((In Character Post (IC):
Chronicle: Mage 2: The Dethroned Queen
Venue: Mage: The Awakening
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler))
Venue: Mage: The Awakening
Chronicle Storyteller: Jerad Sayler))
Author: Hannah Nyland, all rights reserved))
((I wish I could take credit for this, I did help design the story this little gem was part of... great work Hannah))
The Study
fashioned from rock like the rest of the place, the inhabitant of this room
clearly at least made an effort to make it feel cozy. The lighting is warm, and
the floor has been mostly covered by a large, antique rug, and the walls by
wall tapestries with soothing colors; blue and purple. There’s an old reading
chair set up by the door with a pile of books on it, and bookshelves filled
with occult tomes and literature. In the far corner, there’s a wooden desk and
There is a
single, slim tome on the desk, a pen beside it. It’s an imbued item; a book
that never runs out of pages; whenever the user reaches the last page, a turn
of the page brings them to a new one, yet it somehow manages to stay the size
of a novella.
February 29th, 2002.

But after deep
scrutiny, I see a bright spark of potential buried underneath the mundane. She
could become so much more.
It will be done quietly, of
course. There are many, many who would have more than words for me if my
actions were to be discovered.
I have no illusions that the
process will not hurt her. If the Iron Gauntlet has taught me nothing else in
all my years, it’s that enlightenment is never a gentle process, nor should it
be. This will be a trial for both of us, but I’m confident that she will see
the other side, forged from the struggle. Awakened.
March 5th, 2002.
“There was no enlightenment.
I tried to fix my mistakes after
it was over, but there is nothing left to fix. These aren’t just fractures in her
psyche, but a smoking crater where her mind used to be. She’s dead in
everything but body, and after what I’ve done . . . the body isn’t long for
this world either. Even Life magic can only heal so much.
There was no
enlightenment. And there is no forgiveness for this.”
March 6th, 2002.
“Took care of
the body.”
rest of the page is blank.))
March 10th, 2002.
“I’ve thought
about Melissa the past few days.
But this is
greater than me, her, or any of us. If my work results in the Awakening of even
a single soul, if I can unlock that impenetrable secret, her blood on my hands
will have been worthwhile. We are too few, and the number of new mages dwindles
by the year. I’ve watched it happen. I’ve felt my own power slowly fade over
the centuries, felt the distance between my soul and its Watchtower, ever
widening. Inch by inch, magic is crumbling, and so are we.
The tests will
continue. I will never escape what I have done here, and from what I will do. But
perhaps one day, they will thank me for it.”
((The journal goes on to describe further “tests”
performed on over a dozen kidnapped Sleeper subjects, both male and female. The
means vary wildly, but are consistently brutal. Vivisection with a scalpel.
Tampering with memories and emotions. Inducing painful, terrifying, euphoric
states of mind. Warping the body with Life magic. Stopping their heart. Taking
a sledgehammer to the psyche. Dangerous amounts of blood loss. These are just
the tip of the iceberg. Most die. The rest are released with their memories
erased and nearly irreparable mental damage.))
((The writer carefully logs each Sleeper’s
background and the tortures inflicted on them separately. The first couple are
thick with remorse, heavy on rationalizations and light on the details of the
experiments themselves. He continues to repeat that he cannot be forgiven. But
the further you read, the more clinical and explicit the entries become – cold,
detached. There is a feeling of tightness about them, as though if he allows
himself to articulate too much he will shatter :))
December 30th, 2005
“Test on
Richard Wilmoth resulted in failure. Subject was a drifter suffering from
alcohol and nicotine addictions. Abusive childhood. Experienced difficulties
with authority figures throughout his life. No higher education. No close
personal ties. Aged 37 at time of death.
Procedures showed
initial promise, but were ultimately ineffective. Alternated bet
ween simulating
the effects of heavy depressant drugs and flooding his body with stimulants,
including quantities of adrenaline well past the amount naturally produced by
the body. This was sustained for eight hours, during which the subject entered
an altered state of consciousness, where I used events extracted from his
memories in to create hallucinations of his worst inner demons for him to
overcome. Little progress at this stage. Heart rate spiked dramatically and
subject completely withdrew mentally instead of attempting to face the
conflict. Could not draw him out.
At the eight
hour mark, the subject’s heart gave out and he went into cardiac arrest.
Problem resolved with Life magic and test continued. Directed psychic assaults
at the subject in an attempt to force him to mentally emerge and defend
himself. No success; subject remained in a near catatonic state. Experimented
once again with effects of reshaping the frontal and parietal lobe-”
entry continues on for several pages.))
((At some point, the writer begins capturing
spirits and testing the effects of spells on them to judge if they should then
be used on the Sleepers. Specifically, he frequently references a spirit named
May 6th, 2006
“A success. An actual goddamn successful
Awakening after everything. And I was the one to bring it to fruition.
Until that breakthrough, I was
certain I was going to lose another one; she was only a hair away from death
when it happened. Fitting for a new Moros.
I’ve cut her every sympathetic
tie to me and my work, healed what I could, implanted false memories of these
events and a subtle urging to seek out San Diego’s Concilium members. They
should be able to take care of her from here. Jodi Ashwell will have a new life
when she opens her eyes.
But there’s not enough evidence
yet to prove that my methods are successful. If anyone is to be convinced, I’ll
need a pattern of cause and effect I can point to. And for that, I need more
((Over the next four
years, there are two more successful Awakenings recorded. But there is no
consistency in the precise methods which triggered them, no pattern to speak
of. Even the writer begins to question whether the Awakenings were a result of
his tests, or a simple coincidence resulting from deliberately surrounding himself
with Sleepers with great potential for Awakening. The tone of the passages
sinks back into detached coldness once again.))

