Friday, August 28, 2015

Regarding Infernals

NOTES ON INFERNAL BEINGS, prepared by Casstiel, Loremaster of the Horsemen
NOTES FROM: Various Fallen Rumors and Sources, prepared by Casstiel, Loremaster of the Horsemen Cabal

Alright demon research, and I'm gonna need some help with this because it seems like "demon" is everyone's favorite word. Every time someone runs into something malicious and inhuman they want to call it a fucking demon. Members of the Knights of the Blackened Denarius all have a coin with a supposed fallen angel in it. Based on the previous accounts we read over they all have specific names, no physical bodies, and are extremely evil and ancient. But what would Awakened knowledge say about these things and classify them? Here are some of my options for a direction, I need opinions on how to eliminate some of these options:

Evil Ghosts - The coins could be the anchors, this seems like a long shot.

Evil Spirits - possible but they usually have limited intelligence and assume the iden...

NOTES FROM: Directed research on Demons of Vice of the “Other” persuasion… True Demons

1. First off, there is tons of lore, rumors and heresay about demons. And unfortunatly there is no awakened information on this specific catagory I'm trying to focus on. This is closely guarded secret stuff. I only got what I did by picking through the bullshit of fallen world stuff and where it crosses with what we know and awakened rumors I have heard. Without gaining access to an Atheneum or checking out a book from the Scholomance I can't be sure if I am on the right track...

‎2. Fallen demons, True demons, Infernal demons, whatever you want to call them, seem to be spirits for the most part. Specifically, spirits of vice. All of these demons have this common factor: They have the essence of at least one vice at the core of their being. Every demon specializes in a particular vice with more powerful creatures associated with a cocktail of vices which for lack of better understanding I will just refer to as a Sin. All these demons of sin desire greater influence of their sin over the fallen world. That is there ultimate goal... to infect reality with corrupted vice - sin. Unlike the Abyss, they do not wish to destroy reality, they want to turn it into a horrible playground of derragnement and sin. I am making a lot of speculation and broad generalization on that last statement. Spirits tend to be what they are and want more of that stuff that they feed on and that which makes them, so a demon of greed and lust will want more of the same.

‎3. To add further confusion, there is one demonic host with many fallen guises. There is no 'real' objective heirachry but more like classes of evil spirits with different common characteristics. Spirits can be evil and not be demons, something tainted takes them from being a spirit of pride to a demon of pride. Ghosts can become demons, geotic demons in the mind and astral realms can both be a Geotic demon and also get that extra salt of "something" that makes them a true demon. Set apart and not playing by the rules..

‎4. This is normally where I would be running out of know how. But with some Mind Arcana and dipping slightly into the universal subconcious I found out perhaps the most important fact: The mortal world defines these demons. Demons need to be given a fallen-world shape in order to have existance. We shape them by defining them. Occult documents, objects, people, and locations all give demons power and existance because these things have defined them. Being bound to a coin DEFINES Lashiel as a fallen angel in a coin. Before that she was something else, another spirit, or just sat in Hell (that place we witness Nick go into) as some kind of amorphous thought or potential. These things, places, and people, bind a demon into reality, giving it much greater power of the world but also imposing limitations. Like, for example, a demon possessing a person is limited in scope by possessing them or needing to stay near a place or object, needing to have its worship, rituals, or blashemphous name in a book somewhere is giving it power and making it what it is.

Alright, thats all. Oh wait. I'm the fucking Loremaster of this little Cabal. So what have I pulled together through conclusions? (I'm rocking 3 my minds with Int 6 + 5 Occult, average of 6 successes an hour bitches)

5. Conclusion 1 - It is true that fallen sorcerers can summon and command demons. And that some Supernal Magic will affect them some of the time. This is the result of the spiritual condition binding them to reality also imposing rules on them. Therefore, with the correct rights, rituals, names, and spells it can be possible to compel a demon to obey. However, whether or not they are actually bound or PRETENDING to be bound for there own benefit and later betrayel is unknown. They seem to like to break the rules at the worst possible time and fuck over the summoner.

‎6. Conclusion 2 - If defined by mankind at some point, powerful and old demons ascribe to a heirarchies. This demon lords also have secret names. There may be multiple disjointed heirarchies, but the more powerful a demon gets the more restriction and definition it needs in the world. So an Archdemon would have dozens of names and influence a handful of culutures throughout their history. As a result, they are REALLY powerful but have a lot of rules restricting how they can act. That is why powerful demons aren't rampaging all of the Earth and, like the Seers of the Throne, or Archmasters, remain secretive and unseen. Playing out their chess games with lesser beings as pawns.

Conclusion 3 - With restrictions varying on a given demon. It is possible that there may be those "pure hearts" among us that are immune to demonic influence. However these stories of saints and messiahs may be exaggerate tales of Mages or other supernaturals fighting evil forces. It's possible that a demon may be unable to attack a man of faith or conviction and a different demon may ride him around like a sock puppet. There doesn't really seem to be a common factor on that one. Myths of saints could just be the use of Prime 2 "Armor of the Soul" for all I know.

‎8 - Conclusion 4 - These demons, this extra "evil salt" that is added to an already horrible thing that makes it the "real deal" makes it impossible to tell if what I am researching are actually fallen angels. When the Silver Ladder fell and the world was shattered a whole lot of Supernal beings were trapped on Earth. Some died out, some changed into something else. The Abyss and the fall also corrupted the normal cycles of existance, created horrible byproducts like ghosts and the Underworld. These creatures, whatever they are, like to play out whatever part man ascribes to them. So they say they are fallen angels, they also say they are dark parts of the mind like Goetics. They also say they are impowering rebels if that suits a teenage mind. They could be all of these things and none of them. They could be fallen things defined by vice in order to fit that model.

