Out of Character (OOC):
The following Custom Legacy was created by Alex Van Belkum for his character: Jack Bismuth, who is the founder of the Legacy. Jerad Sayler and Hannah Nyland provided additional changes.
As he contemplated the nature of his
possessions and the value they held, Bismuth began forming the first ideologies
of his new Legacy:
Parentage: Obrimos, Mysterium
Nicknames: Dragons, Hoarders (derogatory)
Background: Dragons more often begin their magical life poor than rich. Dragons often pursue jobs which require the creation of something; cooks, bookbinders, smiths, construction workers, and engineers all understand the value of raw materials and the act of creation.
Appearance: Dragons tend to have a fondness for styles which are very slightly more formal than the casual wear of their peers, and like custom clothes with subtle embellishments done by hand. They often have one of multiple Dedicated Tools to hand at all times, with fingers regularly checking the Tool’s position.
Prerequisites: Space 2, Athletics 2, Skill Specialty: Athletics (Breath), A Safe Space which only the prospective Dragon has contributed dots to.
Initiation: As a yong legacy, the traditions of each Initiation unformed. At the present time, each Dragon designs their own tests and rituals for their chosen initiates.
Organization: The Legacy is very young, so the only organization Dragons have to fall back on at the moment is the mentor-student bond.
Theory: Y Ddraig Aruthol believes that value in the Fallen World represents power in the Supernal World, and Hoards it as a result. Growth as a mage is bought with possessions as a mortal.
All distance is an illusion. Once this truth is understood, all things are in the same place as the mage. And if they’re in the same place as the mage, they might as well be in the palm of his hand. This spell may transport any unattended target object into the mage’s hand, and begins at Sensory range. This spell is Lasting; objects do not return to their previous location when the duration of the spell expires. If the object is in the direct possession of another person, this spell automatically fails.
+1 Reach: This spell is no longer Lasting. At the end of its duration, all target objects return to their original position.
+1 Reach: Objects may be taken from the possession of non-supernatural beings. Their Resolve is added to the Withstand of the object. Any being capable of provoking a Clash of Wills still causes the spell to automatically fail.
+1 Reach: Experienced users of this spell can tell when an object is important to someone, and so allow the spell to fail. If an object has a Strong connection with someone, the mage knows the emotional resonance of that connection (but not who the connection belongs to), and may allow the spell to fail. The mage may conduct an Instant use of Focused Mage Sight to conduct a Revelation for Surface Information. This costs the normal Willpower point the first time it is used in a scene.
+2 Reach: This spell allows the object to exist in two locations simultaneously, instead. For the Duration of the spell, the target object exists in both the mage’s possession and its original location. At the end of the Duration, the mage chooses which location is the object’s “true” one.
+1 Reach: The mage may place the object in someone else’s possession instead. (Their Composure applies as Withstand separately from the object’s Size, and they must be selected as an additional target using Scale.)
Merit: Hoard (• to •••••)
2nd – Everything the Light Touches
Optional: Time 2, Quick Draw (Either Version) •
A deft soul relies on a deft body and a deft mind. By spending a Willpower point, the Dragon may employ this attainment reflexively.
All things are one; this is Truth. This oneness is not still; all things are in
motion, and, in breath, there is a microcosm of that motion. With this
attainment, the Dragon breathes out the truth of the Universe, a primal fire
that forges and perfects rather than burns to ash. With this Attainment the
Dragon can breathe the fires of creation onto a collection of items (dots in
Space becoming steps on the Scale chart, no more subjects allowed than that), enhancing
their equipment bonuses by the Dragon’s dots in Space. This enhancement is
considered mundane, and may stack with enhancement spells. This attainment will
last until the end of the chapter, and takes fifteen minutes to use.
Optional: Prime 3
The fires of the Aether gutter and flare in time with the Deep Breath of the universe; for a mana, this attainment will create a single item which did not previously exist, which will last until the end of the chapter.
Optional: Forces 3
What is the strength of a man to a mountain? What is the edge of a sword to my Scales? The Dragon also gains General Armor equal to their dots in Forces.
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
New Legacy: Y Ddraig Aruthrol
The following Custom Legacy was created by Alex Van Belkum for his character: Jack Bismuth, who is the founder of the Legacy. Jerad Sayler and Hannah Nyland provided additional changes.
It was evening all afternoon.
It was ashing,
and it was going to ash.
The dragon sat
On the quiet mountain
You stand before a massive beast. He moves slowly, so as not
to upset the world around him, but you feel yourself dragged along in his wake,
anyway. He turns his head, and his tremendous gaze presses against you, like a
physical weight.
There Is No Division Between Heaven and
Y Ddraig Aruthrol is very recent.
It expands on the philosophies of a 21st Century Obrimos called Jack
Bismuth. His assertion was that the Fallen World was as valuable as the
Supernal one, and that by living in the Fallen World and recognizing its value,
a mage would see the places where the separation between the two words was at
its weakest.
