Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
Lore: The Omega Clock
Research consolidation by Azazel
((By Alanna Keith & Jerad Sayler))
Master Chimera, as we discussed after Ikiyouyou opened up to you about the mysterious device she carries around her neck I took the liberty of drafting up a report of what we currently know based on what she has shared with us. I will, upon her and your recommendation, exercise the utmost discretion in ensuring the secrecy of what she has shared. This report is written with the intent to be uploaded into the Loremaster's Archive, if and when she allows us to share what we have learned. Your loyal servant and best (and don't try to tell me otherwise) Familiar.
((The following is Out of Character (OOC) except for Chimera, Azazel and Ikiyouyou who have this information In Character (IC)))
The following is the current combined observations and understanding of the device known as the Omega Clock. The largest known component of the Omega Clock is currently in the hands of an Youkai named Ikiyouyou (Iki for short), a monster hunter and member of the mercenary group known as the ShadowFang operating out of Los Angeles and New Orleans. She also frequents Japan where she is from.
I cannot stress enough that it is extremely likely that Ikiyouyou is an excessively unreliable narrator. For one thing, her early life experience is limited - she freely admits she never finished High School and lived most of her life in a remote village in Japan. She also claims that the village is a compound of monster hunters (associated with Aegis Kai Doru) and she was trained from a very young age to hunt Oni, Akuma, Youkai and other jargon associated with evil spirits in Japanese culture. Iki is incredibly cagey about her past, is terrible at lying, and makes some outrageous claims. Frankly, I am dubious of much of what she says. And yet, there is no one to verify most of it other than Iki herself. In order to help ensure that this report can be as factual as possible, text highlighted in red below is information that may not be completely accurate, as it is usually provided by Ikiyouyou.
Ikiyouyou claims to have been human until she was cursed by a mage or sorcerer. Since then her soul appears to have been bonded with that of a Raiju, a mighty thunder beast from Japanese myth and usually described in the form of a massive dog with command over elemental weather. She is a expert swordsman and favors her dai katana (which appears to be a powerful Fetish) above all other weaponry.
It is unknown if a Youkai is what she really is. Youkai is usually used as common parlance in supernatural circles in Japan to refer to any as yet to be classified supernatural entity. It what they call cryptids, though many are later determined to be something more quantifiable later. The following articles are provided as reference to see more about what Iki classifies as Youkai and what their identifiable traits are:
1. Origins of the Youkai by Talon Indra
2. Youkai: Separating Fact from Fiction by Talon Indra
3. Youkai Busters: The First Encounter by Ikiyouyou
4. ((Youkai: A special kind of Changing Breed, v1.0 mechanics before Beast rules conversion.))
Attempts to classify Ikiyoyou seem to skew towards her being one of the Begotten, a Beast of primordial myth. This would mean that her curse was actually her Devouring and her soul was replaced with that of a Horror, in this case a Raiju. There seems to be no way to confirm this and so little is publically known among the Awakened on Beasts that we would be better off trying to classify what they are before circling back to a specific case.

Ikiyouyou is an avid treasure hunter, and true to her Conspiracy, she hordes, collects, uses occult items indiscriminately. After all her jobs hunting Youkai in Japan or tracking down occult items all over the world, the Omega Clock may be the single greatest Bygone she has ever encountered. And I want to emphasis, this may also be the great artifact that I have ever even read about in my studies...
Iki first found the Omega Clock in a crowded street market in Beijing, China and bought it for five American dollars. She later discovered what it does through accidents and trial and error. Most of what she discovered was jotted down in her notes in her travels with a demonic entity called Ransom between the years of 2005 and 2009.
Ah, Ransom. Now she sounds like an interesting travel buddy. Iki claims that she was a demon familiar that belonged to a friend of hers when she was in New Orleans. Her friend was Kindred (a vampire) and an infernalist named Vae. Ransom originally inhabited a raven. When Vae died... for good this time, the familiar spirit remained behind. Usually if the master dies the familiar is banished back to its home realm. I suppose technically she didn't die so much as get her soul devoured by another Kindred named Tepemkau. Over the years Ransom seemed to grow stronger as Tepe's coven of vampires also grew in strength. At some point she seemed to be able to break away from her master with no restrictions that Iki could observe.
