Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
For our Chronicle: Mage II: The Dethroned Queen which has several scope tiers of Gameplay:
I. Tier One: Cabal/Local Scope - Pentacle Academy Students
Theme: Maturing in the Mysteries
Theme: Addicted to Modern Sorcery (Obsession)
Theme: Personal Choice & Consequences
Theme: Occult Academia (Class, Lessons, Pentacle Academy Focus)
Theme: Low-stakes Social & Political Games
Theme: Compartmentalizing/Balancing Sleeper Life Aspects
Mood: A Sense of Wonder (High Magic)
Mood: Dreaming Awake (Taking Control)
Mood: The Drive to Understand (Internal/External Occult Exploration)
Mood: Playing with Fire
II. Tier Two: Concilium/City Scope - Pentacle Academy Graduates
Theme: Cogs in a Hidden Machine
Theme: An Immoral, Broken World
Theme: The Tyranny on Enlightenment, Safety for Obedience (Seers)
Theme: Accountability
Mood: Caught in Conspiracy & Intrigue
Mood: Paranoia
Mood: Personal Horror
III. Tier Three: Order/Regional Scope - Browncoats Cabal
Theme: The Idea & Limits of Control (The Exarchs)
Mood: The Weight of Destiny & Doom (Ancient Providence)
Mood: Resisting Reality Itself
Mood: The Menace of Cosmic Secrets & Promises of Ancient Mystery
IV. Tier Four: Pentacle/Global Scope - Bridge of Souls Cabal
Theme: The “What if” Scenario (What would it be like if you had Awakened?)
Theme: The Erosion of Ultimate Truth & Existence under Siege (Abyss)
Theme: The Sanctity of the Supernal, Free Will, and the Soul
Theme: Power - The Cost of Hubris & The Corruption of Power
Mood: No Going back Home
V. Tier Five: Pax Arcana/Cosmic Scope - Five Horsemen Cabal
Theme: All Worlds are Dust shaped by Will
Theme: Crossing the Threshold (Archmastery or Oblivion)
Mood: Cosmic Responsibility (Archmagi)
Mood: Pending Doom
Below are the alternate rule settings used by our Chronicle, to be patched by ST as needed. Last patch 17 July 2017 by Jerad Sayler
Prerequisites for Play
Technical Requirements
Play Style and Setting
Timelines: Play-by-Post Games vs Table Top Games
Table-Top Games
Play-by-Posts – Multiple Threads and Timelines
Character Sheets in multiple places in time
Downtime Single Scenes
Death Curse
Reversal Points & Transhuman Abilities (6+)
Incurable Supernatural Illnesses:

Pentacle Academy Class of 2017
*Chronicle I: The Horsemen*
-Ashes to Ashes (ND) SUM'08
-The Harvesters (ND) WIN'08
-The Terrifying Tale of James Magnus (ND)SPR '09
-SpearFinger (ND) SUM'10
-Nightmare of 2nd Street (ND) WIN'10
-Death Masks (ND) SUM'11
-The Night of the Ghoul (CO) FAL'11
-Devil's Night (CO) FALL'11
-A Bad Night at Blackmoon Farm (CO) FAL'11
-Shores of Ouroboros (ND) WIN'11
-Little London Workings (CO) SPR'12
-Under the Skin (CO) SPR'12
-The Unborn (CO) SPR'12
-The Ruins of Ur SUM'12
- Return of Mr. Monster (CO) SPR'12
- Dead Air WIN'12
*Chronicle II: The Dethroned Queen*
-Gazing into you (TX) FAL'13
-The Hermit (TX) FAL'13
- The Vault (TX) FAL'13
-Family Secrets FAL'13
-The Abedju Cipher SPR'14
-Dream a Dream (TX) SPR'14
-The Scavengers SPR'14
-A Nightmare at Hill Manor (TX) SPR'14
-What Dreams May Come SUM'14
-One for Sorrow Act Act 1 (TX) SUM'14
-One for Sorrow Act 2 SUM'14
-Zero-X (TX) FAL'14
-The Ring (DQ1) (ND) WIN'14
-To Spite the Face SUM'15
-Gears of Epiphany FAL'15
-Liminal Space FAL'15
-The Collective FAL'15
-Paintings for Trees WIN'15
-Patchwork WIN'15
-The Tournament SPR '16
- The Heist SPR '16
- His Radiance (PbP) SUM '16
- The Robe (DQ2) FAL'16
- Unicorn Crossing SPR'17
- Cups Runneth SPR'17
- Combat Archaeology: The Ruin SPR'17
- The Scepter (DQ2) SUM'17
- The Asylum (PbP)
- Light that Falls (PbP)
- Stranger Tides
- The Hunter's Loupe
- The University (PbP)
- The Crown (DQ4)
- The Throne (DQ5)
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