The legacy truly began with
Bismuth’s collection of resources and materials, which slowly expanded over his
career as a mage. Rare magical reagents like sacred oils, vampire ash, or
perfected metals had a place next to more mundanely useful items, like
computers, gas masks, and ingots of normal metal. With so much potential use at
stake, Bismuth felt he needed a way to reach more of his equipment quickly.
What began with a cursory
study to design a slightly unusual effect became an Obsession with the
difference between the materials of the Fallen World and the substance of the
Supernal World. Bismuth searched through piles of mundane items, seeing in each
and every one a glimmer of the Supernal; he saw in each one a method by which
it might be used as a Yantra.
So the Hoard beget the first Dragon; Jack
Bismuth sifted through piles of material possessions, carefully separating out the
most valuable goods and burning away the least useful, he carefully turned an
unmanageable pile of garbage valuable items into a collection of useful

Nothing is
which cannot be used is Useless.
That which
has value in the Fallen World has value in the Supernal World.
The Legacy is still built on shaky
foundations, without the crucible of time to test and shape it. Its adherents
are not yet a community, and each has a personal take on the concepts the
Legacy’s founder is still trying to grasp. With time, it may become
unrecognizable from its previous form, but the Dragons of this Legacy have time
to grow stronger in the Supernal World, time bought with material possessions
in the Fallen World.
Parentage: Obrimos, Mysterium Nicknames: Dragons, Hoarders (derogatory)
Background: Dragons more often begin their magical life poor than rich. Dragons often pursue jobs which require the creation of something; cooks, bookbinders, smiths, construction workers, and engineers all understand the value of raw materials and the act of creation.
Appearance: Dragons tend to have a fondness for styles which are very slightly more formal than the casual wear of their peers, and like custom clothes with subtle embellishments done by hand. They often have one of multiple Dedicated Tools to hand at all times, with fingers regularly checking the Tool’s position.
Prerequisites: Space 2, Athletics 2, Skill Specialty: Athletics (Breath), A Safe Space which only the prospective Dragon has contributed dots to. Initiation: As a yong legacy, the traditions of each Initiation unformed. At the present time, each Dragon designs their own tests and rituals for their chosen initiates.
Organization: The Legacy is very young, so the only organization Dragons have to fall back on at the moment is the mentor-student bond.
Theory: Y Ddraig Aruthol believes that value in the Fallen World represents power in the Supernal World, and Hoards it as a result. Growth as a mage is bought with possessions as a mortal.
Ruling Arcanum: Space
(Secondary: various, reflecting his eclectic and Jack-of-all-trades nature)
Yantras: Fill the
belly with a deep breath, and exhale (+1); your own blood (+2, must have taken
at least one point of bashing damage); using your dots in a merit which
represents physical goods (+2); decorative items made of precious metals (+1);
defending against theft (+1)
Oblations: Auditing your Hoard, cataloguing each item within it; ritually
destroying something with your teeth, food or otherwise; meditation on a single
item of great value
Spell: Hold the
World (Space ••)
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Size
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Larceny, Investigation
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Size
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Larceny, Investigation
All distance is an illusion. Once this truth is understood, all things are in the same place as the mage. And if they’re in the same place as the mage, they might as well be in the palm of his hand. This spell may transport any unattended target object into the mage’s hand, and begins at Sensory range. This spell is Lasting; objects do not return to their previous location when the duration of the spell expires. If the object is in the direct possession of another person, this spell automatically fails.
+1 Reach: This spell is no longer Lasting. At the end of its duration, all target objects return to their original position.
+1 Reach: Objects may be taken from the possession of non-supernatural beings. Their Resolve is added to the Withstand of the object. Any being capable of provoking a Clash of Wills still causes the spell to automatically fail.
+1 Reach: Experienced users of this spell can tell when an object is important to someone, and so allow the spell to fail. If an object has a Strong connection with someone, the mage knows the emotional resonance of that connection (but not who the connection belongs to), and may allow the spell to fail. The mage may conduct an Instant use of Focused Mage Sight to conduct a Revelation for Surface Information. This costs the normal Willpower point the first time it is used in a scene.
+2 Reach: This spell allows the object to exist in two locations simultaneously, instead. For the Duration of the spell, the target object exists in both the mage’s possession and its original location. At the end of the Duration, the mage chooses which location is the object’s “true” one.
+1 Reach: The mage may place the object in someone else’s possession instead. (Their Composure applies as Withstand separately from the object’s Size, and they must be selected as an additional target using Scale.)
Merit: Hoard (• to •••••)
Awakened, a Safe Space which nobody has contributed dots to but you, Resources
The Dragon is a possessive sort, with a great appreciation for material goods
and personal space. In any Sanctum where they alone have purchased dots, they
may buy the Hoard merit. Dots in Hoard may not exceed dots in Safe
The Hoard represents a selection of items the Dragon has set aside and
carefully catalogued. The Dragon is considered to have a Connected Sympathy
with any item in his Hoard, no matter his location relative to the Hoard. (this
does not apply when affecting the area around any of the items in his Hoard)
The Hoard may encompass dots in other merits up to its own dot rating, as long
as those merits represent physical items.