Past Usage:
Before the Omega Clock was broken, Ikiyouyou had become relatively skilled at using it to travel to various "worlds in Omega Space." Most of the time it was her method for instantaneous worldwide travel, a very handy trick for a world traveling Hunter of cryptids and relics. According to Kik and Dante, the Omega Clock usually transports travelers, with minimal apparent time duration, between origin and chosen destination. I do not know how this travel functions or how it hones in on destinations. I speculate that since Iki uses a lot of language reminiscent of Astral Space, it may use association-based sympathy like traveling between Temenic realms and requiring both control over the purviews of the Mind and Space Arcana.
The method of travel isn’t usually readily apparent to travelers – to their own senses they simply disappear and reappear at their destination, almost instantly. Iki claims to have become aware of the actual travel between destinations, and was able to direct the direction of travel on the fly, without changing the time again on the Omega Clock during travel. She said she could "actually see the path of travel through Omega Space, and therefore what Omega Space itself looks like." I only highlight that text in red because I don't really understand what that statement means.
Despite the incredible power Iki claims the Omega Clock possesses, she does not seem to have used it to change any aspect of the Fallen World that we know of. Dante noted that she just seemed to protect it and keep is safe. It is possible her village (who appears to have connections to Aegis Kai Doru) entrusted this Relic to her to protect at all costs. However, she does not appear to be very responsible with her life or assets on a given job but guards the clock around her neck like a sacred jewel. Having failed to keep it safe after her falling out with Ransom, I theorize that she will not return to her village long-term until she has made up for her failure and restored the clock to a working fashion.
In 2005 Ikiyouyou left her village with a Uratha named Kaze. On contract they were directed to a small Island off the coast of Africa due to some suspected demonic activity but she also mentioned an entire village of "mindflayers" and later on the mainland demonic forces made from spinning bladed chains like dervishes...or something like that. I believe she said it was near Sao Tome and Principe. There they met some waterlogged vampires who claimed to be from New Orleans. After her job was done in Africa she agreed to take on more work back in New Orleans. There she met the ShadowFang.
Ransom and Ikiyouyou left New Orleans in 2007 to do some world traveling, picking up odd jobs here and there. After her falling out, which occured sometime between 2007 and 2009 she ran into the ShadowFang's new setup in Los Angeles and was recruited as one of its members. Since then, she has continued to try to repair the Omega Clock and taking work for the ShadowFang, mostly provided by the Kindred of Los Angeles.
These missing gears, broken as they are, cause semi-localized time and space distortions, scattered throughout all of time and space. I speculate they may have been incorporated or grew into Infrastructure based on the how and why she keeps finding these gears in the material world near or part of God-Machine Infrastructure. One gear was responsible for a distortion in San Jose. Another rippled through time and eventually caused the incident at a small homestead in Santa Fe.
While it was in her possession, there have been several anomalies associated with Ransom and pieces of the Omega Clock and they are ultimately what Ikiyouyou was using to track Ransom and find the missing pieces of the clock. She has mentioned the Winchester Mansion and a strange Room that seems to attach itself to various locations and tends to trap people in them for extended periods of time.
Though she hasn't given specifics it appears that at one point Ransom made off with the clock and she recently stole it back from Ransom around 2012. Ransom's status was not mentioned but Iki is still looking for her. A lot of the gears and anomalies Iki has been tracking down, in the present, are from when Ransom stole the clock for a time interval of a number of years (but time travel so who knows?).
Junkyard Gear (2015) - In Steele, North Dakota, the Browncoats (Triforce Cabal at the time) tracked down the source of state-wide earthquakes being blamed by fracking. They tracked the localized disturbances to a strange looking cog sticking out of the Earth in a salvage yard. After the cog was set in motion by lubricating it with blood, the earthquakes stopped. Post-cogging of the location revealed that Ikiyouyou arrived and had a hand when the gear stopped. She inspected the gear but determined that it wasn't part of an Omega Clock gear (kind of big for a pocket watch if you ask me) and departed.
The Stanley Overlook Hotel (2017) - Ikiyouyou uncovered a gear in The Room (see previous entry), which had attached itself to the Stanley Overlook Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Chimera's Apprentice Magpie had been using The Room as a nexus for her travel when she and her mother Anne were on the run. Magpie offhandedly mentioned that she had seen gears like those on the Omega Clock in the Room and took Ikiyouyou there to investigate.