Mage II: The Dethroned Queen
Chronicle House Rules and Game Hax
Chronicle Major Themes & Moods
For our Chronicle: Mage II: The Dethroned Queen which has several scope tiers of Gameplay:
I. Tier One: Cabal/Local Scope - Pentacle Academy Students
Theme: Maturing in the Mysteries
Theme: Addicted to Modern Sorcery (Obsession)
Theme: Personal Choice & Consequences
Theme: Occult Academia (Class, Lessons, Pentacle Academy Focus)
Theme: Low-stakes Social & Political Games
Theme: Compartmentalizing/Balancing Sleeper Life Aspects
Mood: A Sense of Wonder (High Magic)
Mood: Dreaming Awake (Taking Control)
Mood: The Drive to Understand (Internal/External Occult Exploration)
Mood: Playing with Fire
II. Tier Two: Concilium/City Scope - Pentacle Academy Graduates
Theme: Cogs in a Hidden Machine
Theme: An Immoral, Broken World
Theme: The Tyranny on Enlightenment, Safety for Obedience (Seers)
Theme: Accountability
Mood: Caught in Conspiracy & Intrigue
Mood: Paranoia
Mood: Personal Horror
III. Tier Three: Order/Regional Scope - Browncoats Cabal
Theme: The Idea & Limits of Control (The Exarchs)
Mood: The Weight of Destiny & Doom (Ancient Providence)
Mood: Resisting Reality Itself
Mood: The Menace of Cosmic Secrets & Promises of Ancient Mystery
IV. Tier Four: Pentacle/Global Scope - Bridge of Souls Cabal
Theme: The “What if” Scenario (What would it be like if you had Awakened?)
Theme: The Erosion of Ultimate Truth & Existence under Siege (Abyss)
Theme: The Sanctity of the Supernal, Free Will, and the Soul
Theme: Power - The Cost of Hubris & The Corruption of Power
Mood: No Going back Home
V. Tier Five: Pax Arcana/Cosmic Scope - Five Horsemen Cabal
Theme: All Worlds are Dust shaped by Will
Theme: Crossing the Threshold (Archmastery or Oblivion)
Mood: Cosmic Responsibility (Archmagi)
Mood: Pending Doom
Below are the alternate rule settings used by our Chronicle, to be patched by ST as needed. Last patch 17 July 2017 by Jerad Sayler
Prerequisites for Play
Technical Requirements
Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet reader
Microsoft Word compatible word processor
PDF Reader
Email address
Facebook Account & Facebook Messenger
· (Optional) Discord
· (Optional) Discord
(Optional) Spotify Music Player
(Optional) Roll20.net
Play Style and Setting
Timelines: Play-by-Post Games vs Table Top Games
The majority of the Mage venue is not co-located. We have wonderful friends and players in
Texas, Colorado, Flordia, & North Dakota.
As a result most of our gaming is Play-by-Post about an event usually a
week or a few days but the posting itself may take up to 6 months.
Table-Top Games
If Table Tops occur because people are visiting the
Storyteller, they usually occur in the game timeline at the same time that the
real-world playing took place. These
require journals and documentation to back-brief the majority. I am not opposed to having Assistant
Storytellers run Table-Top games but the Storyteller must approve plots and be
briefed on major events. At the end of
the game the AST will brief the ST and provide session notes. At that time the ST will decide if the events
of that Table-Top Session (Chapter/Story) are accepted as Canon and “actually
Play-by-Posts – Multiple Threads and Timelines
Because play-by-post stories span a very long period of
real-time the events that start and occur in the PbP games are considered
Timelocked and they do not advance except when the Storyteller says so. In order to facilitate fun and more content
the Storyteller does not require one game involving a character to end before
they can begin another one in the future.
As a result, your characters may be playing three different games or
scenes that occur in multiple timelocked events spanning over a 6 month period.
