Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
Los Angeles: A City of Dreams
The Astral Mystery of LA
Adapted from source material in Mage: The Awakening Second Edition
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
Los Angeles: A City of Dreams
The Astral Mystery of LA
Adapted from source material in Mage: The Awakening Second Edition
Los Angeles City Building Posts:
Los Angeles is a vast sprawling city with a population roughly equal to New York City’s. However, while New York City is dense and compact, Los Angeles is a vast, sprawling metropolis of disparate neighborhoods that covers almost 5,000 square miles. In many ways, it is a diverse collection of cities and suburbs connected by vast stretches of crowded freeways. It contains the United States’ second-largest and busiest port, neighbor-hoods that are home to millions of immigrants from all across the globe, hundreds of celebrities and multimillionaires, and of course the various corporations that own and control vast multimedia empires of music, film, television, and electronic games. Here, the poorest residents live on the streets, competing with coyotes for food and shelter, while the wealthiest residents dwell in ostentatiously lavish splendor. Sleepers call LA the City of Angels, but many mages know it as the city of dreams. For as long as mages have known about the Los Angeles area, it’s been more connected to the Astral Realm than almost any other portion of the material world. Visions of the Temenos appear as shimmering mirages, and some Sleepers and Sleepwalkers become involuntary (often unknowing) channels for Goetia.
Astral Intrusions
Occasionally, objects from various portions of the Temenos become visible in LA. Everyone can see these manifestations, and they do not cause Quiescence. Mortals can remember them as clearly as mages. However, most attempts to photograph them result in blurred, largely unrecognizable images. These manifes-tations are entirely non-corporeal, and most are nothing more than mirages of fantastic buildings or a brief image of a mythical creature slinking down an alley. The majority never reappear. Many long-term Angelinos have heard of the city’s strange mirages. One Astral manifestation has appeared dozens of times. Known in local urban legends as the Lesser Wall, it appears as a large mural that regularly changes in appearance but is always roughly the same size and always includes at least one iconic image of LA. Mages in LA have seen it in several locations, in-cluding on the concrete walls of the dry culvert of the LA river, on the side of a building in Venice Beach, or on a sidewalk in Monterey. The Lesser Wall is of special significance to mages, because sometimes it includes cryptic messages written in an-cient languages, including High Speech. On a few occasions its images are prophetic, like the images of looting and burning buildings in Hollywood that appeared on the Lesser Wall five months before the 1992 Rodney King riots.
Astral Possession
Goetia possess people in LA, in defiance of their usual inability to do so without aid; whatever causes the mirages also allows them through into the material world, and gives them the power to take over weak minds (Open Condition). Hundreds of Sleepers and Sleepwalkers randomly make transitory connections with various portions of the Temenos when they are drunk, high, delirious from illness, or otherwise seriously mentally impaired. In this state, these people say (or sometimes shout) random phrases. Most often they repeat advertising jingles and popular songs, but occasionally they also speak ancient secrets, passages from lost texts, or even deeply personal information about someone they know nothing about. Examining these people with Mind Mage Sight reveals that they are actually asleep.
Other individuals become temporarily possessed by individual Goetia. These possessions always occur when the person becomes intoxicated or when she falls asleep. Some are possessed by a different entity each time; others are always possessed by a single Astral entity, often one associated with the person in some way. A disturbing number of celebrities have even been possessed by entities that are Astral embodiment of their own legends and public images, leading to spirals of exaggerated behavior that often end in tragedy. Many Sleepers are never aware of their Astral visitors, except as reports or videos of them sleepwalking or talking and acting strangely at parties; they remember nothing of their experiences. However, some Sleepers and all Sleepwalkers who become possessed by Goetia retain at least fragmentary memories of the experience.
The majority of these people, termed “dreamers” by the local mages who study them, believe these episodes are symptoms of some form of mental illness and seek spiritual or psychological help, making it easy for clever mages to locate them and study them, under the guise or treatment or spiritual aid. Others retain some awareness while they are possessed and are able to ask the entity questions. These people often learn how to both invite the entity to possess them and evict it when they wish the possession to end. Some believe they have ghosts living in their heads; others think that angels, demons, or even aliens are speaking to them.