It is unknown how many missing pieces there may be, it appears that gears that were not shunted through space and time from Ransom's abuse can still be used to provide new features and new locations using the Clock.
The method of travel isn’t usually readily apparent to travelers – to their own senses they simply disappear and reappear at their destination, almost instantly. Iki claims to have become aware of the actual travel between destinations, and was able to direct the direction of travel on the fly, without changing the time again on the Omega Clock during travel. She said she could "actually see the path of travel through Omega Space, and therefore what Omega Space itself looks like." I only highlight that text in red because I don't really understand what that statement means.
Despite the incredible power Iki claims the Omega Clock possesses, she does not seem to have used it to change any aspect of the Fallen World that we know of. Dante noted that she just seemed to protect it and keep is safe. It is possible her village (who appears to have connections to Aegis Kai Doru) entrusted this Relic to her to protect at all costs. However, she does not appear to be very responsible with her life or assets on a given job but guards the clock around her neck like a sacred jewel. Having failed to keep it safe after her falling out with Ransom, I theorize that she will not return to her village long-term until she has made up for her failure and restored the clock to a working fashion.

Ransom and Ikiyouyou left New Orleans in 2007 to do some world traveling, picking up odd jobs here and there. After her falling out, which occured sometime between 2007 and 2009 she ran into the ShadowFang's new setup in Los Angeles and was recruited as one of its members. Since then, she has continued to try to repair the Omega Clock and taking work for the ShadowFang, mostly provided by the Kindred of Los Angeles.
These missing gears, broken as they are, cause semi-localized time and space distortions, scattered throughout all of time and space. I speculate they may have been incorporated or grew into Infrastructure based on the how and why she keeps finding these gears in the material world near or part of God-Machine Infrastructure. One gear was responsible for a distortion in San Jose. Another rippled through time and eventually caused the incident at a small homestead in Santa Fe.
While it was in her possession, there have been several anomalies associated with Ransom and pieces of the Omega Clock and they are ultimately what Ikiyouyou was using to track Ransom and find the missing pieces of the clock. She has mentioned the Winchester Mansion and a strange Room that seems to attach itself to various locations and tends to trap people in them for extended periods of time.
Though she hasn't given specifics it appears that at one point Ransom made off with the clock and she recently stole it back from Ransom around 2012. Ransom's status was not mentioned but Iki is still looking for her. A lot of the gears and anomalies Iki has been tracking down, in the present, are from when Ransom stole the clock for a time interval of a number of years (but time travel so who knows?).
Junkyard Gear (2015) - In Steele, North Dakota, the Browncoats (Triforce Cabal at the time) tracked down the source of state-wide earthquakes being blamed by fracking. They tracked the localized disturbances to a strange looking cog sticking out of the Earth in a salvage yard. After the cog was set in motion by lubricating it with blood, the earthquakes stopped. Post-cogging of the location revealed that Ikiyouyou arrived and had a hand when the gear stopped. She inspected the gear but determined that it wasn't part of an Omega Clock gear (kind of big for a pocket watch if you ask me) and departed.
The Stanley Overlook Hotel (2017) - Ikiyouyou uncovered a gear in The Room (see previous entry), which had attached itself to the Stanley Overlook Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Chimera's Apprentice Magpie had been using The Room as a nexus for her travel when she and her mother Anne were on the run. Magpie offhandedly mentioned that she had seen gears like those on the Omega Clock in the Room and took Ikiyouyou there to investigate.
It is unknown how many missing pieces there may be, it appears that gears that were not shunted through space and time from Ransom's abuse can still be used to provide new features and new locations using the Clock.
Because of the flagrant and (dare I say) vulgar use of the Clock, various supernatural organizations and individuals have become aware of the Clock and Ikiyouyou's possession of it. Most of them were small time groups and did not pose any problems for her. There is one recurring threat she has mentioned, an "Archmage Priest" who appears to be a heavy-hitter within the Vatican leadership and has large reserves of paramilitary hunter groups lead by "The Hunter." I do not have enough information to speculate on what supernatural powers this individual has, if he is a mage, or what Hunter groups. It is possible this figure could have membership in the Paternoster Ministry, Knights Templar, Silver Ladder or even the Guardians of the Veil. Ikiyouyou does not have the skill and knowledge to distinguish among all the supernatural power groups within the Roman Catholic Church and simply refers to them collectively as "the Vatican." These zealots will no doubt continue to try to track her down to gain possession of the Omega Clock.
