Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
The abyss always corrupts what it touches, it is a mirror that always reflects back a distorted image. Like quantum particles that are changed by observation, the anti-truth of the Abyss changes the fallen world and the supernal. So how does one fight the infinite void and remain untainted? How can you gaze into the Abyss without it looking back? The philosophy Jack Bismuth developed into a spell to answer this question is based on the precept that you must never let the ultimate darkness interact with your pattern.
But, how can you make a spell that can shield you from the Abyss when it's nature undefined, amorphous and will penetrate and corrupt your spell as easily as anything else? Jack's answer is that you must make "reactive" armor, like the kind found in modern day tanks. When a round penetrates the armor of a tank it sets off an explosion that ablates that patch of material off, preventing the round from penetrating the body of the tank.
When Chimera was sucked into the nightmare world of the Qlippoth Kevin Haas (Story: The Collective) she was in a "nearer" part of the Abyss but still lost forever. When the remaining Horsemen Cabal (Nergal, Frekki, and Kairos) went in after her it was Jack's armor that warded off the majority of the corruption. They succeed at great cost, they wandered in the wasteland of the netherworld, fought a swarm of Shoggoth, and returned with a work of Archmastery from Casstiel. The armor worked, mostly, better than anticipated.

+1 Reach: Spend an additional mana. This spell may affect additional Subjects using Scale.
Drawback: As a result of this layered material combined with this magical separation the wearer of the J4A spell material is insulated from the world and insulates a user from the world. The armor imposes a –2 dice penalty on all Finesse Attribute (Wits, Dexterity and Manipulation) dice pools.
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
Spell: Jack's Ablative Anti-Abyssal Armor (J4A)

But, how can you make a spell that can shield you from the Abyss when it's nature undefined, amorphous and will penetrate and corrupt your spell as easily as anything else? Jack's answer is that you must make "reactive" armor, like the kind found in modern day tanks. When a round penetrates the armor of a tank it sets off an explosion that ablates that patch of material off, preventing the round from penetrating the body of the tank.
When Chimera was sucked into the nightmare world of the Qlippoth Kevin Haas (Story: The Collective) she was in a "nearer" part of the Abyss but still lost forever. When the remaining Horsemen Cabal (Nergal, Frekki, and Kairos) went in after her it was Jack's armor that warded off the majority of the corruption. They succeed at great cost, they wandered in the wasteland of the netherworld, fought a swarm of Shoggoth, and returned with a work of Archmastery from Casstiel. The armor worked, mostly, better than anticipated.

Conceptually, the spell works along the same principles that Jack was exploring for his Legacy: the Fallen World being lifted up in the same moment the Supernal is called down. The spell requires a physical item to be cast on: Jack used a system of rags and towels, each marked with the spell design and pinned together until they covered the entire body. As the pieces are used up the pattern of the material is burned up (unraveled) and destroyed, taking the taint of the abyss with it.
The material is usually treated as a Sacrament Yantra (+1-3 casting bonus depending how well the material represents its purpose) and marked with Rune Yantras (+2 casting bonus).
New Spell: J4A (Prime •••)
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Craft, Occult, Weaponry*
(*Note: this spell does not currently exist in Rote form, it is still conceptual and improvised. Only Jack can cast this spell until he can codify the process in the form of a Rote.)
The Abyss corrupts, but does not always destroy. This is what makes it the most dangerous threat a mage will ever face. When a friend was lost in the reaches of the Abyss, the mage Jack Bismuth's first test of a new concept for facing it ... moved up the schedule by quite a bit.
By filling the subject with mana, the mage may reinforce its Pattern. By understanding the concepts that make up that Pattern, changes to it may be rejected. Violently. This spell works upon material items, plucked form the mundane world, which have been made as close to the Supernal as possible, and therefore a tempting target for the Abyss's corruption.
System: This spell requires a mana be spent during its casting, and may only affect a single subject at a time. Whenever someone wearing the subject is exposed to the corrupting influence of the abyss, roll Potency in a Clash of Wills versus the Abyss. On a failure, subtract the Abyss's successes/potency/rating from the subject's Potency. On success, subtract one from the subject's spell Potency.
The material is usually treated as a Sacrament Yantra (+1-3 casting bonus depending how well the material represents its purpose) and marked with Rune Yantras (+2 casting bonus).
New Spell: J4A (Prime •••)
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Craft, Occult, Weaponry*
(*Note: this spell does not currently exist in Rote form, it is still conceptual and improvised. Only Jack can cast this spell until he can codify the process in the form of a Rote.)
The Abyss corrupts, but does not always destroy. This is what makes it the most dangerous threat a mage will ever face. When a friend was lost in the reaches of the Abyss, the mage Jack Bismuth's first test of a new concept for facing it ... moved up the schedule by quite a bit.
By filling the subject with mana, the mage may reinforce its Pattern. By understanding the concepts that make up that Pattern, changes to it may be rejected. Violently. This spell works upon material items, plucked form the mundane world, which have been made as close to the Supernal as possible, and therefore a tempting target for the Abyss's corruption.
System: This spell requires a mana be spent during its casting, and may only affect a single subject at a time. Whenever someone wearing the subject is exposed to the corrupting influence of the abyss, roll Potency in a Clash of Wills versus the Abyss. On a failure, subtract the Abyss's successes/potency/rating from the subject's Potency. On success, subtract one from the subject's spell Potency.
The subject is destroyed when its Potency reaches 0, as its material form is reduced to a web of concepts held together by mana, and then blasted away in the Abyss. If Potency has been reduced by even a single point, the subject is destroyed when the spell ends.
This effect does not protect against damage to Health, Willpower points or mana; it only prevents the corrupting influence of the Abyss, and only for as long as the Potency on its Subjects last.
This effect does not protect against damage to Health, Willpower points or mana; it only prevents the corrupting influence of the Abyss, and only for as long as the Potency on its Subjects last.
+1 Reach: Spend an additional mana. This spell may affect additional Subjects using Scale.
Drawback: As a result of this layered material combined with this magical separation the wearer of the J4A spell material is insulated from the world and insulates a user from the world. The armor imposes a –2 dice penalty on all Finesse Attribute (Wits, Dexterity and Manipulation) dice pools.
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