Most dreamers seek out similar individuals and encounter a variety of cults and spiritual organizations, including those that are now part of abandoned Labyrinths. Others believe themselves to be specially blessed and start their own cults. A few of these cults have become quite popular and now have one or more mages as members (like the Dream Center). Mages join so they can study the possessed individuals. One particularly inexplicable feature of these possessions is that they seem tied to the city’s total population. As LA’s population grows, the number of dreamers increases in proportion. When this phenomena was first discovered in the early 1900s, there were only a handful of people possessed. Now that the city’s population has grown by more than a factor of 100, almost a thousand people are regularly possessed by Goetia.
Temenic Visitations
In addition to Goetia possessing people in Los Angeles, attempts to visit the Astral Realms from LA are easier, but also less reliable. Visiting the Astral Realms in LA using a Hallow for access costs less Mana (one less point). However, LA is also surrounded by a degree of Astral turbulence that makes entering the Temenos less reliable.
Mechanics: When mages first enter the Temenos, a mage must make a Gnosis roll. Any degree of success on this roll means that she enters the realm she expects to. However, failure or dramatic failure on this roll means that she is in a different realm, typically one that has some association with Los Angeles, or one that is currently appearing as a mirage.
Los Angeles also has a significant presence in the Temenos. Portions of and elements from LA can be found throughout the Temenos, and an Astral version of the city can be found in the Temenos realm known as the Metropolis. Some of the murals and mirages that appear in LA also show up in portions of the Temenos associated with LA, but they only show up at least one day after they first appeared in the city.
Mage Politics (Before the Great Conflagration)
LA is sufficiently vast and diverse that it defies all forms of order and organization, and this disorganized sprawl applies equally well to mage politics but conformed poorly under one banner. It was one of the most famous cities where mages from all four of the Diamond Orders had dual citizenship in both the local Assembly and Concilium... and in large numbers. The LA Assembly was a true rival to the LA Consilium. In response to numerous Diamond mages joining the Assembly, the local Consilium began actively recruiting members of the Free Council. The presence of two different mage political bodies was an enduring artifact of how Los Angeles has grown and changed.
In the early 1900s, when LA was beginning to become a major industrial and agricultural city, the Assembly arrived, drawn by reports of strange mirages and odd behavior. The newly recognized Free Council looked forward to LA being one of the first cities where one of their Assemblies held sway. Thirty years later, LA’s population had grown by almost a factor of 20. It was now the capital of the motion picture industry and had become one of the centers for wealth and power in the United States.
Both the Seers of the Throne and the Guardians of the Veil began taking a major interest in Los Angeles, and additional Diamond mages were drawn by the increasing Astral activity produced by the city’s rapidly growing population. Although the Assembly and the newly formed Consilium cooperated against the Seers of the Throne, the Libertines and other mages in the Assembly had no interest in giving up their power to the newly arrived Consilium. Instead, the two groups agreed to divide up the rapidly growing city. Each group claimed to speak for and represent mages in Los Angeles, each group is powerful and diverse, and unsurprisingly the two groups do not get along all that well.
In practice, the Assembly and the Consilium did their best to ignore one another. Doing so was often relatively easy; while mages belonging to each group were free to live anywhere in LA, most mages who belong to the Consilium lived on or near the coast, in relatively wealthy locations like Orange County, Long Beach, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Thousand Oaks, or Oxnard. In contrast, Assembly members mostly lived inland, in locations like South or East LA, Hollywood, Whittier, Burbank, or Glendale. While the two groups continued to work together to defeat Banishers and new efforts by the Seers, they guarded their research and the possessed humans they were working with quite closely, and there was little cooperation beyond working to defeat mutual foes.