In 2015, on a business trip throughout Europe for the ShadowFang, Iki ended up chasing an unrelated occult object to the Vatican. he was able to recover it, but her cover was blown and she ran into the Priest and the Hunter again, rekindling his vendetta. Wounded, and struck by some sort of magic spell or curse, she barely managed to get away. She contacted the Cabals and Dante in order to coordinate her escape. Suffering from the effects, she sought help in Switzerland and then in Germany, but those folk remedies temporarily abated the effects. She also asked the Browncoats (formerly known as the Pentacle Academy student "Triforce Cabal") to destroy the dangerous artifact she acquired and counteract the strange effects of the curse upon her.
In 2016, Ikiyouyou's interactions with God-Machine Infrastructure (and possibly, constant exposure to the Omega Clock and all these gears) seems to have caused her to manifest the Stigmata noted to manifest in sleepers when they are in proximity to the mechanical angels and demons of the Machine. This is an important development as I believed most supernatural beings have innate resistance or outright immunity to exposure reactions such as Lunacy, Disbelief, and so forth. Strange glowing marks appear across her skin when she is in proximity to Aetheric energies.
In 2015, on a business trip throughout Europe for the ShadowFang, Iki ended up chasing an unrelated occult object to the Vatican. he was able to recover it, but her cover was blown and she ran into the Priest and the Hunter again, rekindling his vendetta. Wounded, and struck by some sort of magic spell or curse, she barely managed to get away. She contacted the Cabals and Dante in order to coordinate her escape. Suffering from the effects, she sought help in Switzerland and then in Germany, but those folk remedies temporarily abated the effects. She also asked the Browncoats (formerly known as the Pentacle Academy student "Triforce Cabal") to destroy the dangerous artifact she acquired and counteract the strange effects of the curse upon her.
In 2016, Ikiyouyou's interactions with God-Machine Infrastructure (and possibly, constant exposure to the Omega Clock and all these gears) seems to have caused her to manifest the Stigmata noted to manifest in sleepers when they are in proximity to the mechanical angels and demons of the Machine. This is an important development as I believed most supernatural beings have innate resistance or outright immunity to exposure reactions such as Lunacy, Disbelief, and so forth. Strange glowing marks appear across her skin when she is in proximity to Aetheric energies.

The Omega Clock is a small spherical clock that can easily rest in the middle of a palm of a hand. It is bounded in brass metal and has a hemispherical glass front and back, allowing a viewer to see into the gear workings and jewels in the back. The front face has the Greek Omega symbol on it, and blue hands. There is a single small brass knob on the top to wind up the Clock and set the time. There’s a tiny brass bell with three tiny chains hanging from it as clappers; it doesn’t seem to serve any function other than decoration. The Clock has a roughly ‘omega’ shaped handle holding it. Iki has strung this onto a brass chain for wearing around her neck.
According to Ikiyouyou, who has claimed to have conducted extensive research on the clock, the Omega Clock dates back to around 3000 BCE. According to her, there is very little recorded mention of the Omega Clock throughout Earth’s history – obscure tablets or scrolls might mention a strange item that often looks nothing like the real Omega Clock, making it very difficult to recognize it as such.
Additionally, its abilities are barely alluded to. Only a highly educated scribe or scholar of antique or supernatural items, with a thorough knowledge of history, and quite possibly some sort of prior knowledge of the item could begin to recognize a recorded mention of it for what it actually is rather than some other bauble. The true capabilities of the clock are extremely well hidden but Ikiyouyou has managed to determine some of what it does through usage. Dante, another Member of the ShadowFang, claims to have seen her wearing the clock as early as the Fall of 2006. And while the device is missing pieces, Iki has had the device in her possession for the last 12 years.
Iki claims that many individuals and organizations with that sort of knowledge and resources all have their own agendas for acquiring the Clock, but are luckily few and far between. She has run afoul of several of them before but we haven't asked her for details yet.
Several of the older Hunter Conspiracies (such as Aegis Kai Doru) who know of the Omega Clock only know it for its most recent use – that as a storehouse for magical and rare items and weapons.
