Thursday, April 20, 2017

[Hunter: The Vigil 2e] Slayer J vs The Hunger (Part 1)

Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum

Slayer J vs The Hunger
(Part 1)

I actually wrote this short story in 2007 to feature an NPC who had recently started his Vigil. Sources Taken from the nWoD Antagonists sourcebook, it actually picks right up the story header for The Hunger from the Antagonists book and incorporates it into a larger story.

“That’s a nice scar you got there.” The gentlemen in the expensive white suit said casually, pointing to the bartender’s neck and the thin white line marked into the flesh there. It was barely visible in the low light. His suit made his face glow white, strobed by the lights from the dance floor.

“So nice of you to notice... so what‘s your poison bub?” The bartender replied, turning to him with a shot glass in one hand and a rag in the other. He regarded this new comer with a slight frown. He noted the man, sitting on the stool stiff as a board. As if he was a pointer dog on a hunt. He felt a little uneasy at first, but this gave way to curiosity and even admiration, as if he was warming himself on the suit-man’s charisma alone.

“I’ll have some red wine if you please,” the man replied with a smile of pearly white teeth.

Jack the bartender’s frown deepened.

“Buddy I think this is the wrong place for that. Look around. This isn’t exactly a gentleman’s club.” He gestured to the room swinging his rag in a small circle. The place was a cross between a small dance club and a truck stop longue. Sure they had a few pool tables, a DJ, and some Black Jack tables to boot. But nothing that would suggest that you would see a strange man like this in an all white suit ordering wine like he was going to kick back in a leather arm chair and talk stock exchange.

 Jack hoped the man wasn’t going to bore him with the details; he hadn’t waited for an answer and already had a small wine glass in front of him.

“Tab or run it?” He asked politely, moving on from the first question. The customer was always right after all. This guy seemed like one cool cat, why the hell did he feel uneasy one second and ready to have some wine with the guy the next?

The man handed him a discover card with a graceful gesture and Jack took it without looking at it.

“Start a tab, I have a feeling I will be having a lot to drink tonight.” He said slyly.

“My kinda fella” Jack said smiling wider than intended. He took note of that too. He started the tab and made sure everyone else crowding around the bar was taken care of. It was past midnight so the crowd was pretty tanked and was in full club mode. He had to shout to be heard over the din of some rap tune or other dance music. He made his way back to the man in white, continuously drawn back.  Interesting fellow.  If he had touched his wine Jack didn’t notice.

“So are you coming from a party or something?” Jack asked politely. The man shrugged, “I’m going to a party actually, thought I would warm up here first.”

“Pretty late party you got going on tonight...” Jack said.  Jack planned to later ask about what kind of party it was. This strange ethereal man beat him to the next conversational punch.

“I want to talk about that scar Jack.” The man said with the warmth of familiarity.  He looked directly into the bartender’s eyes and Jack felt himself twist on the inside.  Jack could hear him clearly, despite the confidential tone.

When did I tell this guy my name? Wait I know this guy! Jack stared, trying to figure out where he had seen the man before. He felt vaguely familiar. Why couldn’t he remember such a trusted friend? Maybe it was one of his poker buddies from college…

“You spend a great deal of time in this bar Jack, you like to let people talk about themselves. You like to use what information you find. Isn’t it about time… that you told someone about your problems?”

The piercing gaze of the man burrowed into Jack, compelling him to confide his secrets, imploring silently that Jack’s soul take a load off… and why the hell not? He had never told anyone what happened after she…. Wasn’t it time for some closure? Some penitence and confessional? He could trust this guy; he's was more trustworthy Jack's mother, that was for sure.

“I thought you would never ask buddy, a lot has happened since we had a talk, it’s been like a goddamn razor blade Ferris-wheel.  Damn man, now I need a drink.” He took a swig from a bottle of Lord Calvert he kept under the counter just for him.

“I know Jack, just start at the beginning.” The man implored further, he became the only thing in the room as everything else faded into a blurry background. Jack kept serving drinks, and kept coming back until he got another bartender to talk over.  Sitting next to the man in white, Jack held his bottle and started talking, occasionally taking deep droughts.  He didn't stop until he had told this pale man what had changed his life.

I grew up in Pittsburg, the eldest child to my Irish/German parents. Dad loved the drink; they divorced right before I turned 18. I also got a younger brother Jacob but enough about the mushy stuff. Everyone has or had a family, that’s not important.  That part of my life has damn near vanished when you see things from this point of view. I’ve always liked mechanical stuff, building car engines, wiring the basement. It was only natural that I went to Boston U to get my Mechanical Engineering Degree.

College was an eye opener for me, as it usually is for kids. I was far away from home in a big city where Jack didn’t mean shit. I just stuck my nose in those books and kept my head out of trouble. 