However, individual mages from each group regularly interacted and there were several cabals with members from each group. In local stereotypes, members of the Assembly were poor or working class, held radical political and social views, and had no respect for magical traditions, while members of the Consilium had wealthy, socially and politically conservative, and held all of the Diamond’s traditions to be sacred truths. Like in San Diego most Nameless were recent immigrants or the children of immigrants who belonged to one of the city’s various insular ethnic enclaves. A few know no other mages, but the majority are part of small organizations which reject contact with outsiders. Those that live in LA now tend to be easy prey for groups of Banishers.
Cults and Control
Los Angeles has been a center for personality cults, spiritual seekers, and eccentric religiosity for most of the last century. As a result, both the Seers of the Throne and the Guardians of Veil still thrive here. Some mages work as magically assisted charlatans who enrich themselves on the hopes and well-fed delusions of their wealthy and middle-class followers; others find the various cults and spiritual movements to be useful tools to help them perform various esoteric endeavors. The majority of cults in LA with a supernatural influence have a non-Awakened source such as a Vampire coterie.
Dealing with Astral Mysteries
The local Assembly and Consilium agreed to divide up the city’s various Astral mysteries. Each group claimed various Demesnes, and they also secretly claim individuals who are either sources of Astral knowledge or who are regularly possessed by Goetia. Then The Burning came.
Some mage will either have day/night trips into LA or have no qualms about living there in the aftermath of the 1994 Earthquake. All exploring these Mysteries are interested in keeping careful track of individuals who have a connection to the Temenos. They also want to make certain that they have the opportunity to question the hosts when they are possessed. The generally accepted protocol among investigating mages is that the mage (or cabal) who discovers such a person has the option of “claiming” her. However, to make this claim, the mage must observe the dreamer, determine the basic parameters of her connection to the Temenos, and then report his findings to the organization he belongs to.
The first step in this process is monitoring the dreamer when she is intoxicated or asleep. Many dreamers simply randomly spout bits of information she could only have learned from the Astral Realms and rarely change what she says in response to questions. Mages sometimes plant listening devices in dreamers’ homes, to see if any of them say anything potentially interesting or useful, but rarely bother to do more than that. However, a handful of individuals are able to answer most questions about the Temenos if asked when they are intoxicated or asleep.
Mages are also exceedingly interested in individuals who are actually possessed by Astral entities, especially the rare individuals who are aware of and can communicate with the Astral entity that periodically possesses them. Once a mage (or cabal) has “claimed” a person he wishes to monitor closely, most use a mixture of magic and conventional persuasion to convince the individual to join a particular cult or support group, begin seeing a specified counselor or therapist, or even just hang out with some new friends. The goal in all of these cases is to gain access to the person so that the mage can question and observe her when she becomes possessed. Except when the individual is aware of the entity possessing her, mages are expected to not reveal anything about what is actually happening to the person. Simply kidnapping individuals with Astral connections is frowned upon by the research Cabals involved and may go out of her way to liberate them. Among the Diamond Orders Mages that dare to travel to LA to pursue this mystery there is an expectation that all information they obtain from dreamers should be recorded. They should also immediately turn over any information that reveals large-scale threats or opportunities to their organization’s leaders. The leaders are then obligated share this information with the leaders of the other Orders if applicable. Otherwise, mages are free to pursue any information they uncover from dreamers, but are asked to turn over any information that they are not interested in or able to pursue to their organization’s archives. In exchange they may consult with the body of knowledge already present.
Update: In Hollywood and the surrounded area (covered in Hollywood Extended), grant both the Begotten (Beasts) and Heroes special bonuses because of the area's Astral bleed-over. As a result, Nightmare powers gain +2 to their activation rolls and Heros usually get +2 static bonuses to certain aspects of their Gifts. Mages may notice that their Mind magic becomes more effective near Astral Verges and Irises (Environmental Yantras for Mind magic).
Threat: Banishers
Banishers are unusually common in LA. Many mages believe that the local Astral anomalies either cause more people who Awaken in LA to become Banishers, or subtly attract Banishers from elsewhere. In either case, most local Banishers are also interested in dreamers. Some care only about hunting other mages and simply observe dreamers, waiting for mages to approach them. Others fear people acting as channels to Astral entities almost as much as they fear mages. The majority of these Banishers hunt down and kill dreamers, but a few attempt to convince or threaten them to leave Los Angeles in the hope that the dreamers’ Astral connections will fade once they have been away from the city.