From what I have been able to find (which is very little), this item is both legendary and obscure. Our cabal has never had a chance to study the clock closely but it could be related to certain supernatural items we know about. It is something we should talk Ikiyouyou into as soon as possible.
Possible Linkage: Ashar’Arif’s Clockwork Creations:
The Omega Clock may be an Artifact, but it hasn't appeared so under Prime Sight. It is possible its nature could be veiled or very opaque. The small device does have the motif of Ashari Arif’s famous clockwork creations but if Ikiyouyou is right about its age (if a device that can create temporal distortions can have a trueist age) then it predates the 13th century Islamic Clockmaker by miles.
The clockmakers affinity for small toys with deadly puzzles definitely makes raises some parallels. His devices always had weights and cogs deep within them to carefully designed to judge the soul of the clockwork’s user. It is rumored some of his items study you as you study them and if they malfunction they might steal your soul instead of just looking at it.
It this is somehow a precursor to the Clockmaker's body of work its surprising Iki hasn't been hurt by it yet. If the item does turnout to be an Supernal Artifact then we should eliminate the possibly that it is one of the Clockmaker's toys. We could attempt to get a copy of the Book of Understanding and Building of Fantastical Machines, Ashar’Arif’s Grimoire for the creation of his work and attempt to determine if it is one of his machines or not. After the Fall, the famous Clockmaker is one of the few known mages who claims to have a way of creating Artifacts, a forgotten art among the Awakened.
Possible Linkage: Antikythera Mechanism Relic:
Among relics, there is some sort of kinship between the Omega Clock and the well-known and sleeper held Antikythera Mechanism. It's Mystery has fascinated mages and sleepers for generations and is closest to the time period Ikiyouyou claims to be associated with the device... though again its heavy use of brass gears and precise insets makes this seem highly unlikely. A strange anachronistic device like this may very well be a relic of from the Time Before. I have seen and read about many Artifacts with similar design and construction.
Possible Linkage: The Toymaker LeMarchand:

Possible Linkage: Aetheric Technology
There are been times, observed by the Cabal in which Ikiyouyou has been witnessed homing in on what she thinks are gears or pieces of the Omega Clock but are also near the mysterious thaumatological machinery of an entity known as the God-Machine. Therefore it is also possible that the device is what Demon associates call a Gadget or a Lynchpin. We would need to convince Iki to let Reaper, Alric and his cell analyze it. It sounds like a very powerful device, based on what Iki says it can do. It is possible that this Clock is a key that provides access to a vast Infrastructure that underpins the Machine's capabilities for time travel and alternate history fragmenting. I am surprised she hasn't encountered any defenses against intrusion, perhaps the automatons she mentions in the Key World.
The Omega Clock does not appear to give off any occult signature whatsoever when it is not activated. It looks like a simple, but curious spherical clock. According to a small engraving on the brass, it was manufactured by North Central Positronics. The Clock is a highly technological device, and its capabilities appear to work through some sort of super science that is exploiting loopholes in quantum physics. Based on that, I speculate that while it may not have Supernal Magic involved in the process, large amounts of Forces, Time and Spatial effects are released when (if) it is activated.
By setting specific times on the Omega Clock and then winding the Clock precisely 3 and ¼ turns, the Clock will activate. I have not seen the device operate since it was broken in 2007. But Dante had seen it work and vouched for what it looked like.
According to Dante, this activation was quite dramatic and exerts a lot of energy. Something did ping on his vampiric senses but he couldn't pin it down before the event was over. The activation is quite colorful, with streams of light and color, but completely silent. The activation happens quickly and is over just as quickly, with the user, and anyone attached to that user, instantly vanishing.
By setting specific times on the Omega Clock and then winding the Clock precisely 3 and ¼ turns, the Clock will activate. I have not seen the device operate since it was broken in 2007. But Dante had seen it work and vouched for what it looked like.
According to Dante, this activation was quite dramatic and exerts a lot of energy. Something did ping on his vampiric senses but he couldn't pin it down before the event was over. The activation is quite colorful, with streams of light and color, but completely silent. The activation happens quickly and is over just as quickly, with the user, and anyone attached to that user, instantly vanishing.
The Omega Clock will transport the user who is physically holding onto the Clock, and anyone touching the user, and anything they are holding, into a parallel sub-space that Iki calls "Omega Space."
