance. The most important boons (or among parties that are not trustworthy to each other) are granted in sworn in a circle of binding, offered as a magically sworn oaths and/or inforced by geas.
It should be noted that many supernatural societies use the Boon system and may do so between different beings as long as some sort of collateral or trust exists between disparate factions.
It should be noted that many supernatural societies use the Boon system and may do so between different beings as long as some sort of collateral or trust exists between disparate factions.
What is a Boon?
At its simplest, a boon is an IOU between two mages. However, unlike most IOUs, a boon isn’t about money. It’s the answer to “what do you offer to someone who already has everything?” Many mages are wealthy, having had magical means to acquire and accumulate fortune and luxury. Others simply have no need or desire for such things. The end result is that ofttimes, if a debt is owed or if one hopes to garner someone’s assistance, the offer of monetary compensation and remuneration (be it cash or goods) is not acceptable or not appealing. Thus, a boon doesn’t deal in such things; instead, it deals in favors.
A boon can be more than just an IOU, depending upon how far the two bartering mages wish to take it. A boon can be used to forge and/or cement a relationship between two mages; after all, if someone owes you a favor, you have a vested interest in their wellbeing if for no other reason than you want to be able to collect on the debt someday. Boons are the single most important way society is run. They are one of the best ways a Cabal can rise in power. There is no such thing as a favor among mages, everything comes at a price.
Orders work in a similar way with the Status Merit. Not only does having status in a Order, Legacy or a Concilium allow you to ask for things as a member in good standing but the mechanics of the merit simplify the process of what you can get based on the knowledge that you pay back and contribute to the organization. The amount of prestation you have at any given time, liquidity of boons, is represented by the Merit. Specific boons between mages are handled with the Boon System, generalized requests for information or assets within an organization, not a direct exchange between two mages (or Cabals) is what Status is for.
Orders work in a similar way with the Status Merit. Not only does having status in a Order, Legacy or a Concilium allow you to ask for things as a member in good standing but the mechanics of the merit simplify the process of what you can get based on the knowledge that you pay back and contribute to the organization. The amount of prestation you have at any given time, liquidity of boons, is represented by the Merit. Specific boons between mages are handled with the Boon System, generalized requests for information or assets within an organization, not a direct exchange between two mages (or Cabals) is what Status is for.
The Measure of a Boon
Not all boons are created equal, and it’s important to understand the differences so that you don’t accidentally have your character under- or over-compensate when offering a boon to another Kindred (doing so purposefully is, of course, another matter). Boons exchanged between Cabals or between individuals work the same way.
Trivial Boons:
Trivial boons cannot be used to coerce someone into giving up secrets or someone to attack someone else. They cannot be used to force someone to break any Traditions or do anything that endangers the debtor in any way. They cannot be used to force someone to break another boon.
A trivial boon is a small favor that takes little time and effort on the part of the debtor, and involves no risk to the debtor’s work or reputation. Simple things –making an introduction for someone, covering a small faux pas, providing basic information, or warning a mage about a potential danger – are all considered trivial boons. Trivial boons should be freely offered and accepted by Kindred; it might be helpful to think of them like business or calling cards.
Examples of trivial boons include (but are not limited to):
• Formally introducing one character to another
• Commenting positively or negatively on another character’s statement or activities
• Loaning a character equipment for a day
• A once off simple menial task, like cleaning another character’s car
• One time use of a spell in a single scene
• Apologizing for a simple social or political mistake
• Once off use of a Hallow belonging to the mage
• Giving a common mundane item or piece or property that would take a single day for the owner to replace
• Obtaining simple common information such as the standing or territory location of another mages
• Making someone else use a Trivial Boon
Examples of trivial boons include (but are not limited to):
• Formally introducing one character to another
• Commenting positively or negatively on another character’s statement or activities
• Loaning a character equipment for a day
• A once off simple menial task, like cleaning another character’s car
• One time use of a spell in a single scene
• Apologizing for a simple social or political mistake
• Once off use of a Hallow belonging to the mage
• Giving a common mundane item or piece or property that would take a single day for the owner to replace
• Obtaining simple common information such as the standing or territory location of another mages
• Making someone else use a Trivial Boon
Trivial boons cannot be used to coerce someone into giving up secrets or someone to attack someone else. They cannot be used to force someone to break any Traditions or do anything that endangers the debtor in any way. They cannot be used to force someone to break another boon.
Minor Boons:
A minor boon is a favor that requires some time or effort on the part of the debtor, but is relatively low risk. Calling in a minor boon might involve asking the mage to watch over someone’s property or to help save a retainer, or procure rights to access a Mystery for someone for a short amount of time. It might involve voting in favor of the Cabal during a concilium decision, or helping a Cabal gain control over some spiritual or mundane influence. A mage who obtains another's soul stone may call three minor Boons before returning it. It is very bad karma to violate this rule.