The Producer
The most dangerous Banishers are a small but deadly cabal who work with a young man named Hector Jefferson. Hector is regularly possessed by a Goetia known as the Producer, a creature made from LA’s dreams and legends of personal power. The Producer loves LA, but distrusts mages and fears that they will disrupt its city and disturb other dreamers, who it considers to be its “Stars.” It forbids the Banishers it works with from interfering with any of these “Stars” and keeps in close contact with more than a dozen other possessing Goetia, either in the Astral Realm or while they are possessing Sleepers. The Producer hopes to eventually be able to entirely break down the barriers to the Temenos in Los Angeles, so that any Astral entities that wish to do so are free to possess humans, animals, or electronic devices, and thus transform LA into a city ruled by Astral entities.
The Producer keeps the Banishers it works with from learning anything about its goals and instead uses its powers to help them identify and locate other mages, so that the Banishers can find and kill them. The Producer also warns these Banishers if it learns anything from the Temenos about mages attempting to hunt them down. However, it sees these Banishers as nothing more than a means to an end. It does not hesitate to try to make certain that its pawns are killed rather than captured by other mages, so they cannot reveal any information about the Producer. It also secretly betrays any Banishers who ask too many questions about its plans and goals.
Threat: Seers of the Throne
The Seers of the Throne are present in LA. Their primary interest in LA is as a center of power and control, and several Seer pylons have connections to various important figures in the entertainment industry. In addition to their more typical tools of bribery, blackmail, and covert alliances, the local Seers also maintain several cults specifically designed to attract members of the entertainment industry as a means to obtain information and influence various projects. Rivalries between these cults and similar cults occasionally become sufficiently heated that celebrity gossip magazines periodically carry stories about animosity between wealthy and powerful people in rival “spiritual organizations.” Cults run by the Seers of the Throne also commonly use threats of lawsuits and similar forms of intimidation to attempt to prevent journalists or bloggers from posting any remotely negative information about them.
In the last six months, a Pylon that controls one of these cults was contacted by the Producer. These Seers are currently negotiating with the entity to work out a plan to work together with the Producer and its Astral allies to alter the balance of power in the Astral Realm in order to greatly increase belief in the Seers’ cult. In return, the Producer asks that it and several other possessing Astral entities become major figures in the cult. It hopes to use this cult as a means to both encourage Sleepers to worship it and, if possible, to increase the number of people possessed by Astral entities as a step toward its goal of weakening the barriers between LA and the Temenos. One difficulty in these negotiations is that the Seers must keep them secret from their superiors, since both senior Seers and the Exarchs strongly oppose dealing with Astral entities as equals.
Astral Intrusions

Astral Possession
Goetia possess people in LA, in defiance of their usual inability to do so without aid; whatever causes the mirages also allows them through into the material world, and gives them the power to take over weak minds (Open Condition). Hundreds of Sleepers and Sleepwalkers randomly make transitory connections with various portions of the Temenos when they are drunk, high, delirious from illness, or otherwise seriously mentally impaired. In this state, these people say (or sometimes shout) random phrases. Most often they repeat advertising jingles and popular songs, but occasionally they also speak ancient secrets, passages from lost texts, or even deeply personal information about someone they know nothing about. Examining these people with Mind Mage Sight reveals that they are actually asleep.
Other individuals become temporarily possessed by individual Goetia. These possessions always occur when the person becomes intoxicated or when she falls asleep. Some are possessed by a different entity each time; others are always possessed by a single Astral entity, often one associated with the person in some way. A disturbing number of celebrities have even been possessed by entities that are Astral embodiment of their own legends and public images, leading to spirals of exaggerated behavior that often end in tragedy. Many Sleepers are never aware of their Astral visitors, except as reports or videos of them sleepwalking or talking and acting strangely at parties; they remember nothing of their experiences. However, some Sleepers and all Sleepwalkers who become possessed by Goetia retain at least fragmentary memories of the experience.