“The next test subject is secured. I’m trying something very different this time; will be an extremely complex spell, and I’m unsure of how it will react with a living being. Better to proceed cautiously and run it on Etzel first.
Tomorrow though. Can’t remember
the last time I slept.”
((From this point forward, the handwriting of the entries becomes noticeably different; harsh, angry scrawls, where before it was tight and disciplined.))
June 12th, 2010.
“Flipping back through this book is sickening. Not for what he did, no, but
for the hypocrisy of it. All those tears shed for the humans he hurt, as though they were
the only ones.
I remember how he kept spirits trapped in those lanterns like insects,
binding us against our wills. I remember the nightly torture and tests inflicted upon us so that
his precious humans might have to suffer a little less when the time came.
Yet you could “forgive yourself” for that, couldn’t you, Angoz?
I am his legacy - a maimed spirit and patchwork beast - and that
thought disgusts me more than anything he has written down in these pages. In every way, I am the monster
he has forced me into – sick, spiteful, and pathetic.
But no spirit in my service will be bound or harmed. They will work for me of their
own free will, and be rewarded accordingly. I can think of no better way to spit on his memory.”
June 24th, 2010

Angoz’s soul . . . my soul . . . is deeply damaged, held together by Supernal willpower and little else. I felt it happen as it shifted
from his possession to mine, fractured by that moment of trauma. It’s a mage’s soul, and
ill-fitting, operating at only a fraction of its potential, and even then clawing
at my insides the whole way.
The Astral Realms reject me entirely. Three times now, I’ve tried to
meditate at the Hallow, but the doors of my own Oneiros remain closed to me. When I try to draw out the Mana
into myself, the substance slips through my will, as though recoiling from me.”
September 10th, 2010.
“I never expected to miss Angoz. But having someone to hate is
still someone, and all I have left now are the rats.
I’ve made contact with a handful
of spirits, and while some are willing to work for me, none will stay in my
presence for any longer than is necessary. They’re afraid.
I rarely leave the sewers, or
even the Sanctum. As much as this place is a reminder of my own living hell, it’s
also the only safe place. If a mage were to realize what I really am underneath the Life magic
and illusions, I would likely not survive the encounter.”
November 1st, 2010.
“A dog fell into an open sewer
hole today. A stray, I think, all spotted and dirty and thin with its two back
legs broken. No collar.
I carried it back to the Sanctum. Healed its legs. I don’t know why. Maybe I really am that
desperate for companionship. The dog eyed me warily, but it did not bite, or worse – try to run.

I can still hear the dog,
whimpering and snarling from somewhere in the back of my mind. Angoz too. I wish I knew how to make them
December 3rd, 2010.
An unbroken body. An untarnished Supernal soul. I judge both to be unachievable
as I am now. Sometimes, what is shattered cannot be put back together,
regardless of effort.
But another’s mind can be usurped
on the cusp on enlightenment, thrown out and my consciousness seated in its place. I will experience a proper
Awakening, even if it must be via proxy and theft.
So it comes to this again; the
seeking of potential. The tests will continue. I will be whole again.”
((You start to get an eerie feeling of Déjà vu as you read on. There is the kidnapping of Sleepers, the horrific torture, the hopes of enlightenment – it’s all the same, just with a different motivation this time. More deaths, more broken minds. And while Angoz’s entries became colder, this writer seems to grow more desperate the more time passes without a single successful Awakening.))
((There is something odd that happens only a few
times. The writer describes kidnapping a Sleeper as usual, but instead of
experimenting on them, they compel them to treat them as they would a good
friend, and simply talk with them for a time. Their memories of the experience
are wiped, and they are allowed to go free, unharmed. But the majority of these
stories have no such happy ending.))
((The last entry in the journal is very recent :))

“I’ve been blessed with not one, but two prospects this time. Nolan, the psychic talent, I’ve had my eye on for a while, but the second took me by surprise. She practically wandered right onto my doorstep.
A Proximus. The threads of her destiny
practically glow under Fate, with a strength and immediacy that I’ve rarely
hour is coming ‘round.
And of course, she’s surrounded
by a pack of mages, but I find that I simply don’t care anymore. This may be the best chance I
ever get. To have a life back . . . any risk seems worthwhile now.”
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