Examples of minor boons include (but are not limited to):
• Aiding someone’s political maneuver for a single month or day
• Protecting a possession, retainer or territory for a month
• Granting access to a Mystery or Hallow for an entire month
• Having someone in a major political position exercise their authority
• Granting or helping someone obtain a minor political position, or giving up a minor political position
• Accomplish one of three favors of Soul Stone enthrallment
• Required attendance a meeting for a month
• Political support to another Cabal or Order for a month
• A lesson in an Arcana (dots 1-3) or teaching a Rote
• Teaching another member of your Order Rote or Merit outside of a formal mentor style relationship
• Giving up a reasonably uncommon piece of property or item that would require a month’s work to attain
• Obtaining detailed useful information such as who owes boons to whom, the locations of Cabal reasources.
• Making someone else use a Minor Boon
Minor boons cannot be used to demand anything likely to lead to the debtor’s death, nor for anything that is politically permanent (such as supporting another in perpetuity). As with trivial boons, minor boons cannot be used to force someone to break the Lex Magica or force someone to break another boon.
A minor boon is a favor that requires some time or effort on the part of the debtor, but is relatively low risk. Calling in a minor boon might involve asking the mage to watch over someone’s property or to help save a retainer, or procure rights to access a Mystery for someone for a short amount of time. It might involve voting in favor of the Cabal during a concilium decision, or helping a Cabal gain control over some spiritual or mundane influence. A mage who obtains another's soul stone may call three minor Boons before returning it. It is very bad karma to violate this rule.
Examples of minor boons include (but are not limited to):
• Aiding someone’s political maneuver for a single month or day
• Protecting a possession, retainer or territory for a month
• Granting access to a Mystery or Hallow for an entire month
• Having someone in a major political position exercise their authority
• Granting or helping someone obtain a minor political position, or giving up a minor political position
• Accomplish one of three favors of Soul Stone enthrallment
• Required attendance a meeting for a month
• Political support to another Cabal or Order for a month
• A lesson in an Arcana (dots 1-3) or teaching a Rote
• Teaching another member of your Order Rote or Merit outside of a formal mentor style relationship
• Giving up a reasonably uncommon piece of property or item that would require a month’s work to attain
• Obtaining detailed useful information such as who owes boons to whom, the locations of Cabal reasources.
• Making someone else use a Minor Boon
Minor boons cannot be used to demand anything likely to lead to the debtor’s death, nor for anything that is politically permanent (such as supporting another in perpetuity). As with trivial boons, minor boons cannot be used to force someone to break the Lex Magica or force someone to break another boon.
Major Boon
A major boon is a favor that could potentially involve risk to life or it can involve significant amounts of political and social capital. A mage might be called on to help the one he owes to fight an enemy, or supplant his own political and social desires in favor of the other mage.
Examples of major boons include (but are not limited to):
• Involvement in a dangerous combat that could lead to death for the debtor
• Protecting someone for an evening in a hostile environment with risk to one’s own life
• Supporting someone politically for a year
• Supporting another Order or Cabal above your own for a year
• Granting or helping someone obtain a major political position or giving up a major political position
• Be bound
• Teaching someone advanced Arcana (4-5 dots), rare or Order Rotes
• Getting someone to turn a blind eye to an accidental breach of the Lex Magica
• Granting someone possession of a Mystery, Hallow, or other mystical site
• Taking sole responsibility for an apprentice in absence of their master
• Committing a life threatening political maneuver
• Giving up a valuable retainer or Sleepwalker
• Granting or helping someone obtain a territory
• Giving up an incredibly rare possibly supernatural item or piece of property
• Giving up life threatening information
• Making someone else use a Major Boon
Life Boons A major boon is a favor that could potentially involve risk to life or it can involve significant amounts of political and social capital. A mage might be called on to help the one he owes to fight an enemy, or supplant his own political and social desires in favor of the other mage.
Examples of major boons include (but are not limited to):
• Involvement in a dangerous combat that could lead to death for the debtor
• Protecting someone for an evening in a hostile environment with risk to one’s own life
• Supporting someone politically for a year
• Supporting another Order or Cabal above your own for a year
• Granting or helping someone obtain a major political position or giving up a major political position
• Be bound
• Teaching someone advanced Arcana (4-5 dots), rare or Order Rotes
• Getting someone to turn a blind eye to an accidental breach of the Lex Magica
• Granting someone possession of a Mystery, Hallow, or other mystical site
• Taking sole responsibility for an apprentice in absence of their master
• Committing a life threatening political maneuver
• Giving up a valuable retainer or Sleepwalker
• Granting or helping someone obtain a territory
• Giving up an incredibly rare possibly supernatural item or piece of property
• Giving up life threatening information
• Making someone else use a Major Boon
A life boon is a rare boon that should only be offered in circumstances when a mage saves the life of another mage when not required to do so, and at some risk to the lifesaver’s own life. They cannot be demanded, nor can they be traded to another.