The majority of these people, termed “dreamers” by the local mages who study them, believe these episodes are symptoms of some form of mental illness and seek spiritual or psychological help, making it easy for clever mages to locate them and study them, under the guise or treatment or spiritual aid. Others retain some awareness while they are possessed and are able to ask the entity questions. These people often learn how to both invite the entity to possess them and evict it when they wish the possession to end. Some believe they have ghosts living in their heads; others think that angels, demons, or even aliens are speaking to them.

Temenic Visitations

Mechanics: When mages first enter the Temenos, a mage must make a Gnosis roll. Any degree of success on this roll means that she enters the realm she expects to. However, failure or dramatic failure on this roll means that she is in a different realm, typically one that has some association with Los Angeles, or one that is currently appearing as a mirage.
Los Angeles also has a significant presence in the Temenos. Portions of and elements from LA can be found throughout the Temenos, and an Astral version of the city can be found in the Temenos realm known as the Metropolis. Some of the murals and mirages that appear in LA also show up in portions of the Temenos associated with LA, but they only show up at least one day after they first appeared in the city.
Mage Politics (Before the Great Conflagration)
LA is sufficiently vast and diverse that it defies all forms of order and organization, and this disorganized sprawl applies equally well to mage politics but conformed poorly under one banner. It was one of the most famous cities where mages from all four of the Diamond Orders had dual citizenship in both the local Assembly and Concilium... and in large numbers. The LA Assembly was a true rival to the LA Consilium. In response to numerous Diamond mages joining the Assembly, the local Consilium began actively recruiting members of the Free Council. The presence of two different mage political bodies was an enduring artifact of how Los Angeles has grown and changed.
In the early 1900s, when LA was beginning to become a major industrial and agricultural city, the Assembly arrived, drawn by reports of strange mirages and odd behavior. The newly recognized Free Council looked forward to LA being one of the first cities where one of their Assemblies held sway. Thirty years later, LA’s population had grown by almost a factor of 20. It was now the capital of the motion picture industry and had become one of the centers for wealth and power in the United States.
Both the Seers of the Throne and the Guardians of the Veil began taking a major interest in Los Angeles, and additional Diamond mages were drawn by the increasing Astral activity produced by the city’s rapidly growing population. Although the Assembly and the newly formed Consilium cooperated against the Seers of the Throne, the Libertines and other mages in the Assembly had no interest in giving up their power to the newly arrived Consilium. Instead, the two groups agreed to divide up the rapidly growing city. Each group claimed to speak for and represent mages in Los Angeles, each group is powerful and diverse, and unsurprisingly the two groups do not get along all that well.

However, individual mages from each group regularly interacted and there were several cabals with members from each group. In local stereotypes, members of the Assembly were poor or working class, held radical political and social views, and had no respect for magical traditions, while members of the Consilium had wealthy, socially and politically conservative, and held all of the Diamond’s traditions to be sacred truths. Like in San Diego most Nameless were recent immigrants or the children of immigrants who belonged to one of the city’s various insular ethnic enclaves. A few know no other mages, but the majority are part of small organizations which reject contact with outsiders. Those that live in LA now tend to be easy prey for groups of Banishers.
Cults and Control

Dealing with Astral Mysteries
The local Assembly and Consilium agreed to divide up the city’s various Astral mysteries. Each group claimed various Demesnes, and they also secretly claim individuals who are either sources of Astral knowledge or who are regularly possessed by Goetia. Then The Burning came.

The first step in this process is monitoring the dreamer when she is intoxicated or asleep. Many dreamers simply randomly spout bits of information she could only have learned from the Astral Realms and rarely change what she says in response to questions. Mages sometimes plant listening devices in dreamers’ homes, to see if any of them say anything potentially interesting or useful, but rarely bother to do more than that. However, a handful of individuals are able to answer most questions about the Temenos if asked when they are intoxicated or asleep.