That was until I met Audrey. She was smart, beautiful, and really hot too. Blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs, a regular California girl. She was going to be a nurse... or something, kind of hard to remember… and not that any of that really matters anymore. Only problem was, she wasn’t single. She was dating this asswhipe Daniel.

I’ll never forget the first time I met her. It was the fall semester of junior year and it was raining. She was sitting under a gazebo, her long blonde hair in her face, her head drooped down. She was crying. She and ass-master had been fighting and she had been forced to dump him. Apparently they were high school sweethearts or something and went to college together; from So Cal I am pretty sure. Normally I would have kept walking but seeing someone so beautiful so sad I approached to ask if she was okay. She whispered something, probably ‘I’m fine’ but I didn’t hear and sat down next to her.

Now I am no Jackonova, but I did get her to calm down and tell me her problems. Normally I wouldn’t really listen to some girl talk about another guy but I decided to make an exception on account of her cans. She was some woman, Daniel was really missing out. Apparently they recently went out for their anniversary at the new Chinese joint that opened up near campus.  Shortly after that they had started growing apart. He became so consumed with homework or video games or anything he could think up to keep ditching her and lock himself up in his room. 

She hadn’t seen him in weeks, she had to dump him over the phone.  He wouldn’t even meet her anywhere, even his friends hadn’t seen him in days. Well I asked her if she wanted to eat at this steak place and after some reluctant protests and my promises of just friendship we went. I even got her to smile that first meal we spent together. I know this is some sappy shit but bare with me, we are almost to the… horrible parts.

After that, she didn’t want to be alone, didn’t want to return to her room where she would look at the walls and wonder what Daniel was doing. They were usually so inseparable it was disgusting to listen to. I asked her if she liked booze and scary movies since these were my two favorite things other than her. She accepted and we stayed over, my roommate Craig was thankfully away for the weekend. We got scared, we got smashed and we fell asleep next to each other in bean bag chairs.

Ah, Audrey, after that things were awesome. She used me to distract herself from the break up, and I got eye candy and a buddy to drink and watch movies with. She loved my rough and tumble attitude and cow boyish mannerisms and I had her yams to think about. Sooner or later another drunk night, an innocent kiss, and I was head over heels, I think she was too.

Then the inevitable day came when I became the real sucker. Apparently she and Daniel had some kind of a lame heart to heart and had made some sort of break through with his shitty behavior. They were going out and have dinner tonight, and this time she was sure that he would come to his senses and it would be like back before they came to college. 

They had done some bouncing back and forth like this before so at first I wasn’t worried but she was sure that this time would be different somehow. I didn’t raise a fuss, but later that night after some Lord Calvert I realized I loved her and I didn’t want to lose her to that abusive loser. I knew they were meeting at his dorm at around 6:00. So I snuck over there and hid in a suite entryway across the room from Daniels’ dorm room. 

By the time I got there I was too late. She was already at his door and she didn’t look happy, from the sound of it Daniel was blowing her off again. I started to step out to comfort her and sneak her off, to confess my undying love and other mushy stuff but the door to the room opened and she entered. 

I had failed, The new Daniel got to her first…

Audrey stood outside the closed door of her boyfriend’s dorm room, arms crossed over her chest, her
face petulant. “You said we were going to go out tonight, Daniel!” she shouted loudly enough that several students came out of their rooms. The curious wanted to watch the show about to unfold.

“You… you don’t understand Audrey. I have to… I need to finish this term paper.” Daniel’s reply was slow and quiet, as if his attention were somewhere else.

Audrey could hear papers and aluminum cans being shuffled around inside the room.

“Well, could you at least open the door so I can see you?” When no reply came, Audrey knocked hard on the door. “Damn it, Daniel, open the door! This isn’t funny!”

“All right, we can share my dinner,” Daniel said.

Slowly the door opened. Audrey stepped inside, taking a moment to glare at several of the people watching. When the door closed, several students emerged from their respective dorms to talk.

“I don’t know why she stays with him. Isn’t this the second time in two weeks that he’s done this to her?”asked a petite, blonde girl.

“Ever that Chinese restaurant opened down the street, he’s been holing himself up in his room, getting delivery after delivery of the stuff,” offered a young man in a frayed sweater. “I mean, Neil couldn’t take it anymore and went to stay with his brother while Housing’s looking for another room for him.”

He looked like shit, like his hair was falling out,” said another girl. The trio exchanged nervous glances at each other and then at the door. Not a sound.

“Do you think they’re making up in…”

Audrey’s scream pierced through the door and echoed through the hallway. The trio scattered with just enough time to watch the door shatter off its hinges. Daniel stood in the doorway, his mouth hanging open impossibly wide, showing bloody, serrated teeth. His eyes were as black as a shark’s and just as emotionless. His face, shirt and hands were completely covered with blood. Audrey’s body lay behind him, her head open and hollowed out like a Halloween pumpkin.

“Anyone else for dinner?”

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