"In this Omega Space are numerous "Omega Worlds", which are localized instances of time periods, events, and atmospheres specific to Earth. Mostly we used it to teleport around Earth really fast, cutting down travel time and costs."

"Additionally, there are instances of "Dream Worlds" – movies, books, anything that a human might have created. There are also "Memory Worlds", which are specific memories of individual people that those people wished to record."
Ah, this makes a little more sense now. This seems like interactions with Astral Space, specifically the Tenemos. It would make perfect sense that both the Omega Worlds and Dream Worlds you explore bodily are created through interaction with the Tenemos. The Memory Worlds could be Onerios or very very individualized and isolated Temenic Realms.
And finally, as far as we know, there is one "Key World" – the city I believe to be Atlantis.
"Woah woah! Pump the breaks! What!?"
"I've visited the Key World before, however briefly. I entered something much like a trainstation of sorts, full of gateways to different places, other Omega Worlds, presumably. I do remember actually seeing a name in English, 'Lud.' There was also a gateway for Keystone Earth, but I have no idea what that would be other than maybe the actual and current Earth. The terminology and some of the instructions on locations and usage of these gateways was also in English (ie. Key World and Keystone Earth). The city is vast, underground, and empty. There does not appear to be on single resident in this place. I never stayed long because I didn't know how to operate any of the technology safely and the empty streets were... unsettling. Custodian automatons wander around. The place is spotless and pretty well lit despite the perpetual night of this infinite... space cave? Bubble?"
Alright, now things are getting interesting. This abandoned city could be related to the Time Before and the first Awakened City. Considering everyone and their mom has been looking for True Atlantis for the last ten thousand years at least. It's been written out of the world. We no longer exist in a world where that place existed, if it existed at all. It could be an outpost. I also have no ruled out the possibility of a larger Angelic facility, part of a vast network of Infrastructures, some of which are folded into other planes of existence or empty dimensions.
As for the mention of Keystone Earth, it doesn't exactly make sense with my parallel dimension theory. Why would there be an ultimately truest version of reality different than Atlantis or the Supernal World? Then again, if the precursor peoples that built this place didn't have knowledge of the Supernal they may not know its the Trueist Reality. Iki isn't qualified or equipped to determine or recognize Supernal Magic or Artifacts from the Time Before.
"The ancient city of Atlantis on Earth, although populated with mages, was highly technologically advanced, and remains so. Their technology was supported with undercurrents of magic and they undoubtedly laid the foundations of the global Dragon Lines (leylines) deep underground that crisscross the Earth. I believe they developed the Omega Clock system to access those infrastructures so that individual mages or academics could use them to record memories that they might want to keep – important events, records of conversations or decisions and so forth. Various Clocks had various settings that allowed the users differing levels of access to capabilities."
Let's not get out hand here... this could be a Wending or some other network of Irises. Alternatively, these bubble worlds could have been legitimately created physically and isolated from the rest of reality. The more she talks, and if any of what she says is true... we have a treasure trove of mysteries to explore. The Omega Clock could be the key to dozens of extra-dimensional locales and endless Mystery... tapping into a vast system of travel.
"Additionally, it appears that they deliberately recorded time frames throughout the history of Earth well into the future. In total, the Omega Clock system was essentially a giant record of human culture and memories that Atlantis had the whims to record. Clearly, this means that at one time, there were numerous Omega Clocks. These appear to have been lost to time and the Sundering of the Worlds, and only one (as far as we know) appears to have survived in the records of human history."
Fascinating... this definitely warrants further study.
"I've visited the Key World before, however briefly. I entered something much like a trainstation of sorts, full of gateways to different places, other Omega Worlds, presumably. I do remember actually seeing a name in English, 'Lud.' There was also a gateway for Keystone Earth, but I have no idea what that would be other than maybe the actual and current Earth. The terminology and some of the instructions on locations and usage of these gateways was also in English (ie. Key World and Keystone Earth). The city is vast, underground, and empty. There does not appear to be on single resident in this place. I never stayed long because I didn't know how to operate any of the technology safely and the empty streets were... unsettling. Custodian automatons wander around. The place is spotless and pretty well lit despite the perpetual night of this infinite... space cave? Bubble?"