Mages are also exceedingly interested in individuals who are actually possessed by Astral entities, especially the rare individuals who are aware of and can communicate with the Astral entity that periodically possesses them. Once a mage (or cabal) has “claimed” a person he wishes to monitor closely, most use a mixture of magic and conventional persuasion to convince the individual to join a particular cult or support group, begin seeing a specified counselor or therapist, or even just hang out with some new friends. The goal in all of these cases is to gain access to the person so that the mage can question and observe her when she becomes possessed. Except when the individual is aware of the entity possessing her, mages are expected to not reveal anything about what is actually happening to the person. Simply kidnapping individuals with Astral connections is frowned upon by the research Cabals involved and may go out of her way to liberate them. Among the Diamond Orders Mages that dare to travel to LA to pursue this mystery there is an expectation that all information they obtain from dreamers should be recorded. They should also immediately turn over any information that reveals large-scale threats or opportunities to their organization’s leaders. The leaders are then obligated share this information with the leaders of the other Orders if applicable. Otherwise, mages are free to pursue any information they uncover from dreamers, but are asked to turn over any information that they are not interested in or able to pursue to their organization’s archives. In exchange they may consult with the body of knowledge already present.
Update: In Hollywood and the surrounded area (covered in Hollywood Extended), grant both the Begotten (Beasts) and Heroes special bonuses because of the area's Astral bleed-over. As a result, Nightmare powers gain +2 to their activation rolls and Heros usually get +2 static bonuses to certain aspects of their Gifts. Mages may notice that their Mind magic becomes more effective near Astral Verges and Irises (Environmental Yantras for Mind magic).
Threat: Banishers
Banishers are unusually common in LA. Many mages believe that the local Astral anomalies either cause more people who Awaken in LA to become Banishers, or subtly attract Banishers from elsewhere. In either case, most local Banishers are also interested in dreamers. Some care only about hunting other mages and simply observe dreamers, waiting for mages to approach them. Others fear people acting as channels to Astral entities almost as much as they fear mages. The majority of these Banishers hunt down and kill dreamers, but a few attempt to convince or threaten them to leave Los Angeles in the hope that the dreamers’ Astral connections will fade once they have been away from the city.
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The Producer |
The Producer keeps the Banishers it works with from learning anything about its goals and instead uses its powers to help them identify and locate other mages, so that the Banishers can find and kill them. The Producer also warns these Banishers if it learns anything from the Temenos about mages attempting to hunt them down. However, it sees these Banishers as nothing more than a means to an end. It does not hesitate to try to make certain that its pawns are killed rather than captured by other mages, so they cannot reveal any information about the Producer. It also secretly betrays any Banishers who ask too many questions about its plans and goals.
Threat: Seers of the Throne
The Seers of the Throne are present in LA. Their primary interest in LA is as a center of power and control, and several Seer pylons have connections to various important figures in the entertainment industry. In addition to their more typical tools of bribery, blackmail, and covert alliances, the local Seers also maintain several cults specifically designed to attract members of the entertainment industry as a means to obtain information and influence various projects. Rivalries between these cults and similar cults occasionally become sufficiently heated that celebrity gossip magazines periodically carry stories about animosity between wealthy and powerful people in rival “spiritual organizations.” Cults run by the Seers of the Throne also commonly use threats of lawsuits and similar forms of intimidation to attempt to prevent journalists or bloggers from posting any remotely negative information about them.
In the last six months, a Pylon that controls one of these cults was contacted by the Producer. These Seers are currently negotiating with the entity to work out a plan to work together with the Producer and its Astral allies to alter the balance of power in the Astral Realm in order to greatly increase belief in the Seers’ cult. In return, the Producer asks that it and several other possessing Astral entities become major figures in the cult. It hopes to use this cult as a means to both encourage Sleepers to worship it and, if possible, to increase the number of people possessed by Astral entities as a step toward its goal of weakening the barriers between LA and the Temenos. One difficulty in these negotiations is that the Seers must keep them secret from their superiors, since both senior Seers and the Exarchs strongly oppose dealing with Astral entities as equals.
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