((Out of Character (OOC) Document))
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening (Fallen World Chronicle)
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Cannibalized from multiple sources such as the Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Ed and the Chronicles of Darkness Corebook))
Pentacle Academy lecture series by Daduchos Gabrielle and Thunderbolt Guardian
Anton (MD), Dean of the Adamant College. This would be taught during the normal progression of the students' studies at the Pentacle Academy.
One: Basics
Fetishes and talens are powerful tools in the armory of Magi.
These spiritually infused charms and trinkets show how beings can harness the
Shadow, binding its denizens into service. Mages skilled in the Spirit Arcanum
value such items; Cabals barter talens in return for favors, Essence, and
information with the local spirit courts. They guard fetishes more jealously due
to their relative permanence and accrued history, and a gift of such an item is
a matter of deep symbolism, emotion, and honor.
Fetishes often look rather unusual. Their forms reflect the
symbolism of the power bound within them, and glyphs, runes, and sigils are all
common decorations. A knowledgeable mage who has time to study a fetish or
talen can identify its general nature with successful Scrutiny with any Active
mage sight. Any mage who touches one of
these items can immediately sense the subtle spiritual power held within.
The creation of a fetish is not a simple act, nor casually done.
It involves invoking old rites and caging a spirit within an item. Some spirits
willingly partake in such ceremonies, trading their power to mages in return
for protection or oath-sworn rewards after a period of service. Werewolves have
been known hunt other spirits down, chaining the them into their new homes by force.
A fetish made in this way is a risk — feeding it Essence to fuel its powers
will one day lead to the spirit breaking its ritual chains and escaping. Spirit
mages who relentlessly abuse the spirits of a region by herding them into
fetishes rather than negotiating and bargaining can expect to earn the fear,
mistrust, or outright ire of the Shadow over time.
Talens are another matter entirely, as they only require a fraction
of a spirit’s power. While some talens contain petty spirits caged within, most
form from a spirit feeding some of its energy into a vessel. Spirits will not
acquiesce to making a talen without good cause as it still reduces their power,
but some Caba;s enforce a monthly or yearly talen tithe from the spirits in
their territory. Tribute from the spirits is one of the main sources of talens
amongst the the Pentacle Orders in an area, although too heavy a burden can
push the spirits into rebellion.

• A weak fetish with a
minor or specialized effect. A minor dice bonus under certain circumstances,
such as a bonus Specialty or two, access to an Influence at a single dot (or
maybe two for something niche), or a very simple utility like a sturdy padlock
that chews up lockpicks used on it.
•• A useful fetish. A
weapon with a minor bonus like inflicting a minor Tilt on its first strike in
combat, a moderate bonus to a particular Facet such as a +3 to its dice pool,
or something that replicates the benefits of a modern technological item and
improves on them by adding its rating to the item’s equipment modifier.
••• A potent fetish with
serious impact. An entire vehicle benefitting from minor bonuses like a +3
bonus to its Handling or traffic lights always showing green, a serious
movement enhancement that only works in the Shadow like the ability to
spider-climb or even fly for short bursts, a moderate Influence at three dots, or
a modification to a specific Facet that allows it to be used in new ways.
•••• A strong fetish with either
very potent or very broad application. A weapon with a powerful enhancement such
as increased damage, a moderate bonus to all Social maneuvers — perhaps +3 and
9-again — or a large bonus to resistance against spirits of certain types such
as a +3 bonus to Defense and contested rolls.
••••• A legendary fetish
of great power. A truly deadly weapon like one that cuts Essence or Willpower
as well as flesh, 8-again and the rote quality on particular dice pools, a
major bonus to an entire Spell, or something that allows the Mage to outright
break some rules such as using their Defense against mental attacks or to count
themselves as the bane of something that doesn’t usually suffer a bane.
Using a fetish
normally requires a mage to have a Spirit 1 Spell “Activate Fetish” on the item
and succeed at a Resolve + Composure roll penalized by the fetish’s dot rating.
This attempt to will the bound spirit into action can be circumvented by
spending a point of Essence instead.
“Activate Fetish”
Spirit O – Single shot spell or
enchantment can allow a mage to interact with Talens and Fetishes. The mage rolls Resolve + Composure OR spends
a Essence on hand. If no essence is on
hand the item the mage must make the roll to activate.
Talens can also be created through a rite, although they rarely
involve binding anything but the most minor of spirits. Usually, a talen’s
power comes from a spirit spinning off part of its being into the item, a
painful process that deals lethal damage equal to the talen’s rating to the
spirit but which requires no rite. Very rarely, talens form from items that
have naturally gathered power in a place saturated with strong Resonance. Talens
have a dot rating of one to five that indicates the power stored within. A
talen generally contains the power of a single effect or spiritual Influence,
although some have more unusual effects.
A mage who activates a talen containing a Numen may use that power
as if he possessed it. Effects that have a permanent duration only last a
single scene. Activating a talen
containing an Influence allows the Mage to use that Influence for a single
scene as if it had a rating equal to the talen’s dot rating. In place of Power
+ Finesse, the mage uses his own Presence + Wits. No roll is necessary for a mage to activate a
talen, a simple Spirit 1 effect can activate. Influences take an instant action
to use, while Numen are instant or reflexive as indicated in their entries.
Talens expend their power after a single use.
((They are one-shot items of spiritual power and commonly use/have
Werewolf Facets and Gifts built into them.
They also may have analogues of spells))
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