Alright, now things are getting interesting. This abandoned city could be related to the Time Before and the first Awakened City. Considering everyone and their mom has been looking for True Atlantis for the last ten thousand years at least. It's been written out of the world. We no longer exist in a world where that place existed, if it existed at all. It could be an outpost. I also have no ruled out the possibility of a larger Angelic facility, part of a vast network of Infrastructures, some of which are folded into other planes of existence or empty dimensions.
As for the mention of Keystone Earth, it doesn't exactly make sense with my parallel dimension theory. Why would there be an ultimately truest version of reality different than Atlantis or the Supernal World? Then again, if the precursor peoples that built this place didn't have knowledge of the Supernal they may not know its the Trueist Reality. Iki isn't qualified or equipped to determine or recognize Supernal Magic or Artifacts from the Time Before.
"The ancient city of Atlantis on Earth, although populated with mages, was highly technologically advanced, and remains so. Their technology was supported with undercurrents of magic and they undoubtedly laid the foundations of the global Dragon Lines (leylines) deep underground that crisscross the Earth. I believe they developed the Omega Clock system to access those infrastructures so that individual mages or academics could use them to record memories that they might want to keep – important events, records of conversations or decisions and so forth. Various Clocks had various settings that allowed the users differing levels of access to capabilities."
Let's not get out hand here... this could be a Wending or some other network of Irises. Alternatively, these bubble worlds could have been legitimately created physically and isolated from the rest of reality. The more she talks, and if any of what she says is true... we have a treasure trove of mysteries to explore. The Omega Clock could be the key to dozens of extra-dimensional locales and endless Mystery... tapping into a vast system of travel.
"Additionally, it appears that they deliberately recorded time frames throughout the history of Earth well into the future. In total, the Omega Clock system was essentially a giant record of human culture and memories that Atlantis had the whims to record. Clearly, this means that at one time, there were numerous Omega Clocks. These appear to have been lost to time and the Sundering of the Worlds, and only one (as far as we know) appears to have survived in the records of human history."
Fascinating... this definitely warrants further study.

Which version or dream of Atlantis are you referring to? There are at least seven versions the Mysterium knows about and all of them are as true as the other. In Astral space there are even more and odd versions as well.
Fun Fact: That futuristic floating city in space thing. It sounds a lot like some visions Mysterium mages have recorded during initiations as matching the description of what they call "The Lost City of the Ancients." Most of the time, scholars have automatically assumed it was the First Awakened City... but maybe not...hmmm

"Time periods (short or long) of Earth’s history. Each Omega World has its own constant time and place. Could be a general time of day, ex. Tea time in London, in the Victorian era. Could be a several year historical period; ex the warring states era of Japan. Whatever the location or time on Earth, in this world, it is perpetually that location and time on Earth. One can freely interact with the ‘people’ in these worlds, and while they are all ‘real’, ‘historical’ people, none of them are actually real."
"Although, they will remember interactions with visitors and form friendships with them, and they can actually be killed. But because the Omega Worlds keep a status quo, the Worlds eventually reset once they reach the end of their recorded time, and people killed by visitors will come back to ‘life’. For example, tea time in London will somehow, always stay teatime, regardless of time itself seeming to always progress forward, and residents remembering interactions with visitors. And springtime in the Warring States period of Japan will always stay springtime."
I agree, if these places even interact with timelines or the real world at all the Temporal Principles of the Conservation of History would be in full effect. I also image that some of these timespan locations are on a constant loop, without intervention they carry out the same interactions and events every single cycle. If this is maintained gets feedback from outside the Omega Worlds there could be aspects of randomization. The description above seems to support my theory that this connects to the Tenemos in some areas and or is some sort of massive "holographic" simulator. Recording history is not an implied reason it was created though. It might have been used as a simulator first, maybe even an entertainment tool for someone.

"Specific memories that actual people recorded of actual events or incidents. Could be a wedding or a meeting. Generally, these time periods tend to be shorter in duration, and the areas tend to be more localized than those of Omega Worlds, which can span cities or countries."
Further supports either memory extraction or analysis methods or interaction with Oneroi.
Created Worlds:
"These are worlds based off of media created by mankind. Books, anime, movies…the size of these worlds can be limited to the setting of the movie or can encompass the entire world as it would exist in said media."
Gotta be Tenemos... or the most elaborate procedurally created universe for fans, nerds and super super super bored supernatural beings.
