Out of Character (OOC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Venue: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler
Assistant Storytellers: Hannah Nyland & Alex Van Belkum
New Legacy: Kairos's Mantle of Famine
The following is a conversion by our very talented Hannah Nyland of one of our custom Legacies: The Mantle of the Horseman of Famine to a version for use in Mage: The Awakening Second Edition for our friend Ethen's character: Kairos.
Source: Below is our third version of the Mantle of Famine, one of five mantles granted to a single mage in a generation. The first version was designed by Jerad Sayler in 2010, the second version was converted and designed by Korri Smith, Mathew Hagen, and Jerad Sayler in 2014.
Parent Path:
Primarily Obrimos, but any hear the Horseman’s Call.
Nickname: The
Black Horseman, Harbinger of the Silent, The Scale Bearer, The One Who Starves,
Blackcloak, Weigher, The Second Rider, Lilithim’s Hand (Vulgar among
Prometheans), The Divine Smith, Doctor Disquiet,
Orders: None.
Awakened society knows little of the Mantles.
Scarce information exists about what they are and what they
represent. Without obscure sources from
the very limits of the Tenemos, Anima Mundi or the vast Athenaeum Death
Dominion in the Underworld no one knows they exist.
Background: Manifests from some trigger of destiny: the death
of the previous Famine Mantle bearer or beginnings of some cosmic
consequence. The mantles are used by the
pact Archmastery spell of their mysterious patrons to counterbalance the scales
of light and darkness.
There is only one at a time, chosen through destiny and the turning of the
world. When brought together with the
other Mantles their powers are destiny are compounded. They make a five pointed Symbolic Cabal. If this can be maintained until they are
Archmasters they become their own powerful Entity and a Circle of Ascension.
Threshold: The
Silent are called the Starving Ones, and the victims of Neglect, and they die
from deprivation, such as suffocation, starvation, and heartbreak. They attract
hungry and needy entities. They leave
behind the resonance of deprivation and need.
Realm Affinity: Draw
power from the middle ground between the Aether Supernal Realm and its fallen
aspect, which is unknown. Some say it is
the God-Machine or the Principle which lies at the center of the Aether. An actual fallen realm that represents the
fallen aspect of the Angels: Heaven, Hell, or a place of peace the Created
(Prometheans) seek has yet to be discovered.
Secret Patrons: The
pact that made the Mantles of the
Horsemen had many signatories. The
Mantle of the Black Horseman was bestowed and empowered by the Progenitor(s)
of the Principle. While no one knows who
exactly that means the speculation is Arch-Prometheans of some forgotten era,
the God-Machine, and/or the Archangels of the Aether or even the
ArcQuashmallium. There are myths of the
Adam Kadmon, Titans and the giants of Juton that also could point to the secret
powers behind the Mantle.
Fallen Affinities: Skills of import are Crafts and Science. Lesser skills focus on the skills of Stealth,
Subterfuge, Investigation and Occult.
Elemental affinity with Ice, Cold, Wind, and Celestial fires.
Ruling Arcana: Matter
(Secondary: Prime)
Yantra: Inflicting total destruction on an object or
place +2, implements of forging or alchemy +1, succeeding on a relevant Crafts
or Science check prior to the casting roll +2, spellcasting incorporates a
complex machine or construct +1, fire +1, in a quiet and desolate place +1.
Oblations: Alchemical
work, construction of golems, crafting magical or complex machines and weapons.
Breaking these things down to their component parts, acts of
transmutation. Animating the
Inanimate. Imbuing items, handling mana,
manipulating any of the Divine Fires of
creation: Holy Fire, Unholy Fire, Pyros, etc.
Spending time doing these things in places of silence and
desolation. Combining this aspect of
desolation with industry such as abandoned refineries or long forgotten
industrial forges. Work in Alchemical
labs or other combinations of the occult, science and obsession.
Prerequisites: Gnosis 2, Matter 1, Crafts and Science
2, Mantle of the Horseman, relevant specialty in Crafts or Science, Merit:
Potent Nimbus OO, Merit: Alchemical Lab OOO, Mantle of Famine
1st - Flickers of Entropy
System: Flickers of Entropy is a fusion of Matter 1
“Discern Composition” and a restricted version of time-based divination
effects. By using this attainment on an item, building, or structure, Famine
instantly determines its weight, density, composition, general in-organic
make-up, and structural weak points; attempts to damage the object reduce its
Durability by –1 per point of the horseman’s dots in Matter. He also sees a
vision of one possible future in which the structure is successfully destroyed;
the events do not have to be even remotely likely to come to pass, but they
must at least be possible. If the target is metaphysically impossible to
destroy, this part of the spell turns up no vision.
System: Functions as an inverse
version of Matter 2 “Shaping”, with a narrower scope but expanded options.
Famine can shape a tool, machine, or weapon with a touch, changing its shape
and manipulating it in defiance of gravity. The restriction is that the object
must serve a primarily destructive (not mundane or defensive) function, and
using this attainment on it will enhance its capability to inflict harm. For
example, a sword could be enhanced, as could a golem meant to attack intruders
to a Sanctum, or even a missile - but a wall, piece of clothing/armor, or
utility tool could not. Mechanically, the object gains a total amount of points
of bonuses equal to Famine’s dots in Matter, spread between weapon damage,
equipment bonus, durability and armor piercing.
Famine instinctively notices weaknesses in material structures, places
where a light touch is all that’s needed for entropy to assert itself and ruin
the works of man. Alternatively, he can use this to find weak points in his own
work so that he can shore them up.