To many mages owing a life boon is much akin to being an apprenticed mage. A mage owing a life boon may find herself having to surrender much of her own will and desires (depending upon the desires of the mage owed the debt) until the debt is repaid. It’s worth noting that there are some practical limits. Asking someone who owes you a life boon to break a boon and they have to do it. However, you are likely to be accused of being boon broken yourself. Also, while endangering their life is within the scope of the Life Boon, if things get too dangerous, they are likely to conclude that the risk of being killed as a boon breaker is less than the risk of dying obeying their master.
Similarly, commanding a mage to continually breach the Lex Magica is likely to result in your punishment, not just the punishment of the magecommitting the breach.
When Do I Offer (or Request) a Boon?
In general, there are three types of situations where your character will either offer a boon or request another mage provide one.
1. You Scratch My Back, and I’ll Scratch Yours
Your character can “wheel and deal” using boons. Perhaps there’s something your character knows another mage can do for him. Your character then approaches this mage and essentially says “If you will do this for me, I’ll owe you one in return.” If a mage approaches your character and asks for assistance, your character is well within his rights to request a boon in exchange for the help (and to also refuse to help if the mage does not want to offer the boon).
2. Compensation for Services Performed and Appreciations
The appropriate response when your character discovers someone has done her a good turn (even if your character didn’t explicitly ask for the service or assistance) is to offer a boon. This is a thank-you, but is also showing your character’s appreciation for the help, and compensating the other willworker for her time.
3. Pardons and Apologies
If your character makes a mistake or a social gaffe, a boon is the way for him to apologize and ask for pardon. The general procedure is to either apologize verbally or in writing (depending on the circumstance), and at the end of said apology, offer the appropriate boon as compensation.
Why You Should Work to Collect Boons
Your character can and will accomplish more through use of boons than she could ever possibly accomplish on her own. A Cabal with a host of boons has the potential to be able to call upon skills, powers, and influences across multiple Orders, Cabals and even Concilia.
Don’t Be Afraid to Owe Boons
Sometimes, players find it hard to have their characters offer boons. They feel like they are losing by owing boons. There can be distinct benefits to being in debt to other Awakened, not the least of which is the possibility of protection of your character’s life and obsessions. Cabals want to collect on their debts; if your character owes boons to others, they have a vested interest in your character’s wellbeing if for no other reason than they want to be able to collect on the debt someday.
If your character dies at the hands of other mage, your character’s creditors may elect to petition the concilia in order to attempt to collect the debt from those that committed the murder. This can act as a deterrent for those who might wish your character dead.
Boons are yet another way to ensure civilized behavior among cabals, as well as bring resolution to in-character conflict. Once a mage offers a boon on a topic and that boon is accepted, the topic is never discussed again. If the topic is brought up again, there are well-established methods of recourse; namely, to go to the local concilium leadership.
You may note that often Boons might cause you to betray a cause that you believe in, or hierarch that you support, or any other number of things that you hold valuable. There is, of course, a simple answer to this situation: more Boons. Give a Boon to someone you think you can trust, so that they will call it in to make you do what you want to do anyway. This is called Insurance. If you have already had a Boon called in before the council, you can’t be asked to break that Boon. Be careful though; a Trivial Boon is only Protection for a single night, a Minor Boon for a season at the most, and a Major Boon lasts a full year. If you want to be prestation bound and loyal, make sure your Insurance hasn’t expired, and always, always be sure that the person you give that Insurance Boon to won’t decide to call it in for something different. Once you’ve given a Boon, you can’t control how it’s used.
Recording and Tracking Boons
As a player, you should always record all boons for your character, both those owed to her and those she owes. However, to make them truly binding, you need to have the appropriate councilors record them. This makes the boon part of the public record, as it were, which means that if there is ever any question regarding the boon or if someone tries to avoid repaying the boon or claims there is no boon owed, your character has recourse and can appeal to the concilium. Fate magic and oaths can also help make agreements more binding.
Refusal to Repay a Boon - Oathbreaking
This is a very serious decision to make, though there are times when a mage might choose to do so. The repercussions, depending on the situation, may be severe.

A mage or cabal that refuses to pay on a boon owed may be declared anathema by the local concilium. Any and all boons she owed or which were owed to her can be declared null and void, which can result in the other mages she owed deciding to hunt her down via the Right of Nemesis or other asymmetric forms of warfare. She may be banished from the city as an Oathbreaker, but the grievances must be pretty severe for that to happen... Their assets and goods may be free to be seized by any Awakened – retainers, influences, money. In addition, any boons the boon breaker held may also be declared null and void, which leaves the boon breaker with few allies or access to assistance.
There is a weakness here: someone could say someone else has defaulted when they haven’t. That is called False Witness. Bring False Witness against someone and you will probably be punished by the Lex Magica. Everyone knows you brought False Witness and cannot be trusted. In order to prevent False Witness from ever happening, it has led to both parties making damn sure that either the Boons are announced or that both are there when it is recorded.
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