‎9 - Conclusion 5 - One thing is for sure. Demons are liars. They are skilled decievers that may be able to trick without actually lying at all. They may be able to twist whatever they have that passes for a mind to ascribe to whatever truth defines them. The touch of infernal, the "additive/salt" makes it so that no power can tell if they are lying or telling the truth. That may actually be the REAL key to defining if something is a true demon or just something evil. If you can't tell if it is lying or not with serious power, then odds are it is an Infernal demon.

‎10 - Conclusion 6 - The most vulgar ways that demons achieve PINNACLE influence over the fallen world is through possession. Throughout history there is documented lore of them possessing people, animals, undead, locations (elementals), objects, and possibly even GHOSTS AND SPIRITS. That "Infernal Salt" at work again, changing something that's bad into something at is truly infernal. Haven't tracted down what the turning point is...

Conclusion 7 - (Last one I swear) evidence and lore pointed to demons being repeled by holy places and symbols is bound to how the demon is defined in reality. If the rules that give it form also give is a Ban (similar to a spirit) then it is possible that holy shit could affect it. It is also possible that willpower (like exorcisms and abjurations) will DEFINETLY work no matter what, because a demon in our world is a thing bound to the human condition, vice, and repelled by conviction and virtue (rather than faith and religious symbols directly).

John, I have figured out a way to test to see if she is a True Demon. If we cannot magically tell with Mind magic if she is lying or telling the truth with certainty then she's a true infernal demon. Based on what we have learned, she could have been a Aetherian angel that fell during the fall and went bad. The addition of the Infernal spark changed her into a true demon and she went into hell or was destoryed. The occult testiments and coin bound her back to the mortal world. We need to conduct this test.

(We preformed the test on the Demon Lashiel and determined that Mind Arcanum could not be used to detect a deliberate lie.  She is a True Demon which we refer to as Infernals)

NOTES FROM: The Codex of Lost Pages, prepared by Casstiel, Loremaster of the Horsemen Cabal

Infernal Research... unfortunately I had help from Lash on where to look... weird she would help us look up ways to destroy her...

I got this batch of Knowledge from a Mad who was consumed by this demon knowledge.. so I hope I will be okay. The fires of his "rebirth" consumed his library allowing me to eventually find pieces of it in the Codex...Here are the basics:

-Supposedly Hell is worse than the Abyss, how does one compare?

-Hell is where the Infernal comes from and infects the Fallen World, it is the Lowest place, beneath the Underworld and further down... a place refereed to Mages as the Lower Depths

-Like Loci, Verges, Hallows, and Nodes, places can be tainted, infected with the worse kind of Resonance, Sin and endless debauchery, not Vice, but the pure Evil acts of Sin (Vice to a level of excess and evil ends it contaminates the land) the places, like the Hellmouth are how Hell gains access to our world. Actual portal to Hell be opened with the rite profane rituals, we've seen it. These places are called Malus Loci.

-I have found the names of three books that reveal Infernal knowledge. They are very rare and hard to get, they are not in the Codex because they still exist and are not lost. The books are: The Beast Book, The Invisible Laceration, and the Book of St. Ezra. Maybe we can find these? We may have to use the Scholomance to get these books.. they are all bad mojo.

-The more powerful a demon wants to become, by gaining power in this world, the more ties and restrictions it must take on. Secret Names, Hierarchies, Mythologies, all tie the creatures to the world by giving fallen substance. The stuff we create about demons aren't necessarily true, the demon doesn't care. It conforms the laws laid down in order to gain more influence. It can give these up if it needs to. To become more than a whispering presence, more than an Infernally tainted Ghost or Spirit, it needs a Testament... a unholy book that lays out it's legacy. Destroy the book, or in this case the coin, and you cut off the power it draws from below. The Secret names aren't True names, but they are still powerful invocations to forge a connection or summon the demon. Secret names come in the forms of Unholy Seals, Signatures, and Spoken names.

-The age of the Testament gives us clues on how long a demon has been active in the world. They might crop up through the ages, Ancient, Generational, Established, or even brand new... the demon never gaining to influence over minds to have his Testament written down.

-Like Spirits, and Abyssal entities, True Demons have their own Language called Dragon's Tongue.

-They can infect the Shadow, The Astral, and Twilight planes as well

-All demons have a Malpraxis - Keys to their influences, such as Elemental Forces they have control over, Institutional Keys, Situational Keys, and Victims or Subjects

-They have Infernal Ranks of their power, 0-10, like Spirits. Archdemons are Rank 6... the baddest thing we ever fought was Daath at rank 8 but he fought with the power of a Rank 5... so fighting Lash's demon form would be worse than that.

-What demons want: Corruption, Desecration, Moral Degeneration, and Possession

-The Infernal wield powers called Dark Numina, and they grant Vestments to their possessed.

-The Infernal evolve and grow like Spirits, but different, the crossing point is the the creation of a Testament, that makes them the genuine Dominion

-The desecrated places can be repaired but it can take a lot of time and work. Usually, like Locis, you can help them but destroying a physical object at the center, or altering resonance of the place. Exorcisms may also be effective.

-Infernal Archdemons Demons - of course, a Mystery, Entities so wicked that all worlds but Hell itself Abhor them. They have acquired too much power as the True Lords of Hell to easily infiltrate the Mortal plane. Genuine rituals are rare but their secret names are Famous. According to this text, they can only exist physically a Malus Loci where a Hellgate has been opened... is that what the Denarians where trying to do? Based on this information I believe the Denarians are boosting and are actually Rank 5... An Infernal Noble who's possession of the coin and its bearer are the means in which it asserts influence over the world.

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