"These are worlds based off of media created by mankind. Books, anime, movies…the size of these worlds can be limited to the setting of the movie or can encompass the entire world as it would exist in said media."
Gotta be Tenemos... or the most elaborate procedurally created universe for fans, nerds and super super super bored supernatural beings.
Real Worlds:
"Keystone Earth (2:00 position on the Clock), and Key World (Atlantis.)"
"Keystone Earth (2:00 position on the Clock), and Key World (Atlantis.)"
"There is evidence that through the centuries various peoples and organizations throughout time have gained (and or lost) access to the Omega Worlds have used them as a repositories of magical items, weapons, and the like. Unlike living visitors, items will remain wherever they are put in the various worlds and will not be messed with by the actors in the worlds. There are useful stockpiles and caches to raid, if one knows where they are… I have personally verified that this persistent stockpile system works in both Created and Dream Worlds."
Just... like a video game where the NPCs never take the stuff you leave lying around and it persists forever. This adds credence to the holodeck theory I've been fleshing out.
Just... like a video game where the NPCs never take the stuff you leave lying around and it persists forever. This adds credence to the holodeck theory I've been fleshing out.
"Living visitors, without exception, if they are left behind or separated too far from the Omega Clock user that brought them there, will be shunted back to where they originated on Earth after 3 days."
Well that is good I guess...
Well that is good I guess...
Omega Clock Gears
"Among the various worlds are certain areas that contain large Gear mechanisms. These Gears are roughly the size of what one would expect in a clock the size of Big Ben. They may be hidden in a warehouse in London, in a Buddhist temple in Japan, in the far side of a hill…There are over a hundred of these mechanisms, and they appear to be randomly scattered throughout the worlds, where they may or may not look out of place."
"Changing settings on specific Gear mechanisms (almost always more than one mechanism, which means visiting more than one world) will affect the settings and abilities of the Omega Clock as a device for controlling this vast continium. Finding which settings on which Gear mechanisms on which worlds to change the abilities of the Omega Clock is not easy…And enabling powerful abilities of the Omega Clock almost always entails a trip to Atlantis to affect the Mainspring that is located there."
That... sounds remarkably like God-Machine Infrastructure we've encountered so far... Just how much time has she spent messing with this? Why does the dog-demon who never finished High School have access to cosmic technology?
"There are mentions as I traveled to these different worlds, of an extremely powerful weapon ability that concentrates all the quantum energy that powers the bubble universes into a single output with the purpose of destroying an intended target."
O.o Wat?
O.o Wat?
Through inspecting some of these larger gears that enable special commands and options on the Omega Clock device I have determined the following options exist:
- Whether Omega residents (the ‘fake’ people) remember visitors
- Whether worlds retain a status quo and ‘reset’
- Whether Omega residents come back from the ‘dead’
- How many travelers can be transported with the Omega Clock
- Whether travelers need to hold onto the user to be transported (mass transportation)
- Whether items can be stored in any worlds inside Omega Space
- How long an abandoned visitor will stay inside Omega Space until shunted back to Earth at the same spot he came from
- Where someone abandoned will be shunted back to Earth
- Deletion of worlds
- "Weaponry"
- Adjustment to home dimension, Keystone Earth or Key World (speculated, unconfirmed).
I implore you to investigate master! At the very least we need to eliminate the possibly that she is holding an Artifact of incredible power... I'm just a little worried the doggy has a fucking TARDIS
The Omega Clock device is definitely is worth further investigation, if only to disprove the outlandish claims this demon hunter claims about its capabilities. Maybe it IS a control device to access key God-Machine Infrastructure to manipulate the entire space/time continuum. It could be the tip of the iceberg, the fingernail of a larger distributed machine in sub-space facilities... the fingernail of the God-Machine.
I implore you to investigate master! At the very least we need to eliminate the possibly that she is holding an Artifact of incredible power... I'm just a little worried the doggy has a fucking TARDIS
The Omega Clock device is definitely is worth further investigation, if only to disprove the outlandish claims this demon hunter claims about its capabilities. Maybe it IS a control device to access key God-Machine Infrastructure to manipulate the entire space/time continuum. It could be the tip of the iceberg, the fingernail of a larger distributed machine in sub-space facilities... the fingernail of the God-Machine.
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