Example: A mage with Hoard 3,
Esoteric Armory 5, and Resources 4 might
choose to include Esoteric Armory 2 and Resources 1 in her Hoard.
If the player has not explicitly defined an
object in question as a part of their Hoard, they may roll Wits + Hoard - Availability,
as long as Availability is below their Resources. On success, the item already
existed within their Hoard.
1st – Half the Light
of the World is Not Enough
Prerequisites: Initiation, Gnosis 2, Space 1, Resources •
The separation of Heaven and Earth is a part of the Lie, and so to be in a Dragon’s presence is to be within his perception. Functioning as The Outward and Inward Eye, the Dragon can perceive things as though he was standing at every point within his sensory range simultaneously. Any attempt at ambush or surprise requires exceptional circumstances, as all other attempts are reduced to a chance die. Furthermore, any penalties due to range, cover, or concealment are reduced by the Dragon’s Space dots.
Optional: Forces 1
The Dragon is hindered neither by exceptional darkness nor exceptional brightness.
The separation of Heaven and Earth is a part of the Lie, and so to be in a Dragon’s presence is to be within his perception. Functioning as The Outward and Inward Eye, the Dragon can perceive things as though he was standing at every point within his sensory range simultaneously. Any attempt at ambush or surprise requires exceptional circumstances, as all other attempts are reduced to a chance die. Furthermore, any penalties due to range, cover, or concealment are reduced by the Dragon’s Space dots.
Optional: Forces 1
The Dragon is hindered neither by exceptional darkness nor exceptional brightness.
2nd – Everything the Light Touches
Prerequisites: Gnosis 2, Space 2, Hoard •
All distance is an illusion, and anything within the sight of a Dragon is within his grasp. This attainment has a Potency equal to the Dragon’s dots in Space, and is Withstood by the Size of the chosen object. If successful, the Dragon gains possession of the object as though he had been standing right next to it and picked it up. By spending a Mana, the Dragon may apply the Sympathetic Range attainment to this attainment, but Withstand applies as usual for such connections.
All distance is an illusion, and anything within the sight of a Dragon is within his grasp. This attainment has a Potency equal to the Dragon’s dots in Space, and is Withstood by the Size of the chosen object. If successful, the Dragon gains possession of the object as though he had been standing right next to it and picked it up. By spending a Mana, the Dragon may apply the Sympathetic Range attainment to this attainment, but Withstand applies as usual for such connections.
Optional: Time 2, Quick Draw (Either Version) •
A deft soul relies on a deft body and a deft mind. By spending a Willpower point, the Dragon may employ this attainment reflexively.
3rd – The Universe Breathes
Prerequisites: Gnosis 4, Space 3, Gesture Lore (Pranayama) •
Optional: Prime 3
The fires of the Aether gutter and flare in time with the Deep Breath of the universe; for a mana, this attainment will create a single item which did not previously exist, which will last until the end of the chapter.
4th – And I Breathe With It
Prerequisites: Gnosis 6, Space 4, Esoteric Armory •
There is more emptiness in this world than could ever be filled, and no Dragon can fit into a mortal scale forever. Size is relative, but the Dragon grows with each breath. As an Instant Action, the dragon may increase their effective Size by their dots in Space. This is hard to perceive with merely mortal perceptions, but impossible to ignore. This effect lasts a scene.
There is more emptiness in this world than could ever be filled, and no Dragon can fit into a mortal scale forever. Size is relative, but the Dragon grows with each breath. As an Instant Action, the dragon may increase their effective Size by their dots in Space. This is hard to perceive with merely mortal perceptions, but impossible to ignore. This effect lasts a scene.
Optional: Forces 3
What is the strength of a man to a mountain? What is the edge of a sword to my Scales? The Dragon also gains General Armor equal to their dots in Forces.
5th – By
my own breath, I lift myself into my own light
Prerequisites: Gnosis
8, Space 5, Library (Any) •
A Dragon is at home in the skies as in his lair. By the simple act of stepping away from the confines of the Base Earth he may take flight. Speed is limited to the Dragon’s base speed + dots in Space, but the primary factor is on the Advanced Duration table. While flying, the Dragon may apply their Defense to incoming attacks, and may make reflexive Wits + Athletics rolls to avoid obstacles.
A Dragon is at home in the skies as in his lair. By the simple act of stepping away from the confines of the Base Earth he may take flight. Speed is limited to the Dragon’s base speed + dots in Space, but the primary factor is on the Advanced Duration table. While flying, the Dragon may apply their Defense to incoming attacks, and may make reflexive Wits + Athletics rolls to avoid obstacles.
Optional: Forces 3
Flight is more than mere position. By spending a mana, the Dragon may multiply their speed by their dots in Forces.
Flight is more than mere position. By spending a mana, the Dragon may multiply their speed by their dots in Forces.
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