Because of this, there is a chance for paradoxes to
occur. Characters know that previous
events occurred but cannot talk much about them except up to what has already
happened in the previous and still running game, this is dealt with
carefully. If character death, changes,
additions, etc occur we may have to adjust the events of a future scene without
starting over. These retroactive changes are not noticed by non-archmasters and are
considered in game as an event of Imperial Magic or messing with the Supernal
Realms by Exarchs, Oracles, Archmasters, or higher powers (gods) from an
outside source that altered the timeline/parallel would of the current scene. Therefore we have a reason for the messy
changes in a scene. It has not happened
yet. We try to hold off on using items
acquired in previous games until the game ends and the item are still
Play-by-post in
Combat goes by rolled
initiative. There are two methods for
handling combat. The first is that
everyone gets one turn per round and the person who posts first acts first and
the monsters always go when the Storyteller has time to do their action in the
initiative round. The more organized
method is going by initiative turns and only that player can act in that round
(other players may talk OOC or speak 3-seconds worth of conversation per round
as a free action). Players in combat have a responsibility to
post every 24 hours unless previous stated that they won’t be around for a
bit. The Storyteller may push the character
down the initiative roster if need be.
Combat rounds in game are equivalent of three seconds of time.
Character Sheets in multiple places in time
Your character sheet is considered the up to the current
real-time status unless retroactive changes occur in previous scenes. When you buy a new power or ability you
cannot use it in previous scenes that you are locked into until you are brought
into the present. Exceptions can be
approved by the Storyteller. The
resources of character sheets need to be maintained separately for different
time-locked events on simple notepad documents.
The ST will sometimes maintain these in the On-Going Events folder to
track everyone. If only one Story is
taking place (sans a downtime scene) the actual character sheet will track
mana, willpower, health, temp conditions, etc.
Downtime Single Scenes
Downtime Single Scenes are considered usually Soft
Role-Playing. They may need to make
rolls from the character sheets but if they expend resources (Mana, willpower)
this will only be tracked if the costs are excessive and may affect the
resources of an upcoming game. It is
assumed that if characters have access to sleep and a Hallow or Legacy
Oblations it is assumed they can recoup these resources between downtime scenes
and stories. If there is danger is
associated with getting these resources the Storyteller will work this out with
the players. There are options for
recovering resources (scourging, sacrifices, loss of attributes, over-taxing
the Hallow).
Downtime Actions
Downtime actions: Each internal represents a two week period and you have the number of actions equal to your unboosted Resolve dots. Each action represents approximately 30 hours of work in that time period. Downtime actions represent something outside of your daily routine (sleep, work/school, leisure, upkeep of social merits (in most cases). Actions per month then is Resolve x two. For factoring in Arcana (because Fate, Mind, Life, Time, all could help you do things faster) you add your dots in the highest arcana you are using to help to your monthly actions. So (Resolve x 2) + Arcana dots = Monthly downtime actions.
Players are not required to track their downtime actions unless they are taking on multiple major efforts simultaneously and provide justification for accomplishing things between formal games, downtime scenes, and stories.
The Page Wall
Discussions on the Cabals or Player comlinks and the
main-page are considered happening in mostly real time. If we need to flub this we will. Most importantly Time is amorphous in this
game in order to benefit players and fun.
Game Hax
Death Curse
A dying mage can hurl a death curse on his killer, either
using Destiny dice or Gnosis you can undergo some sort of story-dramatic final
action before you die.
Drug Bonuses
For Additional information, please see book (Mage
Chronicler’s Guide p. 113).
Reversal Points & Transhuman Abilities (6+)
This venue employs Attributes and Skills in excess of 5
dots. In those cases, where it is
appropriate for mechanics besides the additional dice bonuses, the Player may
opt (with ST approval) to employ the Reversal System from Imperial Mysteries
Page 17. Also recommend reading the
section above it on Storytelling/Roleplaying transhuman Abilities. Intelligence, Wits, Composure, as well as
others if it can be justified. One
in-game effect that differs from the original rules is that a person loses the
benefits of a burned dot until the end of the story. This is because of the effort or overhead
associated with those reversal expenditures.
This ruleset is very complex and has yet to be fully fleshed out. If a character has transhuman abilities you
may attempt to perform appropriate reversals.
Incurable Supernatural Illnesses:
Cancer is some kind of Abyssal sickness which defies all
magical and mystical means to cure it.
Perhaps it is the result of an Abyssal incursion, the negative effects
of sleepers having the abyss suppressing their souls for too many cycles, or an
act of Archmastery by an Aswadim.
Whatever the reason, perhaps the only method for curing it is hidden in
fallen science. Maybe an act of
Archmastery could cure it, in the meantime it seems to change subtly enough to
avoid divulging its secrets.
Storyteller’s Law of Averages Guidelines:
For certain summary actions, extended downtime actions or extremely large dice pools a storyteller may opt to use a statistical rule to determine successes. On downtime actions that reoccur and the character is efficient at divide the total dice pool by 3 for the successes. For single use on-the-fly actions divide by 4, a bit more conservative but useable in active play Rote Skills
In addition to providing a +1 Yantra to spellcasting Rotes, Rote Skills provide a +1 bonus to mundane skill rolls.