Optional “Unblinking Eye” - Prime 1. Functions as “Pierce Deception”
on the targeted item only, with a Potency equal to Famine’s dots in Prime. He
sees through magical and mundane deceptions placed on the item that would
obstruct his ability to damage it or use it himself. In addition, Flickers of
Entropy can now be used on imbued or otherwise magical targets.
2nd - Touch of the Titans
Gnosis 2-3, Matter 2, second specialty in Crafts or Science, Alchemical Lab
The Black Horseman takes the alchemical elements and fires of creation
and infuses them into magical items and weapons. Objects under the effect of this spell glow with alchemical fire; they are hot to the touch, but do not burn on contact.

The effect lasts one scene. This attainment is Touch/Aimed range unless the Horseman spends a Mana to make it Sensory.
Optional “Prometheus Atom”: Prime 3. Functions similarly to “Ephemeral
Enchantment”. When using Torch of the Titans, the targeted object may also be
made capable of harming entities in Twilight as though they were solid matter.
Any ephemeral entities targeted with said item take aggravated damage.
3rd - Wasteland Nimbus
Gnosis 4-5, Matter 3, Crafts and Science 3, Potent Nimbus OOOO
Matter 1 - Arm’s reach from a central point
Nimbus becomes a weapon of destruction, bringing desolation wherever he goes.
Crops die, buildings and tools succumb to entropy, and rock structures crumble and fall apart in his wake.
System: Whenever his Nimbus flares, he may choose to trigger an effect similar to
Matter 3 “Nigredo and Albedo”, centered on himself. All inorganic material
(rock, dirt, metal, gems, ore, and objects/buildings made from these things)
and plant-life in the area of effect takes Structure damage equal to Famine’s
dots in matter, ignoring Durability. The area of effect is a
number of steps up the Scale chart equal to the horseman’s dots in Matter. For
example, with Matter 3, it would affect an area around the size of a large
room. Magical objects, tools, buildings, etc are not damaged by this spell.

Matter 2 - A small room
Matter 3 - A large room
Matter 4 - Several rooms, or a single floor of a house
Matter 5 - A ballroom or small house
Matter 6+ - A large house
Optional “Horseman’s Fervor”: Prime 3 - His superior grasp over supernal
energies bolsters the horseman’s nimbus, making his flares truly dramatic and
frightening. For the purposes of determining the strength of Famine’s Nimbus
tilt, add his dots in Prime to his Gnosis. This functions similarly to Potent
Nimbus, and stacks with it.
4th - Lilithum
Gnosis 6-7, Matter 4, third specialty in Craft or Science
Famine is balance out of flux.
He tips the scales hard to suit his need and inflict them upon his
enemies with a look of desolation. A man without water will die, a
man drowning or having drunk too much water will also die. With a greater understanding of Famine and the
mysteries of the Divine fire the Black Horseman can direct the alchemical
elements to take from one source and leech it into his own pattern. The conservation of matter and energy must
System: This attainment functions as a Matter version of Life 4 “Life-Force
Assault”; the victim atrophies internally under the reconstruction of the
elements in their body, causing excruciating pain. They take aggravated damage
equal to Famine’s dots in Matter. Any wound penalties they’re suffering
increase by -2.
This attainment is Sensory range.
Optional “Pillar of Salt”: Prime 4. Functions similarly to “Channel
Mana”. When Famine successfully causes damage to another mage using this spell,
he siphons an amount of their mana equal to his dots in Prime and adds it to
his own supply.
For a Willpower Point per attack the Horsemen can add his half his dots in Prime (rounded up) together to determine damage. This does not increase the Mana draw.
5th - Black Horse
Gnosis 8-9, Matter 5, second specialty in Craft or Science, Alchemical Lab
Entropy runs wild in the world around Famine; the works of man crumble
as cataclysms shake the earth. In many cases, this can render the surrounding
land barren or uninhabitable for years.
System: The horseman spends a Willpower point
and a mana, and a number of Environmental Tilts from the following list are
unleashed within sensory range, in any combination and placement he choose:
- Flooded (Environmental Tilt)
- Ice (Environmental Tilt)
- Heavy Rain (Environmental Tilt)
- Blizzard (Environmental Tilt)
- Extreme Winds (Environmental Tilt)
- Extreme Cold (Environmental Tilt)
- Extreme Heat (Environmental Tilt)
By spending an instant action and
another mana while this attainment is active, Famine can rearrange the position
of the calamities on the field to his liking, adding more, removing some, or
commanding individual Tilts to change their positions to another area within
his sensory range.
Note that the maximum number of environmental tilts that
Famine can have out at any one time is equal to his dots in Matter.
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