Rules Clarifications
Instant Actions using Teamwork – require coordination and set-up (delayed actions, etc). For spellcasting, Instant casts can be done but it requires coordination, the incorporation or yantras and rounds equal to the spell level to set up before hand when it comes to combat. Outside of combat it can be done.
Combined spells - The caster gets the lowest number of Reach provided by his Arcana for the spells he is combining. Potency, Scale and reach effects are shared.
Teamwork casting - share the penalties of the lead caster and the paradox of leader but must handle paradox individually
Scary Ephemeral Entities
Beings using the ephemeral beings mechanics get the benefit of having general armor equal to their rank and any abilities that do damage also have a weapon damage modified equal to their rank.
Spirits can use Essence to temporarily boost their traits on a one-for-one basis. They cannot boost a single trait by more than their Rank +2. Each such boost takes a standard action and lasts for one scene; thus, boosting both Power and Finesse would take two standard actions. (Remember to update the spirit’s Advantages.) Such changes are unsubtle and should be described by the Storyteller.
In addition to providing a +1 Yantra to spellcasting Rotes, Rote Skills provide a +1 bonus to mundane skill rolls.
Rules Clarifications
Instant Actions using Teamwork – require coordination and set-up (delayed actions, etc). For spellcasting, Instant casts can be done but it requires coordination, the incorporation or yantras and rounds equal to the spell level to set up before hand when it comes to combat. Outside of combat it can be done.
Combined spells - The caster gets the lowest number of Reach provided by his Arcana for the spells he is combining. Potency, Scale and reach effects are shared.
Teamwork casting - share the penalties of the lead caster and the paradox of leader but must handle paradox individually
Scary Ephemeral Entities
Beings using the ephemeral beings mechanics get the benefit of having general armor equal to their rank and any abilities that do damage also have a weapon damage modified equal to their rank.
Spirits can use Essence to temporarily boost their traits on a one-for-one basis. They cannot boost a single trait by more than their Rank +2. Each such boost takes a standard action and lasts for one scene; thus, boosting both Power and Finesse would take two standard actions. (Remember to update the spirit’s Advantages.) Such changes are unsubtle and should be described by the Storyteller.

Dramatis Persona
Pentacle Academy Class of 2017
Cabal: The Triforce
Cabal: The Bridge of Souls
Entente: The Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Entente)
Our Stories
*Chronicle I: The Horsemen*
-Ashes to Ashes (ND) SUM'08
-The Harvesters (ND) WIN'08
-The Terrifying Tale of James Magnus (ND)SPR '09
-SpearFinger (ND) SUM'10
-Nightmare of 2nd Street (ND) WIN'10
-Death Masks (ND) SUM'11
-The Night of the Ghoul (CO) FAL'11
-Devil's Night (CO) FALL'11
-A Bad Night at Blackmoon Farm (CO) FAL'11
-Shores of Ouroboros (ND) WIN'11
-Little London Workings (CO) SPR'12
-Under the Skin (CO) SPR'12
-The Unborn (CO) SPR'12
-The Ruins of Ur SUM'12
- Return of Mr. Monster (CO) SPR'12
- Dead Air WIN'12
*Chronicle II: The Dethroned Queen*
-The Hermit (TX) FAL'13
-The Abedju Cipher SPR'14
-Dream a Dream (TX) SPR'14
-The Scavengers SPR'14
-A Nightmare at Hill Manor (TX) SPR'14
-What Dreams May Come SUM'14
-One for Sorrow Act Act 1 (TX) SUM'14
-One for Sorrow Act 2 SUM'14
-Zero-X (TX) FAL'14
-The Ring (DQ1) (ND) WIN'14
-To Spite the Face SUM'15
-Gears of Epiphany FAL'15
-Liminal Space FAL'15
-The Collective FAL'15
-Paintings for Trees WIN'15
-Patchwork WIN'15
-The Tournament SPR '16
- The Heist SPR '16
- His Radiance (PbP) SUM '16
- The Robe (DQ2) FAL'16
- Unicorn Crossing SPR'17
- Cups Runneth SPR'17
- Combat Archaeology: The Ruin SPR'17
- The Scepter (DQ2) SUM'17
- The Asylum (PbP)
- Light that Falls (PbP)
- Stranger Tides
- The Hunter's Loupe
- The University (PbP)
- The Crown (DQ4)
- The Throne (DQ5)
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